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Modern Euro

French Revolution 1789-1815
Crisis of French Monarchy was.... debt, conflict with aristocrats, bad tax
Monarchy emerged.... From 7 years war
heaviest tax was on peasents
Parlements court system
René Maupeou Chancellor who abolished parlements
Louis XVI brought back Parlements
Parlements were dominated by Aristocracy who used Enlightenment terms to defend their cause
Marie Antoinette was Austrian
People were ________ towards Marie Antoinette prurient, misogynist, xenophobic
Palace in French countryside Versailles
Jaques Necker Royal director+general of finances who exposed Aristocrats spending
Charles Alexandre de Calonne encouraged internal trade to lower tax
gabelle tax on salt
Charles Loménie Brienne replaced Charles Alexandre de Calonne
First Estates General Clergy
Second Estates General Nobility
Third Estates General All other adult men in Kingdom
The Third Estate would not permit _____ A Monarchy
The Third Estate divided up into_______ Jaqobins
"Third Estate is Everything but they are nothing and they want to be something" Priest Abbé Siéyes
The Third Estate was eventually_____ by the Royal Council doubled
Complaints brought to the Royal Palace Cahiers de Doléances
National Assembly Third Estate invites nobles and clergy to create NA
Constitution made by LouisXVI and 3rd Estate for France The Oath of the Tennis Court
After Tennis Court Oath, National Assembly becomes ____ Constituent Assembly
Marquis de Lafayette led the_______ and founded_______ Fall of Bastille and founded French colors
Moment when Ancien Regime was abolished The Great Fear
during Great Fear, Aristocrats____________ Surrendered some of their rights
After Great Fear, NCA published_______ The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
All citizen after Great Fear were______ Equal before the Law
Rights after Great Fear were______ liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression
Due Process of Law=____ Presumption of innocence until proven guilty
Equal Taxation For all
This challenged social inequalities of life Civic Equality
This allowed people to vote for who ruled them Popular Sovereignty
Parisian Women's March on Versailles October 5th 7,000 armed women matched on Versailles demanding more bread
Price of bread went down after____ Parisian Women's March on Versailles
Citizens Divided into _____ and _____ categories Active and Passive
Active Citizens men pay taxes=3 days of labor and they could vote
Active citizens chose _____ to _______ for members of _______ electors, vote, legislative
50,000 our of 25 million men qualified for being________ Electors or members of Legislative
______ wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Women Olympe de Gouges
The Declaration of the Rights of Women was addressed to ______ Marie Antionette
Women should be able to own _______ stated in DRW Property
Départements replaced ____ French Provinces
Economic Policy introduced _____ The Metric System
Assembly took and then sold Church Lands of Roman Catholic Church in France Confiscation of Church Lands
Government bonds that guaranteed value from sale of Church Property were called ______ The Assignats
NCA transformed the Roman Catholic Church into branch of the secular state and bishops and pastors were now employees of the state The Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Leopard II issued monarchs to protect royal family Declaration of Pillnitz
Group that didn't want the king Girondists
Final Defeat of France was the _______ Battle of Waterloo
Women lead by ____ to declare right to bear arms Pauline Léon
group of five men who held the executive power in France according to the constitution The Directory
First French Republic Lasted 4 years
Lower Chamber Council of 500
Upper Chamber Council of Ancients (over age 40)
Bonaparte put down royalist mod with _______ "with a whiff of a grapeshot"
"Learn nothing and Forget Nothing" Shut out Bourbon Declaration of Verona
Corsica, Jacobin, crossed Alps, Napoleon Bonaparte
Bonaparte Established a ______ Republic in Po Valley "Cisalpine"
Prospects for Peace Royalists Were the Peace Party
The _______ attempted to fix internal/external problems in France Coup d'état of Fructidor
The ______ signed, by Austria, allowed the French to incorporate the Left Bank of Rhine Campo Formio
Left Bank of Rhine was ____ occupied by German Princes
This had scientific rev/enlightenment ideas and led France to a form of Enlightened Despotism The Consulate
Under Bonaparte's rule the ______ made decisions for the French State First Council
Individual capacity to obtain employment "Careers Open to Talent"
The fall of the First and Second Coalition led to the ______ Formation of the French Imperial System
The Second Coalition collapsed because of the ____ signed by ____ Peace of Lunéville..... Austria
Clemens von Metternich Austrian Foreign Minister
Austria allied with Britain Formation of the 3rd Coalition / Not Prussia
Bonaparte took Venetia from Austrians Peace of Tilsit
Austria/Britain against Bonaprte Austrian Wars of Liberation
Bonaparte Married _____ Marie Louise
_______ Becomes Prince of Bevento and Bourgeois Fouché Talleyrand
Joseph Fouché was a _____ Prefect
Because you are different, you are either better or worse Nationalism
volk= folk
Tugenbund= moral and Scientific League
'Father John' was a ______ Gymnast and antisemetic
______ was the Center of all German Movement Prussia
Congress of Vienna consisted oif these Nations Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Britain
British want ______ and ________ Peace and Balance of Power
________ Prussians came in last minute to help Austria defeat France in the Battle of Waterloo (2)
Nationalism was feared by the Hapsburgs and Metternich
Consrervitive order was ______ Anti-Enlightenment
Modernization, Liberalism, Romanticism, Sicalism, Marxism start in Englland
Liberalism= Natural rights of individual-- against mercantilism
Prussia coveted Saxony
Russia Wanted Paris and Poland
Austria wanted Poland-more land
Romanticism Rejection of Enlightenment Principles
Capitalism use of a capital- possession of property seen as basis of independence and political liberty
Industrial Revolution started in Manchester
Indust. Rev meant political stability, demographic recovery, entrepreneurs and investment
steam- locomotive
______ written by Karl Marx and Engles The Communist Manifesto
2 groups mentioned in Manifesto Proletarians and Bourgeoisie
Secret group of Germans in Exile The Communist Leauge
Marxism believe there needs to be a social Revolution
Socialism not scientific- new classes from industrialization
Socialists ________ as it was and were concerned with ____ rejected the world...... alienation
socialism and ______ can exist together Capitalism
socialism and ______ cannot exist together Communism/Marxism
Socialists who envisioned perfect communities Utopian Socialism
not redistribution of wealth but management of it Saint Simonianism
environmental phycology Owenism
Feminism Fourierism
Wrote "Organization of Labor" Louis Blanc
Hagel believed in... ideas
Marx believed in.... conditions
____ was value to Marx Labor
grew out of earlier forms of absolutism secular but favored religious toleration centralizing institution of monarchy Enlightened Despotism
and tax generally only paid by peasants taille
denied that the free market could adequately produce and distribute goods the way classical economists claimed Socialists/socialism
a call to action -said that workers were deprived of wealth they themselves had created -called the state a committee of the bourgeois for the exploitation of the people -religion was a drug to keep the worker thinking of heavenly rewards Communist Manifesto
expected the course of history to lead to a free and democratic society instead of the existing Prussian state Hegel had maintained Young Hegelians
The Condition of the Working Classes in England was written by Engles
population of 600,00 in Paris all rioting after bread prices went up -Parisians stormed Bastille for weapons for the militia Fall of Bastille
-military requisition on entire population -conscripted males into the army -directed economic production on to military purposes Levée en Masse
member of the Committee of Public Safety who ordered the Levée en Masse Lazare Cornot
condemned reconstruction of French administration -predicted possible deaths of Louis and Marie Antionette -forecasted the revolution ending in military despotism Edmund Burke
Wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France Eddy Burke
The British Ten Hours Act mainly concerned the labor of women and children in British factores.
A major cause of the Industrial Revolution was the? increase in population.
Government policy was an important part of early industrialization for all of the following reasons EXCEPT? social welfare programs for workers.
According the the Classical Economists' "Iron Law of Wages"?: if a worker received more than a subsistence wage, he/she would breed more children who would eat up the surplus.
the major purpose of the Corn Laws in Britain in the early 1800s to protect the interests of British grain producers.
One reason why the factory system replaced the domestic system in England was that neither water power nor steam power could be used efficiently in the home.
The Industrial Revolution in Britain was in a large part inspired by entrepreneuers who sought and accepted new manufacturing methods and inventions
physically attacked machines they believed adversely affected their livelihood. The Luddites
Napoleon's purpose in instituting the Continental System was to defeat England through economic war
In general, Napoleon championed equality under the law but not political freedom
Why is it significant that Napoleon crowned himself as emperor of the First French Empire in 1804 it had no significance.
What was the direct cause of the rebellions in Latin America in the first part of the 19c Napoleon's invasion of Spain.
The Quadruple Alliance included all of the following European powers EXCEPT Italy
Napoleon joined the....... Jacobins shortly after the French Revolution
Napoleon's conquest of Spain doomed its American empire by allowing the colonies to govern themselves for six years
How did Napoleon deal with the Holy Roman Empire? he replaced the empire with the Confederation of the Rhine
After the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era, France was... divided into departments rather than provinces
Which country was NOT ruled by a member of the Bonaparte family during the first decade of the 19c? Prussia
For Rousseau, what was the main source of inequality and the chief cause of crime? Private Property
The most important contribution Catherine the Great made early in her reign was the? establishment of a legislative commission to review the laws of Russia.
All of the following are considered major factors that fostered the ideals of the Enlightenment EXCEPT the colonial worldview.
Many 18c philosophes believed that governmental reform would be accomplished by? benevolent absolutist monarchs
The ideas of the Enlightenment challenged the long-term assumptions about sovereignty and instead proposed that? governments are bound to the will of the people
the following CANNOT be said of the 18c Enlightenment? it reflected acceptance of social inequities and injustices as inevitable effects of the natural law
The Enlightenment was based upon the assumption that science and reason can explain all things
The recognized capital of the Enlightenment was Paris
Rousseau's most important concept in The Social Contract was that... government must be based on voluntary participation by citizens, not simply by the accident of history or inheritance
Recent scholarship suggests that the enlightened despots of Europe? were affected little by Enlightenment ideas
18c British nobility differed from 18c French nobility in that? the English aristocracy accepted the social and political responsibilities of their position and participated more directly in running their government
Peasant life in 18c Europe was characterized by? vulnerability to rising taxes and rents.
The artistic movement that replaced the Baroque during the Enlightenment was? Rococo
In 18c England, the greatest threat to the economic security of small farmers was? the Enclosure Movement.
Economic and social life among the mass of people under the Ancien Regime of the 18c still primarily focused around? the harvest
Created by: ksmall1
Popular European History sets




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