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Buen Viaje lll Paises Andinos

agrio(a) sour
caluroso(a) hot (climate)
escaso(a) scarce
lluvioso(a) rainy
nevado(a) snow-covered
cultivar to cultivate
la papa the potato
la precipitacion the precipitation
el choclo corn
el balcón balcony
el criollo(a) Creole
la cuerda string (instrument)
el/la indígena indigenous person
la madera wood
la materia prima raw material
el nudo knot
el oro gold
el piso apartment
la plata silver
la plaza town square
el quipu a systen of cords and knots used by indigenous people of Peru to count
el tejido weave
acomadado(a) well-off; rich
bello beautiful
colonial colonial
apoyar to support
contar(ue) to count
situarse to be situated
soler(ue) tend to
subyugar to subjugate
tejer to weave
el/la tejedor(a) weaver
el bolsillo pocket
la cartera wallet
el/la carterista pickpocket
la comisaría police station
el crimen crime
la denuncia report (police)
el robo robbery
la víctima victim
empujar to push
quitar to take off; remove
robar to rob
mientras while
la ceniza ash
el cielo shy
la destrucción destruction
esperar to hope
la erupción erruption
el/la habitante inhabitant
el hango mushroom
el puebla town
la tregua truce
el volcán volcano
cubierto(a) covered
despejado(a) clear (weather)
violento(a) violent
volcánico(a) volcanic
alcanzar to reach
causar to cause
desvanecer to dissipate
reubicar to relocate
ubicar to be located
el consejo advice
la sonrisa smile
la viuda widow
acogedor welcoming (personality)
agradable pleasant
mayor elderlu; older
donar to donate
renegar(ie) to deny
respetar to respect
Created by: 11jrojas
Popular Spanish sets




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