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1003 Sprünge VL 2.1
1003 Vokabelliste 2.1
Question | Answer |
Schule | school |
besuchen | to attend |
Grundschule | elementary school |
Volksschule | elementary school |
Hauptschule | secondary trade school |
Realschule | secondary school |
Gymnasium | preparatory secondary school |
Gesamtschule | comprehensive secondary school |
Abschluß | high school completion |
mittlere Reife | high school completion |
Abitur | final Gymnasium exam |
Matura | final Gymnasium exam |
Klasse | group of students |
lernen | to study for |
büffeln | to cram |
pauken | to cram |
mogeln | to cheat |
spicken | to cheat |
unterrichten | to teach |
Unterricht | classtime |
sich informieren | to get information |
beraten | to advise |
Berater | advisor |
Studiumberater | college advisor |
Entscheidung | decision |
vernünftig | reasonable |
ernst nehmen | to take seriously |
berufliche Ausbildung | vocational training |
Azubi | vocational student |
Auszubildende | vocational student |
Lehre | apprenticeship |
Praktikum | internship |
Berufsschule | vocational school |
Studium | college |
studieren | to attend college |
angenommen werden | to be accepted |
Professor | professor |
Dozent | lecturer |
Vorlesung | lecture |
Kurs | course |
belegen | to take classes |
Hauptfach | major |
Campus | campus |
Gelände | campus |
Mensa | university cafeteria |
Studiengebühren | tuition |
Gebühren | fees |
ein Stipendium bekommen | to receive a scholarship |
BAFÖG kriegen | to get government student grants |
Abschluß | graduation |
Staatsexamen machen | to take state exams |
angestrebter Grad | desired degree |
Note | grade, marks |
eine Arbeit schreiben | to write a paper |
auswendig lernen | to learn by heart |
eine Prüfung schreiben | to take a test |
eine Prüfung bestehen | to pass a test |
durchfallen | to fail |
Arbeitswelt | world of work |
Beruf | vocation |
Karriere | career |
Job | job |
Lebenslauf | resume, cv |
Tätigkeiten | duties |
Fähigkeiten | abililties |
Kenntnisse | knowledge |
Sprachkenntnisse | language skills |
berufliche Erfahrung | professional experience |
Familienstand | marital status |
ledig | single |
verheiratet | married |
getrennt | separated |
geschieden | divorced |
verwitwet | widowed |
Nebenfach | minor |