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The Power Process: "Notice your pictures and let them go" states that mental pictures are useless.
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CSS Test #2

Ch. 4, 5, 6

The Power Process: "Notice your pictures and let them go" states that mental pictures are useless. False
Muscle Reading is designed to: Increase your energy and skill as a reader
You must complete all of the steps of Muscle Reading to get the most out of any reading assignment False
The steps in Phase 1 of Muscle Reading takes place: Before you read
The Corson technique includes: 1. Asking yourself: What exactly do I not understand? 2.Locating the first sentence, paragraph, or page in a reading assignment that confuses you 3. Spending 15 min to overcome your confusion 4. Keeping a record of what you do to overcome your confusi
According to the test, effective alternatives to "speed reading" included: 1. Becoming a flecible reader 2. Psuedo-skimming 3. Reading widely 4.Reading wisely
To get the most benefit from marking a book, underline at least 33 percent of the text False 10%
The primary-recency effect suggests that we most easily remember: The middle items in any presentation
The part of a word with its core meaning is the: Root
Information literacy is a skill that includes 1. Finding information from appropriate sources 2. Evaluating information 3. Organizing information 4. Using information to achieve a purpose
Muscle Reading Phases Phase 1: Before you read (preview, outline, question) Phase 2: While you read (focus, flag answers) Phase 3: After you read (recite, review, review again)
The Power Process: "I create it all" is: A reminder that you can choose your response to an event-- even when the event itself is beyond your control
According to the text, tools for note taking are worthless unless you: 1. Participate as an energetic observer in class 2. Review your notes after class
To "Be Here Now" when taking notes in class, remember to: Accept your wandering mind and refocus your attention
The suggested strategies for note taking includes both "postponed debate" and "think critically about what you hear": True
The note-taking method that's based on using a cue column is called the ____________ method Cornell
To take effective notes, avoid combining mind mapping with any other note-taking mathod False
The suggested strategies for mind mapping include 1. Give yourself plenty of room 2. Use key words only 3. Put the main concept in the center 4. Create links
Using roman numerals is only one way to create different levels of headings in an outline True
The notes that you take when preparing to write a paper are called: Research Notes
The suggested strategies for taking notes during a meeting include recording the: (4 A's of note taking) 1. Names of people Attending 2. Agenda 3.Agreements reached during the meeting 4. Actions that people committed to take after the meeting
Active Reader v Passive Reader Active readers what to learn something while Passive readers just want to get through
According to the Power Process in this chapter, detaching is not the same as giving up True
Strategies for detaching include: 1. Pay attention to your thoughts and physical sensations 2. Practice relaxation 3. Zoom out to a bigger picture
According to the text, test scores are accurate measures of what you actually learn in a course False
According to the text saying that you plan to "study" for a test is a powerful intention False
A study checklist is: A to-do list that includes exactly what you will use to practice for a test
It is not a good idea to ask instructors about what a future test will include False
One recommended strategy for answering a multiple choice question is to read all of the possible answers before answering the question in your head False
The presence of absolute qualifiers-such as always or never- often indicates a false statement True
Suggestions for taking essay tests include: 1. Find out what an essay question is asking-precisely 2. Make a quick outline before you write 3. Get to the point in the first paragraph of your answer 4. Write legibly
People who are skilled at stress management remember that: A little tension before a test is fine
Created by: katlin_russell



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