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Star Wars

What jedi has green tentacles and black eyes? Kit Fisto
Which jedi has a mask he/she wheres? Plo Koon
Which jedi has a big lumpy head ? Ki-aid-mundi
Which jedi is a girl with 2 blue tentacles ? Aayla Secura
Kylo Ren's real name is... Ben Solo
How old was Yoda when he died? 1,000
What Jedi has 2 doulble bladed lightsabers Pong Krell
What planet is Nien Nunb from Sullust
Where do the Ewoks live The Forest moon of Endor
What planet was the first place Anakin fought Asajj Ventrace Yavin 4
What sith has a ax and a double bladed lightsaber Savage Opress
Who is Rey's uncle Luke Skywalker
What is Luke's whole family? Owen and Beru Lars, Anakin Skywalker, Pademe, Shmi Skywalker, Leia. Maybe Han
In A New Hope what droid was originaly going to be bought by Luke Skywalker R5-D4
Who is Kylo Ren's uncle Luke Skywalker
Does Anakin have a father NO
What droid did Obi-Wan use in Revenge of the Sith R4-G9
What movie did Yoda say, "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate... leads to suffering," Attack of the Clones
What planet was Sabine born on Mandalore
What PLANET did Luke and Vader meet when luke was hand-cuffed Endor
What two jedi have a connection with each other Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura
What sith is count dooku's 2nd apprentice Savage Opress
What sith is count dooku's 1st apprentice Asajj Ventrace
What was Sidiou's 1st apprentice Darth Maul
What species is Yoda Unknown
Who is Yaddle a jedi who looks like Yoda
What was the planet that Qui-Gon Jinn died Naboo
What is another name for Supreme leader snoke darth plagueis
Why can't Vader shoot lightning bolts Because he has a robot hand
What weapon does a battle droid use a E-5 blaster
What weapon does a clonetrooper use DC-15 blaster
What is a AT-AT All Terrain Armored Transport
What is a AT-ST All Terrain Scout Transport
What is a STAP Single Trooper Aerial Platforms
What does Darth Vader mean Dark Father
Created by: KyloBen5555



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