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1003 Sprünge VL 2.1

1003 Vokabelliste 2.1

Schule school
besuchen to attend
Grundschule elementary school
Volksschule elementary school
Hauptschule secondary trade school
Realschule secondary school
Gymnasium preparatory secondary school
Gesamtschule comprehensive secondary school
Abschluß high school completion
mittlere Reife high school completion
Abitur final Gymnasium exam
Matura final Gymnasium exam
Klasse group of students
lernen to study for
büffeln to cram
pauken to cram
mogeln to cheat
spicken to cheat
unterrichten to teach
Unterricht classtime
sich informieren to get information
beraten to advise
Berater advisor
Studiumberater college advisor
Entscheidung decision
vernünftig reasonable
ernst nehmen to take seriously
berufliche Ausbildung vocational training
Azubi vocational student
Auszubildende vocational student
Lehre apprenticeship
Praktikum internship
Berufsschule vocational school
Studium college
studieren to attend college
angenommen werden to be accepted
Professor professor
Dozent lecturer
Vorlesung lecture
Kurs course
belegen to take classes
Hauptfach major
Campus campus
Gelände campus
Mensa university cafeteria
Studiengebühren tuition
Gebühren fees
ein Stipendium bekommen to receive a scholarship
BAFÖG kriegen to get government student grants
Abschluß graduation
Staatsexamen machen to take state exams
angestrebter Grad desired degree
Note grade, marks
eine Arbeit schreiben to write a paper
auswendig lernen to learn by heart
eine Prüfung schreiben to take a test
eine Prüfung bestehen to pass a test
durchfallen to fail
Arbeitswelt world of work
Beruf vocation
Karriere career
Job job
Lebenslauf resume, cv
Tätigkeiten duties
Fähigkeiten abililties
Kenntnisse knowledge
Sprachkenntnisse language skills
berufliche Erfahrung professional experience
Familienstand marital status
ledig single
verheiratet married
getrennt separated
geschieden divorced
verwitwet widowed
Nebenfach minor
Created by: simex006
Popular German sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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