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NM History
Term | Definition |
John Collier | Fed agent who attempted to give Natives in NM more independence. |
Dennis Chavez | Alb politician in 1930s who brought federal money to NM. Senator and connections in Washington did him good. |
Nina Otero- Warren | Influential and well- educated advocate for 19th Amendment in NM. |
Soledad Chavez de Chacon | First acting governor in US who was a woman, governor for 16 days. |
Franklin Delano Roosevelt | Democratic president who oversaw the passage and administration of the New Deal. |
Mack Carmichael | Lawman who was killed when a mob of unemployed miners protested their evictions. |
NIRA | Law that allowed workers in US to form unions to negotiate better wages. |
Gallup National Miners Union | Troubled NM labor union that lost struggle in McKinley county. |
Bursum Bill | Proposed law that Pueblo lands would go to white settlers. |
Hoover | Blamed for advent of Great Depression. |
Bronson Cutting | Politician who died resulting in Democratic opponent. |
Taylor Grazing Act | Policy to limit environmental damage in 1930s. |
Jim Crow Laws | Policies that white and black segregated; KKK. |
Smoot- Hawley Tariff | Attempted to stem loss of American jobs by taxing foreign products resulting in trade war. |