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What are the behavioural characteristics core competencies (5)?
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How does a BA use ethics to earn respect?
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BABOK3 9.2

9.2 Behavioural Characteristics

What are the behavioural characteristics core competencies (5)? • Ethics (p. 194), • Personal Accountability (p. 195), • Trustworthiness (p. 195), • Organization and Time Management (p. 196), and • Adaptability (p. 197).
How does a BA use ethics to earn respect? Behaving ethically and thinking of ethical impacts on others allows business analysts to earn the respect of the stakeholders.
How does a BA use ethics to reduce risk? The ability to recognize when a proposed solution or requirement may present ethical difficulties to an organization or its stakeholders is an important consideration that business analysts can use to help reduce exposure to risk.
Define Ethics. Ethics require an understanding and focus on fairness, consideration, and moral behaviour through business analysis activities and relationships.
Define ethical behaviour. Ethical behaviour includes consideration of the impact that a proposed solution can have on all stakeholder groups and working to ensure that those groups are treated as fairly as possible.
What does fair treatment require? Fair treatment does not require that the outcome be beneficial to a particular stakeholder group, but it does require that the affected stakeholders understand the reasons for decisions.
Why should a BA be aware of ethical dilemmas? Awareness of ethical issues allows business analysts to identify when ethical dilemmas occur and recommend resolutions to these dilemmas.
What are 3 measures of effective ethical behaviour? • prompt identification and resolution of ethical dilemmas, • stakeholders confirm they feel decisions and actions are transparent and fair, • decisions made with consideration of the interests of all
What are 3 other measures of effective ethical behaviour? • reasons for decisions clearly articulated and understood, • full and prompt disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, • honesty regarding one's abilities, performance of work, and accepting responsibility for failures or errors.
Why is Personal Accountability important for a BA? because it ensures business analysis tasks are completed on time and to the expectations of colleagues and stakeholders. It enables the BA to establish credibility by ensuring that business analysis efforts meet the needs of the business.
What does Personal Accountability include? plan work to achieve targets, ensure value delivered aligns with needs; chase down leads to satisfy needs; create solutions traceable to needs; identify and escalate risks and issues; ensure that decision makers have information to assess impact.
Measures of effective personal accountability include (6): work effort planned & articulated; & completed as planned; status of all work is known; stakeholders feel work is organized; risks and issues identified and acted on; traceable requirements delivered on time, stakeholder needs met.
What is the purpose of Trustworthiness? Earning the trust of stakeholders helps business analysts elicit business analysis information around sensitive issues and enables them to help stakeholders have confidence that their recommendations will be evaluated properly and fairly.
Describe Trustworthiness The perception that one is worthy of trust. A business analyst being considered trustworthy may offset the natural fear of change experienced by many stakeholders.
How can a BA encourage colleagues and stakeholders to believe they are dependent and diligent? By intentionally and consistently completing tasks and deliverables on time, within budget, and achieving expected results.
How can a BA encourage colleagues and stakeholders to consider their demeanour strong? By presenting a consistent attitude of confidence.
How can a BA encourage colleagues and stakeholders to consider their morals as being honest and transparent? By acting in an honest and straightforward manner, addressing conflict and concerns immediately.
How can a BA encourage colleagues and stakeholders to consider their availability predictable and reliable? By maintaining a consistent schedule over a long period of time.
6 measures of trustworthiness are indicated when stakeholders... Involve the BA in discussions & decision making; bring issues & concerns to the BA; are willing to discuss difficult/ controversial topics with the BA; do not blame the BA when problems occur; respect/respond positively to the BA's ideas & referrals.
Purpose of Organisation and Time Management skills Organization and time management skills help business analysts perform tasks effectively and use work time efficiently.
What does Organisation and Time Management involve? The ability to prioritize tasks, perform them efficiently, and manage time effectively
How should BAs organise the significant quantities of information they are constantly acquiring and accumulating? Information must be organized and stored efficiently so that it can be used and reused at a later date. Important information should be differentiated from less important.
What does effective time management require? The ability to prioritize tasks and deadlines.
What are some techniques of organisation (4)? Techniques of organization include establishing short- and long-term goals, action plans, prioritizing tasks, and utilizing a checklist.
What are some techniques for effective time management (4)? Techniques for effective time management include establishing time limits on non-critical tasks, focusing more time on high risk and priority tasks, setting aside focus time, and managing potential interruptions.
Measures of effective organization and time management - stakeholders feel that (3)... • the business analyst focuses on the correct tasks at the right time, • the schedule of work effort and deadlines is managed and communicated to them • their time in meetings and in reading communications is well spent,
Measures of effective organization and time management - the BA produces and provides (2)... • deliverables in a timely manner • provides accurate, thorough, and concise information in a logical manner which is understood by stakeholders, and
Measures of effective organization and time management - the BA adheres to and maintains (2)... • adherence to the project schedule and the meeting of deadlines, • maintains up-to-date information on the status of each work item and all outstanding work.
Measures of effective organization and time management - the BA completes and captures(2)... • complete preparation for meetings, interviews, and requirements workshops, • relevant business analysis information is captured, organized, and documented,
Why does a BA need to be adaptable? BAs work in rapidly changing environments and with a variety of stakeholders. They adjust their behavioural style and method of approach to increase their effectiveness when interacting with different stakeholders, organizations, and situations.
What is Adaptability? Ability to change techniques, style, methods, and approach. Willingness to interact with and complete tasks in a manner preferable to the stakeholders. Having the curiosity to learn what others need and possessing the courage to try a different behaviour.
Why would a BA modify the way they interact with stakeholders? Ability to determine which techniques (eg visual, text based, chalk n talk) will work and which will not, and then adapt accordingly increases the likelihood of a successful interaction.
What is VAKOG? visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, olfactory and gustatory. The latter two there refer to smell and taste.
What does a BA do when the goals and objectives of the organisation change? Accept the changes and adapt to a new mandate.
What does a BA do when it all goes pear-shaped? When circumstances arise or unanticipated problems occur, business analysts adapt by altering their plans and identifying options that can be used to deliver maximum value.
Measures of effective adaptability include demonstrating... • the courage to act differently from others, • a positive attitude in the face of ambiguity and change, • a willingness to learn new methods, procedures, or techniques in order to accomplish goals and objectives
Measures of effective adaptability include adapting... • to changing conditions and environments, • behaviour to perform effectively under changing or unclear conditions, • interpersonal style to highly diverse individuals and groups in a range of situations
Measures of effective adaptability to new perspectives include... • valuing and considering other points of view and approaches, • acquiring and applying new information and skills to address new challenges
Measures of effective adaptability for dealing with organisational issues include... • acceptance of having changes made to tasks, roles and project assignments as organizational realities change, • evaluating what worked, what did not, and what could be done differently next time.
Created by: Tarka
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