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School description

Describing your school

¿Qué instalaciones hay en tu instituto? What facilities are there in your school?
Mi insti tiene… my school has
muchas aulas many classrooms
una biblioteca a library
un comedor a canteen
un gimnasio a gym
una piscina a swimming pool
un laboratorio a laboratory
un campo de fútbol a football pitch
un salón de actos a hall
una pista de tenis a tennis court
un patio a playground
Mi instituto / colegio es… my school is
mixto mixed
masculino / femenino for boys/for girls
público / privado public/private
Tiene… it has
(mil quinientos) alumnos y 1500 students
(cincuenta) profesores 50 teachers
El edificio es… the building is
Los edificios son… the buildings are
nuevo(s) / antiguo(s) / new/old
moderno(s) / amplio(s) / modern/large
pequeño(s) / feo(s) / small/ugly
atractivo(s) nice/attractive
lo bueno / malo es que… the good thing is that ../the bad thing is that...
lo mejor es.. The best thing is ...
no hay (ni… ni…) there is no.. nor
nada nothing
tampoco neither
En mi escuela primaria… In my primary school
había…/no había there was../There was no..
exámenes exams
deberes homework
instalaciones (deportivas) sport facilities
actividades extraescolares extra-curricular activities
la educación infantil pre-school education
la educación primaria primary school education
la educación secundaria secondary education
el bachillerato Alevel
el instituto high school
la formación profesional professional training/vocational traning
Lo peor ew The worst thing is ...
I love my school Me encanta mi insti
I don't like my school No me gusta mi insti
Pienso que es I think that it is...
In my opinion En mi opinion
Created by: msayarh
Popular Spanish sets




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