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Hammurabi History
Social Studies- Empires and Rulers and laws
Term | Definition |
Who is Hammurabi? | He is the king that made the Code of Hammurabi |
Whats the Code of Hammurabi? | 282 laws written to bring order and justice to the empire |
Whats Monotheism? | The worship of one god |
What was the point of Soloman's temple? | For it to be a place of worship |
Who was Soloman? | King Davids son who built a temple for him to make it a place of worship. |
what did the Lydian's invent that we still use today? | The coin |
Whats civic duty? | The responsibility of a citizen to the government |
What's harsh punishment? | Punishment that is harsher or more unpleasant then it needs to be. |
what's honesty? | Fairness or truthfulness or sticking to the facts. |
What's a hierarchy? | A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according the status or authority |