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NESA Herb Comp 09.3

NESA Herb Comp 09 Formula Clear Heat

Bai Hu Tang YM Channel Blazing Heat & Qi level febrile w/ 4 bigs (fever, thirst, pulse, sweat)
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang Qi level heat lingering in LU/ST injuring Qi & fluids w/ lingering low grade fever, insomnia
Qing Ying Tang Ying level febrile w/ high fever worse at night, severe irritable/restless
Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang Blood level febrile w/ fever, bleeding (vomit, nose, stool, urine)
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang XS Fire toxin obstructs 3 burners w/ acute high fever, carbuncles/boils/toxic swellings
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin Fire toxin & external heat w/ all types of boils & carbuncles
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang Heat lodged in LU obstructs LU Qi flow that rebels up w/ wheezing, coughing, labored breath, nasal flare
Xie Bai San Smoldering fire/constrained heat in LU w/ chronic cough, wheeze, hot skin, fever, worse in late afternoon
Xie Huang San Smoldering fire in SP w/ chronic mouth ulcers, tongue thrusting in children
Qing Wei San Heat accumulation in ST w/ acute/chronic toothache, gum ulcers
Yu Ni Jian ST Heat & KD Yin Deficiency w/ chronic toothache, irritable, fever, thirst
Dao Chi San HT/SI Channel heat w/ heat or blood Lin, beginning UTI, irritable
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Excess fire or DH in LV/GB w/ HA, tinnitus, foul smelling leucorrhea
Bai Tou Weng Hot dysentery from Heat toxin searing ST/LI w/ diarrhea blood more than pus
Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang Late stage warm febrile & smoldering in Yin regions depleting fluids w/ night fever, morning coolness
Qing Gu San Steaming bone & LV/KD Yin Deficiency w/ PM tidal fever or chronic low grade fever, heat in bones
Liu Yi San Summerheat & interior dampness w/ scanty dark urine
Created by: clehmann
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