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Psy chapt 4

Psychology chapter 4

consciousness One’s subjective experience of the world, resulting from brain activity.
change blindness A failure to notice large changes in one’s environment.
subliminal perception  The processing of information by sensory systems without conscious awareness.
circadian rhythms  Biological patterns that occur at regular intervals as a function of time of day.
REM sleep The stage of sleep marked by rapid eye movements, dreaming, and paralysis of motor systems.
insomnia A disorder characterized by an inability to sleep.
obstructive sleep apnea A disorder in which a person, while asleep, stops breathing because his or her throat closes; the condition results in frequent awakenings during the night.
narcolepsy A sleep disorder in which people experience excessive sleepiness during normal waking hours, sometimes going limp and collapsing.
dreams Products of an altered state of consciousness in which images and fantasies are confused with reality.
activation-synthesis theory A theory of dreaming; this theory proposes that the brain tries to make sense of random brain activity that occurs during sleep by synthesizing the activity with stored memories.
hypnosis A social interaction during which a person, responding to suggestions, experiences changes in memory, perception, and/or voluntary action.
meditation A mental procedure that focuses attention on an external object or on a sense of awareness.
addiction Drug use that remains compulsive despite its negative consequences.
Stimulants Increase behavioral and mental activity
Depressants Decrease behavioral and mental activity
Opiates/ narcotics Reude the experience of pain
Hallucinogens/ psychedelics Alter thoughts or perceptions
Combination Mixed effects
Created by: Haleyannestes
Popular Physiology sets




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