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How should a vessels registration number and validation decal be displayed?
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What is most important when selecting the right type of PFD for a passenger?
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NJ Boaters Exam

How should a vessels registration number and validation decal be displayed? On both sides of the bow of the boat
What is most important when selecting the right type of PFD for a passenger? The passengers bodyweight and chest size
What important safety information is found on a boats capacity plate? Maximum weight and or number of people the boat can carry safely
What is the best way to find out about hazards on a local waterway? consult a nautical map
According to New Jersey law what is the minimum age required to operate a personal watercraft PWC if an approved boating course has been successfully completed? 16 years old
Which type of PFD will turn most unconscious persons face up in the water? Type I: offshore life jacket
Everyone on board a vessel should understand basic safety practices. Who is responsible for ensuring this? The vessel operator
Where is the best place to store a fire extinguisher on a boat? Mounted in an accessible location
When should a life jacket be discarded and replaced? When it is slightly torn
What effect does alcohol have when you are operating a vessel? Increases the likelihood of accidents
When boating on a federally controlled waters in an 18 foot boat what equipment are you legally required to have onboard? US Coast Guard approved visual distress signals
What sound producing device(s) is required when boating on New Jersey waters in an 18 foot powerboat? A whistle or horn
Which of these provides a warning that dangerous weather is approaching? Dark clouds and shifting winds
What is one part of a regular basil and engine maintenance program? Checking the oil level before every outing
How should you approach the dock when docking your bass off? Against the wind or current whichever is stronger
What should you do before fueling your boat? Turn off the engine and close all windows ports doors and other openings to keep gas fumes out of the boat
Where should your trailer be located while you transfer your gear to the vessel and remove the tiedown straps? well away from the boat ramps
How can propeller strike accidents be avoided? Turn off the engine when passengers are boarding
Which of the following is a reason that a boat operator maybe directed by an officer to return to shore? Not having enough personal flotation devices on board
What is the best way to minimize the risk of drowning while boating? Have everyone wear an appropriate life jacket at all times
How can you prevent transporting nuisance species (plants or animals) with your vessel from one waterway to another? remove any zebra mussels you see before leaving the body of water
What should the vessel operator tell everyone on board before departing? Where to find the PFDs and visual distress signals
What is the main function of an ignition safety switch? To shut off the engine if the operator is thrown overboard
In New Jersey how far must a vessel operating at more than “slow speed no wake” stay from a marina pier dock or wharf? 200 feet
How does the effect of alcohol consumed while boating compare to the effect on land? Much greater effect while boating
Which is true about operating a boat in New Jersey while intoxicated? By boating on New Jersey waters a vessel operator has consented to alcohol testing
When two vessels are operating in the same general area who is responsible for avoiding a collision? The operators of both vessels
How do you know when you are operating your basketball at a safe speed? You have a Enough time to avoid a collision
What is the main purpose of the lateral system of red and green buoys and markers? to mark the edges of safe water areas
According to New Jersey boating law which of these is legal? operating at “slow speed no wake” when passing anchored vessels
When is a sailboat under sail the give-way vessel when encountering a power driven vessel? when the sailboat is overtaking the power driven vessel
What should a vessel operator do to make sure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency? Conduct an emergency drill with the passengers
According to New Jersey law who must be on board in addition to the operator if a vessel is towing a skier? A confident observer in a position to observe the progress of the person being towed
What is indicated by a white marker with an orange crossed diamond and black lettering? Exclusion or keep out area such as a dam
Why is carbon monoxide gas dangerous? You said it is colorless odorless and tasteless and can be fatal
A recreational vessel that is approaching a US Navy vessel. At what distance from the US Navy vessel must the recreational vessel slow to minimum speed? 500 yards
What must an owner do before allowing others to operate his or her vessel? Make sure they know how to operate it safely
What should you do to reduce the risk of falling overboard? Keep your center of gravity low
What should a motor boat operator do when someone is being pulled into the boat from the water? Turn off the engine
What is the first action required of a boat operator who witnesses a boating accident? To provide assistance
When are you required to report a boating accident to the New Jersey State police? damage to your boat is more than $2000 as the result of a boating accident
Under which condition is a person at the greatest risk of developing hypothermia? when being immersed in Cold water
What should you do immediately if a boat motor catches on fire? Shut off the fuel supply
If you're inboard/outboard boat runs aground what action should you take in addition to shifting the wait away from the point of impact? Stop the engine and left the outdrive
Which of the following may cause the loss of steering ability in a PWC? Letting off the throttle control
According to New Jersey law how old must a person be to operate a vessel 12 feet in length or greater and powered by a motor less than 10 hp? 13 years of age
According to New Jersey law when is it legal to tow a person behind a boat on waterskis or other device? Between sunrise and sunset
What should a vessel operator do to keep a proper lookout? Watch for navigational hazards
Which of the following is a legal operation of a PWC in New Jersey? Operating at minimum headway speed while 100 feet from a shoreline
According to New Jersey law during what hours is it illegal to operate a personal watercraft? Between Sunset and sunrise
Why should a vessel operator keep a proper lookout? To avoid collisions
What should paddlers do to protect against capsizing their canoe or kayak? Keep a low center of gravity and three points of contact
What should anglers and hunters do when they are fishing or hunting from a boat? Wear a life jacket at all times
According to New Jersey law children of what age are required to wear a life jacket while on the open deck of a vessel that is underway? Those that are 12 years old and younger
What determines if a speed is safe for your boat? Visibility conditions
What should the operators of a PWC and a motorboat do when approaching head on? Both vessels should turn to starboard or right
When must navigation lights be displayed? from sunset to sunrise and when visibility is restricted
What could happen if you anchor a boat from the stern? The boat could swamp
Visibility is restricted due to fog. What should the vessel operator do to avoid the risk of a collision? Reduce speed to the minimum needed to stay on course
What should you do if you fall overboard into Cold water? Try to reboard your boat or anything else still floating
Created by: Mrslynn5th



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