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Bill of Rights

Constitutional Amendments

1st Freedom of Speech
2nd Right to bear arms
3rd You don’t have to let soldiers live in your house, except if there is a war, and even then Congress needs to pass a law and set the rules.
4th Nobody can search your body, or your house, or your papers and things, unless they can prove to a judge that they have a good reason for the search.
5th The government can’t take your house or your farm or anything that is yours, unless the government pays for it at a fair price.
6th You have a right to have your trial soon and in public, The case has to be decided by a jury of ordinary people You have the right to know what you are accused of doing wrong
7th You also have the right to a jury when it is a civil case (a law case between two people rather than between you and the government)
8th The government can’t make you pay more than is reasonable in bail or in fines, and the government can’t inflict cruel or unusual punishments (like torture) even if you are convicted of a crime.
9th Just because these rights are listed in the Constitution doesn’t mean that you don’t have other rights too.
10th Anything that the Constitution doesn’t say that Congress can do, is left up to the states and to the people.
11th Individual cannot sue a state in a federal court
12th separate ballots for president and vice president
13th Abolish Slavery
14th If you are born or naturalized in the US then you are a citizen of the US
15th You cannot present a person from voting because of race, color or creed
16th Income tax
17th popular election of US senators
18th prohibition
19th women get the right to vote
20th president takes office on Jan. 20th instead of March 4th
21st repeal prohibition
22nd president can only serve 2 terms
23rd Washington D.C. residents can vote for president
24th Anti poll tax
25th how president turns duties over to VP due to illness
26th 18 years old get to vote
27th congress cannot accept a pay raise until next term
Created by: Amanda.Minaudo
Popular Law sets




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