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Intro & Data

Lesson 1-2 Introduction & Data Collection

The plan making process includes Goals and visions; Analysis of current problems; and Creation and evaluation of alternatives.
Survey A research method that allows one to collect data on a topic that cannot be directly observed, such as opinions on downtown retailing opportunities.
Cross-sectional Survey Gathers information about a population at a single point in time
Primary Data Data that is created; survey, observations or other methods
Secondary Data Existing data (e.g. US Census)
Longitudinal surveys Involves repeated observations of the same variables over a long period of time
Written Surveys Obtain information from a broad audience; can be used in newspaper, mailed or administered in a group
Pros of Written Survey Low cost
Cons of Written Survey Low response rate, 20% May not be appropriate for seniors, non-English speaking or illiterate
Group-administered Surveys Appropriate when there is a specific population that a planner is trying to target.
Pros/Cons of Group-Administered Surveys High and quick response rate Difficult administering survey Small sample size
Drop-off Survey Allows the survey to be dropped off at someone's residence of business
Pros/Cons of Drop-Off Survey Higher response rate than mail survey Expensive
Oral Surveys Administered on the phone or in person
Pros of a Phone Survey Useful for yes/no answers Interviewer to follow up and gain further explanation on answers Response rate varies
Cons of Phone Survey Expensive Interviewer can be biased Long or multiple answered questions are difficult to administer
Online Surveys Can be administered over website, email or text
Pros of an Online Survey Higher response rate Inexpensive
Cons of Online Survey Will not be able to reach those without internet access
Sampling A statistical procedure that is concerned with the selection of the individual observation; accurate representation of a population
Convenience Sampling Uses individuals that are readily available
Volunteer Sample Made up of people who are self-selection
Random Sampling Everyone has a chance of being selected to participate
Stratified Sampling Divides the population into groups, known as classes, from which a sample is drawn
Created by: amshinn18
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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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