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Chugar 2

Vocabulary Not In Hit Parade

DERISIVE (adj) Mocking; jeering.
INCURSION (n) An aggressive entrance into foreign territory; a raid or invasion.
HAPLESS (adj) Luckless; unfortunate.
SEDULOUS (adj) Persevering and constant in effort or application; assiduous.
ASSIDUOUS (adj) Constant in application or attention; diligent
INSULARITY (n) Narrowness or illiberality of opinion; prejudice; exclusiveness.
DROSS (n) Waste or impure matter
AGGRANDIZED (tr.v) To increase the scope of; extend; To make appear greater; exaggerate
ESTIMABLE (adj) 1. Possible to estimate. 2. Deserving of esteem; admirable:
NICE (adj) 7. Done with delicacy and skill
BOOR (n) A person with rude, clumsy manners and little refinement.
GAINSAY (tr.v) To declare false; deny.
FRACAS (n) A noisy, disorderly fight or quarrel; a brawl.
EXTENUATING (tr.v) To lessen or attempt to lessen the magnitude or seriousness of.
OCCULT (adj) Beyond the realm of human comprehension; inscrutable.alt. Hidden from view; concealed.
CORDON (n) A line of people, military posts, or ships stationed around an area to enclose or guard it.
PARSE ( To break (a sentence) down into its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactical relationship of each part.
ODIUM (n) 1. The state or quality of being odious. 2. Strong dislike, contempt, or aversion.
LIMN (tr.v.) To describe.
PHILISTINE (n) A smug, ignorant, especially middle-class person who is regarded as being indifferent or antagonistic to artistic and cultural values.
TURPITUDE (n) Depravity; baseness.
VISCID (adj) 1. Thick and adhesive. Used of a fluid. 2. Covered with a sticky or clammy coating.
LAMBASTE (tr.v.) To give a thrashing to; beat.
PECCADILLO (n) A small sin or fault.
EPITHET (n) A term used to characterize a person or thing
USURY (n) The practice of lending money and charging the borrower interest, especially at an exorbitant or illegally high rate.
EXCORIATION (n) abrasion: an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off; a harsh denunciation.
HAUGHTY (adj) Scornfully and condescendingly proud.
WHEEDLE ( To persuade or attempt to persuade by flattery or guile; cajole
ARDOR (n) Fiery intensity of feeling. Strong enthusiasm or devotion; zeal
ANTIPATHY (n) A strong feeling of aversion or repugnance.
SEDULOUS (adj) Persevering and constant in effort or application; assiduous.
DROSS (n) waste or impure matter
VOLUBILITY (adj) Marked by a ready flow of speech; fluent
SINUOUS (adj) Characterized by many curves or turns; winding
MISCREANT (n) An evildoer; a villain.
CURMUDGEON (n) An ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions.
FLAG (v) to lose enthusiasm or energy
Credulity readiness or willingness to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence
Gadfly one who annoys especially through criticism
restive marked by impatience or uneasiness
disquiet to take away the peace or tranquillity of (tr.v)
calumniate to utter maliciously false statements, charges, or imputations about
Created by: quus26
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