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French -er Verbs

pg. 4, French Two Years

arracher to pull out
arroser to water
assister (à) to attend
cacher to hide
chasser to hunt; to chase away
couper to cut
critiquer to criticize
déclarer to declare
décoller to take off (plane)
demeurer to live
distribuer to distribute
durer to last
emballer to wrap up
embrasser to hug; kiss
enregistrer to record
épouser to marry
éviter to avoid
exprimer to express
fêter to celebrate
fonctionner to work
frapper to hit
goûter to taste
gronder to scold
laisser to leave; let
louer to rent
marcher to walk
mériter to deserve
pardonner to pardon; excuse
piloter to pilot
pleurer to cry
poser to place
quitter to leave
ramasser to pick up; collect
regretter to regret
remarquer to notice
remercier to thank
rencontrer to meet
repasser to iron
réserver to reserve
retirer to remove
saluer to greet
séjourner to stay
sembler to seem
siffler to whistle
signer to sign
sonner to ring
souhaiter to wish
surveiller to watch
terminer to end
tirer to pull
tomber to fall
tousser to cough
traverser to cross
tromper to deceive
visiter to visit
voler to steal
Created by: rbedi100
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