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CAM Internal Disease

S/S Wind Stroke: Tense Syndrome Due to Wind stirred by LYR together with phlegm. S/S: Falling down in a fit with loss of consciousness, closed hands, clenching jaw, other excess s/s, red tongue w/ thick yellow coat, S-T, rolling, forceful pulse
S/S Wind Stroke: Flaccid Syndrome Due to weakness of primary Qi. S/S: Falling down in fit, sudden loss of consciousness, w/ mouth agape, eyes closed, flaccid paralysis, incontinence, thready, flaccid tongue, weak pulse, or in severe cases rough, fading or big and floating pulse.
Points for Wind Stroke: Tense Syndrome Jing well (prick to bleed)= resuscitation/regain consc. D 20, D 26 (reg DU/resuscitate), S 40 (SP/S ph), Liv 3 (subdue ^ surge of qi in Liv ch), K 1 (heat down), Clenched jaw: S 7, S 6, LI 4 Aphasia: D 15, Ren 23 (local), H 5 (luo)
Points for Wind Stroke: Flaccid Syndrome Moxa to Ren to restore yang collapse, R 8, R 6, R 4 (Ren 4 is meeting point of Ren & 3 yin channels, can strengthen primary Qi/activate yang)
Wind Stroke: Attack Meridians and Collaterals S/S? S/S: Hempiplegia, numbness of limbs, dizziness, vertigo, twitching, red eyes, face twitch, irritable, S-T rolling pulse
Wind Stroke: Attack Meridians and Collaterals Pathology? Only Meridians and Collaterals attacked not internal organs OR after zang fu fxn is restored and their is still stag of Qi and Blood in meridians. W-phlegm blocks collaterals and retards cirrculation
Points for Wind Stroke: Attack Meridians and Collaterals D 20, B 7, D 16(elim. wind, remove obst), LI 15, LI 11, SJ 5, LI 4, lower limbs: G 30, G 34, S 36, S 41. For upward wind-yang: reduce G 20, Liv 3, reinforce K 3, Sp 6. For xs fire in HT or Liver: reduce P7, Liv 2, reinforce K3. Deviated mouth: S 4, S 6
Western Dx for Wind Stroke Cerebral hemorrage, thrombosis, embolism, subarachnoid hemmorhage
Prevention of Wind Stroke old age wit Qi def and phlegm or LYR adjust diet and lifestyle. Frequent Moxa S 36 and G 39.
S/S Syncope: Deficiency Feeble breathing with mouth agape, spont sweats, pallor, cold limbs, deep and thready pulse = Def of vital Qi!
S/S Syncope: Excess Loss of consciousness, Course breathing, rigid limbs, clenched jaws, deep and excess-type pulse, usually after fit of anger
TCM Differential Dx for sudden loss of consciousness? Syncope, Wind-Stroke, Epilepsy
Points for Syncope: Deficiency Du 26 (resusc./LBpain/trauma/facial edema), DU 20, P 6, Ren 6, S 36 (^Qi). Du and PC selected to promote resuscitation, reinforce Qi and invigorate Yang; acu and moxa.
Points for Syncope: Excess Du 26, LI 4 (V Qi), P 9(resusc), P 8(clear mind/smooth Qi/B), Liv 3(V Qi), K 1(clear mind/smooth Qi/B). Reducing method on Du and PC selected to promote resuscitation & regulate Qi.
Western Dx for Syncope? Fainting, Postural hypotension, hypoglycemia, hysteria
S/S Sunstroke (invasion of summer heat) Mild type H/A, profuse sweat, hot skin, coarse breathing, dry mouth and tongue, THIRST!, superficial large rapid pulse (beware! summerheat can rapidly penetrate the interior)
S/S Sunstroke (invasion of summer heat) Severe type H/A, Dire thirst, SOB at first and then collapse, loss of consciousness, sweating, deep forceless pulse
Points for Sunstroke (invasion of summer heat) Mild type Reduce Du, P & LI to eliminate summer heat. Du 14 (all yang mtg), P 6 (luo/V fire/protect H), Li 11 (H+SH), B 40 (LBpain/skin issues=+SP 10+LI 11)
Points for Sunstroke (invasion of summer heat) Severe type Reduce Du to promote resucitation & dispel summer heat. Du 26, Du 20, Shixuan (bleed V H, resusc), P 3, B 40 (bleed->H out). P3 & B 40 can be pricked to remove heat from blood. Scraping therapy can be used along spine too until red and purple appears.
S/S Common Cold: Wind cold Chills, fever, h/a, soreness, pain of limbs, nasal obstruction, runny nose, itchy throat cough, hoarse voice, thin sputum, tongue: TWC, pulse: floating, tense
S/S Common Cold: Wind heat Fever, sweats, sl. aversion to wind, pain, distending sensation in head, cough, thick yellow sputum, thrist, sore throat, tongue: TWC or TYC, pulse: floating, rapid
Points for Common Cold: Wind cold Du 16 (I/E W-H/C), B 12 (W-C/chills/fever), G 20, L 7 (disperse L/cough/HA), LI 4 (I/E W). Reduce Du, Tai Yang & Shao Yang to eliminate w-cold and exterior s/s.
Points for Common Cold: Wind heat Du 14 (I/E W-H only-yang mtg), LI 11, SJ 5 (luo, patho factor), LI 4, L 10 (throat/L heat), L 11. Reduce Du, Tai Yang & Shao Yang to eliminate w-heat.
Prophylatic measures against common cold? Moxa daily: B 12, St 36 Rx: Yu Ping Feng San
S/S Malaria Shivering and chills alternating with fever and heat sensation, preceded by fatigue and yawning. Intolerable H/A, flushed face, red lips, bitter taste, dry lips, profuse sweats when fever subsides w/ cold body. T: thin, sticky yellow coat P: S-T, rapid
Points for Malaria Du 14(yang mtg/elim PF), Du 13(obst Du/reg Y/Y), SI 3(DU), SJ 2(SY), P 5, GB 41(Dai). ^ Fever: LI 11. SP'omegaly: Liv 14, Pi Gen (xtra pt), Fever w/ delerium: Prick J-W Pts. ⇓ Du and Shao Yang. Acu + moxa if chills are predom. If fever is more only acu.
S/S Cough: Wind cold Cough, chills, fever, nasal obstruction itchy throat cough, hoarse voice, thin sputum, tongue: TWC, pulse: floating, tense
S/S Cough: Wind Heat Cough with Yellow sputum, choking cough, Fever, sweats, aversion to wind, thrist, sore throat, tongue: TWC or TYC, pulse: floating, rapid
S/S Cough: Lung Phlegm obstruction Cough with profuse, white sticky sputum, stuffiness and depression of chest, loss of appetite, white sticky tongue coat, and rolling pulse
S/S Cough: Lung Dryness with Yin Def Dry cough w/o sputum, dry nose and throat, spitting blood, coughing blood, malar flush, red tongue, thin coat, pulse: thready and rapid
Points for Cough from external pathogens L 7 (luo), LI 4 (yuan), B 13 (L shu:strength L, elim EPF, smooth LQi+nrml dispers of L). For pain and swelling of throat: LI 11. For fever and aversion to cold: SJ 5, DU 14. Select pts from TaiYin and YangMing. Acu & moxa for W-C, only acu for W-H.
Points for Cough: Lung Phlegm obstruction B 13, Ren 12, L 5, S 36, S 40 (FMS, mother of metal=earth->strengthen MJ) Back shu & Foot Yang Ming are principle points.
Points for Cough: Lung Dryness with Yin Def B 13, L 1(FML-open chest), L7, K 6 (Ren-Sea of Yin-elim.dry in throat). If coughing bld + B 17(diaphragm) & L 6(x-c) Even movement applied to Back shu, Front Mu of Lung to nourish yin elim dry and descend Lu qi. Cup: B12, B13, Cutaneous Needle: DU/B ch
S/S Asthma: Wind Cold Cough with thin sputum, rapid breathing, chills, fever, h/a, no thirst, tongue: TWC, pulse: superficial, tense
S/S Asthma: Phlegm-heat Rapid, short breathing, strong coarse voice, cough, thick yellow sputum, fever, restlessness, dry mouth, Tongue: thick yellow or sticky white P: rolling, rapid
S/S Asthma: Lung Deficiency Short Rapid breathing, feeble voice, weak, low sounding cough, sweat on exertion, T: pale, P: deficiency-type
S/S Asthma: KI deficiency SOB on exertion after long standing asthma, severe wheeze, in drawing of soft tissues of the neck, cold limbs T: Pale P: Deep, Thready
Points for Asthma: Wind Cold B 13, B 12 (C-L elim W, reg L Qi), Du 14, L 7, LI 4. Reducing and moxa to expel w-cold.
Points for Asthma: Phlegm-heat B 13, Ding Chuan(.5cun lateral to Du14/descend Qi/resolve PH/improve/pacify breathing), REN 22 (local:open area), L 5 (Ph-H, asthma), S 40 (strengthen SP/resolve PH) Reducing method.
Points for Asthma: Lung Deficiency B 13, LU 9 (TF L), S 36, SP 3(TF MJ-earth promotes metal) REINFORCE LUNG-CAN USE MOXA TOO
Points for Asthma: KI deficiency KI 3, B23 (TF primary Qi), B 13 (+Qi/pac breathing), REN 17 (local, Qi:8 influential), REN 6 (^Qi, reg Qi in LB, +K, strengthen/invig Yuan, control E). For Persistent Asthma: Du 12, B 43 For Spleen Xu: Ren 12, B 20 Reinforce Kidney. Moxa is okay.
Etiology of Epigastric Pain? 1. Irregular Food intake 2. Anxiety, anger, and mental depression damage the liver 3. Lowered fx. of Spleen and Stomach due to invasion of pathogenic cold that stagnates in the ST.
S/S Epigastic Pain: Retention of Food Distending pain, worse after meals and pressure, belching foul odor T: thick and sticky P: Deep forceful and Rolling
S/S Epigastic Pain: LQS attack ST Paroxysmal pain in epigastrum, radiating to hypcondria, frequent belching w/ n/v and acid regurg, abd distention T: TWC P: S-T & Deep
S/S Epigastic Pain: Def cold stagnating in ST Dull pain, releived by pressure and warmth, lassitude, regurg of thin white fluid T: Thin, White P: Deep Slow
Points for Epigastic Pain: Retention of Food Ren 12, P 6, S 36 (main points for Epi pain, vomit, hiccup) + Inner Neiting (imperical for food stag)
Points for Epigastic Pain: LQS attack ST Ren 12, P 6, S 36, Liv 3 (source), Liv 14 (FM Liv)
Points for Epigastic Pain: Def cold stagnating in ST Ren 12, P 6, S 36, Ren 6 (moxa-chronic gastric pain-xu cold type), B 20 (BS SP), Sp 4 (5 stagnations)
Western Dx For Epigastric Pain? Peptic Ulcer, gastritis, gastric neurosis, disease of Liver, GB & Pancreas
S/S Vomiting: Food Stagnation Acid vomit, epi & abd distention, belching, anorexia, loose stool, constipation T: Thick, granular coat P: Rolling, Forceful
S/S Vomiting: LQS attack ST Vomit, acid regurg, frequent belching, distention in chest and hypo, irritability T: Thin, Sticky coat P: S-T
S/S Vomiting: Def Sp & St Sallow complexion, vomiting after a big meal, loss of appetite, lassitude, weakness, slightly loose stools T: Pale TWC P: Thready, forceless
Points Vomiting: Food Stagnation Ren 12 (moxa-warm MJ), P 6 (fullness of chest + S), S 36 (LHS of S, moxa-warm MJ), Sp 4 (fullness of chest + S, 5 stagnations with cold not heat) + Ren 10 (lower opening of the S: pylorus)
Points Vomiting: LQS attack ST Ren 12, P 6, S 36, Sp 4 + Liv 3 (Yuan-regulating the Liv fx)
Points Vomiting: Def Sp & St Ren 12, P 6, S 36, Sp 4 + B 20(invigorate MJ Qi)
Points Persistent Vomiting? Extra points: Bleeding Jin Jin, Yu Ye
S/S Hiccup: Food Stagnation Loud hiccup, epi & abd distention, anorexia, T: thick sticky coat P: Rolling Forceful
S/S Hiccup: Qi Stagnation Continual hiccup, distending pain, feeling of oppression in the chest T: This coat P: S-T, forceful
S/S Hiccup: Cold in ST Slow, forceful hiccup, relieved by heat worse in cold, pain in epi T: White moist coat P: Slow
Points for Hiccup: Food Stagnation Ren 12, P 6, S 36, B 17 + Ren 14 (local, FM H-odd point)
Points for Hiccup: Qi Stagnation Ren 12, P 6, S 36, B 17 (chest, diaphragm), + Ren 17, Liv 3 (pacify Liv Qi)
Points for Hiccup: Cold in ST Ren 12, P 6, S 36, B 17, + Ren 13 (moxa-Fundus:upper opening of S)
Other therapy for Hiccups? *Cupping: B 17, B46, B 18, Ren 12, S 18
S/S Abdominal Pain: Accumulation of Cold Sudden onset of violent abd pain which is better with warmth, loose stool, no thirst, clear and profuse urine, cold limbs, T: ThickWC P: Deep, Tense or Deep, Slow
S/S Abdominal Pain: Spleen Yang Def Intermittent dull pain which is releived by pressure and agrevated by cold, hunger and fatigue. Loose stool and aversion to cold T: swollen, wet, TM, P: weak, deep, thready
S/S Abdominal Pain: Retention of food Epi pain & Abd distention, pain that is agrevated by pressure, anorexia, foul belching, diarrhea, better after defication T: Sticky/greasy/yellow (amount depends on duration) P: Rolling/Rapid
Points for Abdominal Pain: Cold Accumulation Ren 12, S 36 + Ren 8 moxa, Sp 4 (drains cold stag)
Points for Abdominal Pain: Retention of food Ren 12, S 36 + R 6, S 36, Inner neiting
Points for Abdominal Pain: Spleen Yang Def Ren 12, S 36 + B 20, B 21, Liv 13, R 6 (activate Qi)
S/S Acute Diarrhea: Cold Damp Watery diarrhea, abd pain, borborygmi, chills that respond to warmth, T: Pale, white coat P: Deep, Slow
S/S Acute Diarrhea: Damp Heat Diarrhea with abd pain, yelloW hot foul odor, burning anus, scanty urine, feverish feeling T: Yellow sticky P: Rolling Rapid
S/SChronic Diarrhea: Sp Def Loose stools with undigested food particles, anorexia, distress after eating, sallow complexion, T: Pale, white coat P: Thready Forceless
S/S Chronic Diarrhea: Kidney deficiency Pain below umbilicus, borborgymi, diarrhea occurs before dawn, abd distention, cold lower extremity T: Pale white coat P: Deep Forceless
Points for Acute Diarrhea: Cold Damp S 25, S 36 + REN 6 (MOXA W/ GINGER TO WARM ST AND RESOLVE DAMP) + REN 12
Points for Acute Diarrhea: Damp Heat S 25, S 36 + SP 9 + S 44
Points for Acute Diarrhea: Food Retention S 25, S 36 + Inner Nei Ting
Points for Chronic Diarrhea: Sp Def S 36, B 20 + Liv 13 (FM Liv), Sp 3, Ren 12
Points for Chronic Diarrhea: Kidney deficiency S 36, B 20, B 23 (BS K), Du 4+Ren 4 (Moxa:activate yang), KI 3
S/S Dysentery: Food Resistant Frequent stool with blood and pus, loss of appetite, nausea, vomit, (D-H lingering with xu in body, frequent stools with blood + pus + loss of appetite/NV) T: yellow sticky P: soft and rapid
S/S Dysentery: Damp heat Abd pain, tenesmus, mixing of pus and blood, burning in anus, scanty yellow urine, restlessness, chills/fever, restlessness, thirst, T: yellow, sticky P: Rolling, Rapid or Soft & Rapid
S/S Dysentery: Damp Cold Difficult deification, white mucus in the stool, aversion to cold, full in chest and epi, lingering abd pain T: White sticky P: Deep Slow
S/S Dysentery: Intermittent Dysentery Dysentery occurs on and off, difficult to cure, lassitude, aversion to cold, somnolence, anorexia, T: pale sticky P: Soft [this is condition of mixed def & excess, so PF is lingering and recurrent. SP yang & Qi are weak= lassitude, aversion to cold]
Points for Dysentery: Damp heat S 25 (FM LI), S 37 (LHS LI) + LI 11, LI 4
Points for Dysentery: Damp Cold S 25 (FM LI), S 37(LHS LI) + Ren 12, Ren 6, Ren 9
Points for Dysentery: Food Resistant S 25(FM LI), S 37(LHS LI) + Ren 12 (strengthen MJ), P 6
Points for Dysentery: Intermittent Dysentery B 20, B 21, Ren 4, S 36 + Fever=Du 14, Tenesmus= B 29, Prolapse of Rectum = Du 20 w/moxa, Du 1
S/S Abdominal Distention: Excess Persistace of distention and fullness in the abdomen, which is aggravated by pressure, abdominal pain, belching, foul breath, fever, vomiting, (irreg. diet, too much food, food stag) T: Yellow, thick P: Rolling, Rapid, Forceful
S/S Abdominal Distention: Deficiency Abdominal distention relieved by pressure, borgyrgmi, loose stools, loss of appetite, lassitude, listlessness, clear urine, T: Pale w/ White coat P: Forceless
Points for Abdominal Distention: Excess Ren 12 (FM S, controls MJ), S 25 (FM of LI), S 36 (LHS S), S 37(LHS of LI) + excess condition: Li 4, Ren 6 (circulate Qi), Sp 9 (D-H)
Points for Abdominal Distention: Deficiency Ren 12, S 25, S 36, S 37 + Ren 4 (strengthen SP/S, activate the Qi), Sp 3 (source)
S/S Jaundice: Yang Jaundice Lustrous yellow, skin and sclera, fever, thirst, scanty dark yellow urine, heavy body, full in abdomen, stuffy chest, nausea T: Yellow sticky P: S-T, rapid
S/S Jaundice: Yin Jaundice Sallow skin, heavy body, weakness, loss of appetite, epigastric stuffiness, lassitude, aversion to cold, absence of thirst, T: Pale, thick white coat P: Deep, Slow
Points for Jaundice: Yang Jaundice Sp 9, S 36, B 18, B 19, Du 9 (empirical pt for Jaundice) (ALL 9's) + Liv 3, G 34 (D-H in Liv/G, F: Long Dan Xie Gan Tang, H: Yin Chen Hao)
Points for Jaundice: Yin Jaundice Sp 9, S 36, B 18, B 19, Du 9 + B 20, B 48 (Outer Shu of GB=doesn't make sense) (Damp-Cold in SP)
S/S Constipation: Excess Heat Infrequent and difficult defication from 3-5 times/ day, in the case of accumulation of heat, there are fever, dire thirst, foul breath, T: Yellow, Dry coat P: rolling & forceful.
S/S Constipation: Excess Qi Stag Full, distending pain in abd, frequent belch, loss appetite, T: Thin, sticky P: S-T
S/S Constipation: Deficiency of Qi & Blood Pale and lusterless complexion, lips and nails, dizziness & palps, lassitude, SOB, T: pale P: thready, weak
S/S Constipation: Accumulation of Cold Pain and cold in abdomen, preference for warmth, aversion to cold, T: Pale, White, Moist coat P: Deep slow pulse
Points for Constipation: Excess Heat B 25 (shu), S 25 (Mu), SJ 6 (regulate H20 Passages), KI 6 + LI 11, LI 4
Points Constipation: Deficiency of Qi & Blood B 25 (Shu), S 25 (Mu), SJ 6 (regulate H20 Passages), KI 6 + B 20, B 21, S 36
Points for Constipation: Accumulation of Cold B 25, S 25, SJ 6, KI 6 + Ren 8, Ren 6
Points for Constipation: Excess Qi Stag B 25, S 25, SJ 6, KI 6 + Ren 12, Liv 3
S/S Prolapse of Rectum Onset is slow, starts w/ distending & dragging sensation of rectum during defecation, Recurrance may happen by overstrain. Sometimes there is lassitude, weakness, sallow complexion, dizziness T: Pale, white coat P: Thready, feeble
Points for Prolapse of Rectum Du 20, B 25, S 36 (^Qi), Du 1 (local)
S/S Yang Edema Abrupt onset of edema with puffy face & eyelids, lustrous skin, accompanied by chills, fever, thirst, cough, asthma and reduced urine output, T: TWC P: Superficial, rolling rapid
S/S Yin Edema Insidious onset of edema, at first on the pedis dorsum or eyelids and then over the whole body, esp remarkable below the lumbar region, accompanied by sallow complexion, aversion to cold, cold limbs, soreness of back & loins, general weakness, abd dist.
Points for Yang Edema LU 7 (luo), LI 4, LI 6 (luo), Sp 9 (edema), B 39 (LHS of SJ reg H20)
Points for Yin Edema (SP/K Yang Edema) B 20 (SP), B 23 (K), Ren 9 (Ascites, H20 accum), Ren 4 (activates Yang/Qi), K 7 (K yang), S 36 (warming pt), Facial Puffiness: Du 26, Edema on the Pedis Dorsum: G 41, SP 5 (local)
S/S Nocturnal Enuresis Invol micturition during sleep w/ dreams, 1x in several nights: mild cases, or several times a night in sev. cases; sallow complexion, loss appetite & weakness in prolonged cases T: Pale, Wh coat P: Thready pulse (usu d/t K Qi xu: gates not closing)
Pathogenisis of Nocturnal Enuresis? Def. of KI Qi causes failure of the bladder in restraining the urine discharge. Long duration of disease undermines the KI Qi..
Points for Nocturnal Enuresis B 23, B 28 (B shu), Ren 3 (B FM), Sp 6 (3 leg yin=tf K's), Liv 1 (circles genis, moxa, like SP 1=ST UT bleeding), +Dreams; H 7 (H involved, blood), +Loss of appetite: B 20, S 36 (Tf MJ)
S/S Urination Disturbance: Stones (Stone Lin) Occasional presence of stones in urine, dysuira, dark yellow urine, sudden interruption of urine, unbearable pricking sensation, pain in lumbar and abdomen, pressence of blood in urine T: normal
S/S Urination Disturbance: Qi Dysfunction (Qi Lin) Difficult and hesitant urination, fullness and pain of lower abdomen, T: TWC P: Deep, S-T
S/S Urination Disturbance: Blood (Blood Lin) Blood in urine, burning/ pricking sensation T: thin, yellow P: Rapid, forceful
S/S Urination Disturbance: Milky Urine (Gao Lin) Cloudy urine with milky or creamy appearance, urethra burning, dysuria T: Red w/ sticky coat P: thready, rapid
S/S Urination Disturbance: Overstrain (Lao Lin) Difficulty urinating with dribbling urine, occurring on and off, exacerbated by overwork P: weak
Points for Urination Disturbance: Stones (Stone Lin) B 28 (BS), R 3 (FM), Sp 9 + B 39 (unbearable pricking pain)
Points for Urination Disturbance: Qi Dysfunction (Qi Lin) B 28, R 3, Sp 9 + Liv 2 (difficult and hesitant b/c Qi is stagnated)
Points for Urination Disturbance: Blood (Blood Lin) B 28, R 3, Sp 9 + Sp 10, Sp 6 (B in urine)
Points for Urination Disturbance: Milky Urine (Gao Lin) B 28, R 3, Sp 9 + B 23, K 6 (milky quality)
Points for Urination Disturbance: Overstrain (Lao Lin) B 28, R 3, Sp 9 + D 20, R 6, S 36 (overstrain d/t sex, drugs, alcohol=comes and goes, worse after work)
S/S Retention of Urine: Accumulation of heat in UB (H20 metab prob) Scanty hot urine, Retention of urine, distention and fullness in of lower abd, thirst but not desire to drink, constipation T: Red w/ yellow coat P: Rapid
S/S Retention of Urine: Decline of Ming Men Fire Dribbling urination, pallor, listlessness, chilliness below the lumbar, waekness of loins and knees T: pale P: Deep Thready Weak
S/S Retention of Urine: Damage of Qi of the meridians Dribbiling urination, distention, dull pain in lower abd T: Purple spots P: Hesitant, Rapid pulse. Due to trauma or surgery.
Points for Retention of Urine: Accumulation of heat in UB B 28 (heat accum), R 3, Sp 6 (clear heat from LJ), B 39 (reg H20 passages)
Points for Retention of Urine: Decline of Ming Men Fire Du 4, B 23( K), Du 20 (^Qi), Ren 4 (H20 passages), Sj 4
Points for Retention of Urine: Damage of Qi of the meridians Ren 3, Sp 6, S 28 (H20), KI 5 (Xi-cleft)
S/S Impotence: Decline of Ming Men Fire Failure of penis in erection, weak erection, pallor, cold extremities, dizziness, listlessness, T: pale w/ White coat P: Deep Thready. If HT and SP Qi is damaged there will be palpitations and insomnia
Points for Impotence: Decline of Ming Men Fire Ren 4, Du 4, B 23, K 3 (activate Yang)
S/S Impotence: Damp heat draining down Inability of penis to stay erect, bitter taste, thirst, hot, dark urine, sore and weak lower extremities T: Yellow Sticky P: Soft and Rapid
Points for Impotence: Damp heat draining down Ren 3, Sp 6, Sp 9, S 36
S/S: Seminal Emissions: Nocturnal Nocturnal emissions, lassitude, listlessness, scanty yellow urine, T: Red P: Thready, Rapid. Excessive sexual activity = HT & KI disharmony
S/S: Seminal Emissions: Spermatorrhea Frequent spermatorrhea day or night, lassitude, listlessness, T: Pale P: Deep, Thready, Weak
Points for Seminal Emissions: Nocturnal Emissions (H+K not communicating) H 7 (nourish H Blood), B 15 (H shu), K 3 (Y-S K: build blood), B 52 (K outer shu, controls essence)
Points for Seminal Emissions: Spermatorrhea (H+K not communicating) B 23, Sp 6, R 4, R 6 (daytime leukorrhea), K 12 (Empirical: controls essence) F: sang piao xiao
S/S: Insomnia: Heart and Spleen Qi Def Difficulty falling asleep, dream-disturbed sleep, palps, poor memory, lassitude, listlessness, anorexia, sallow complexion T: Pale, Thin coat P: Thready, Weak, F: Gui Pi Tang
S/S: Insomnia: Disharmony of HT and KI Restlessness, insomnia, dizziness, tinnitus, dry mouth w/little saliva, burning sensation of chest and soles, Nocturnal emissions, poor memory, LBP, T: red, no coat P: Thready rapid, F: Tian Wan Bu Xin Dan
S/S: Insomnia: Liver Fire (blazing/disturbing upwards) Irritability, dream disturbed sleep, fright, fear, accompanied with h/a, distending pain in costal region, bitter taste, P: S-T, rapid, T: red, red sides, F: Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
S/S: Insomnia: Dysfunction of ST Insomnia, suffocating feeling and distending pain in the epigastric region, belching, difficult defecation, T: Sticky, yellow P: Rolling (F.stag from eating too late at night)
Points for Insomnia: Heart and Spleen Qi Def H 7 (B), Sp 6 (Qi), Anmian + B 20, B 15, Sp 1 [moxa to strengthen HT and SP]
Points for Insomnia: Disharmony of HT and KI H 7 (B), Sp 6 (Qi), Anmian + B 15, B 23, K 3
Points for Insomnia: Liver Fire (blazing/disturbing upwards) H 7 (B), Sp 6 (Qi), Anmian + B 18, B 19, GB 12 (subdues Liv/G fire
Points for Insomnia: Dysfunction of ST H 7, Sp 6, Anmian + B 21, S 36
Points for Poor Memory Si Shen Cong*, B 15, B 20, B 23 (H, SP, K make blood) S 36, K 6, * empirical pt for poor memory This Rx replenishes blood of HT and strengthens SP & KI
S/S: Palpitations: Disturbance of mind Palps, fear and fright, restlessness, dream-disturbed sleep, anorexia, T: White, TWC P: Sl. Rapid. In case of phlegm heat T: Sticky Yellow P: Rolling, Rapid
S/S: Palpitations: Qi and Blood Def Palps, lusterless complexion, dizzy, blurring vision, SOB, lassitude, T: Pale, teethmarks P: Thready, weak, intermittent
S/S: Palpitations: Fire due to Yin def Palps, irritability, insomnia, dizziness, blurring vision, tinnitus, T: Red, little coat P: Thready, Rapid
S/S: Palpitations: Retention of harmful fluid Palpitation, expectoration of mucoid sputum, fullness in chest, lassitude, weakness, cold extremities T: White coat P: S-T, rolling In case of def of yang in the SP and KI, scanty urine, thirst without desire to drink, T: white slippery P: Rapid, S-T
Points for Palpitations: Qi and Blood Def B 15 (shu), Ren 14 (mu), H 7 (Blood), P 6 (Qi) + B 20, B 21, S 36
Points for Palpitations: Disturbance of mind B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6 + P 5, G 40 (H + G Qi xu), +Phlegm Heat: + S 40, B 19
Points for Palpitations: Fire due to Yin def B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6 + B 14, B 23, K 3 (TF Yin)
Points for Palpitations: Retention of harmful fluid B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6 + Ren 9, Ren 4, Ren 8, Sp 9 (H Yang xu-d/t oversex)
S/S: Manic-Depressive Disorders: Depressive Gradual onset, emotional dejection and mental dullness at the initial stage, followed by incoherent speech, changing moods, muteness, anorexia, T: Thin, sticky P: S-T, thready or S-T, rolling (Yin: mutter to self etc.)
S/S: Manic-Depressive Disorders: Manic Sudden onset, irritability, easy to anger, insomnia, loss of appetite, excessive motor activity, violent behaviors, T: yellow, sticky P: S-T, rapid, rolling (Yang: shouting, agitated, angry)
Points for Manic-Depressive Disorders: Depressive B 15, B 18, B 20, H 7, S 40 (transform Ph, calm mind) (pts are for ph/qi stagnations, more tonifying: H(TF H Blood), Liv, SP (control ph))
Points for Manic-Depressive Disorders: Manic Du 14, Du 16 (mental disorders), Du 26, P 6 (reg Qi in chest, +S 40=clear H Ph), S 40 (transform Ph, calm mind) Mania with extreme heat: Prick Jing Well on hands-bleed to reduce heat (pts are more for Heat clearing/H Fire)
S/S: Epilepsy: During Seizure Seizures are preceded by dizziness, h/a, falling down w/ loss of consciousness, pallor clenched jaw, upward eyes, foaming lips and incontience of urine and feces. Apart from fatigue patient lives a normal life T: White sticky coat P: S-T, rolling
S/S: Epilepsy: After Seizure Listlessness, lusterless complexion, dizziness, palps, anorexia, profuse sputum, weakness and sore loins and limbs, T: Pale TWC P: Thready, Rolling
Points for Epilepsy: During Seizure Du 26 (911), Ren 15, P 5 (clear invisable Ph), S 40 (c-invisable Ph), Liv 3 Txp: Calm heart, ease mind, dissolve phlegm + dispel phlegm
Points for Epilepsy: After Seizure B 15, H 7, Sp 6, K 3, Yin Tang, Yao Qi Points on H, Sp and KI to nourish HT, ease mind, strengthen Sp and KI.
Points for Epilepsy: After Seizure with Daytime Seizure B 15, H 7, Sp 6, K 3, Yin Tang (calm mind), Yao Qi (emperical for epilepsy: 2 cun ^ coccyx) + B 62 (YangQiao) (pts TF H + Blood)
Points for Epilepsy: After Seizure with Night Seizures B 15, H 7, Sp 6, K 3, Yin Tang, Yao Qi + K 6 (Yin Qiao)
Points for Epilepsy: After Seizure with Phlegm Stagnation B 15, H 7, Sp 6, K 3, Yin Tang, Yao Qi + R 12, S 40
Points for Epilepsy: After Seizure with Sev. deficiency of Qi and Blood B 15, H 7, Sp 6, K 3, Yin Tang, Yao Qi + R 4, S 36
S/S: Dizziness: Hyperactivity of Liver Yang Dizziness aggravated by anger, irritability, flushed face, red eyes, tinnitus, bitter taste, dream-disturbed sleep T: Red w/ yellow coat P: S-T, Rapid
S/S: Dizziness: Def of Qi and Blood Dizziness, w/ pallor, lusterless complexion, weakness, palps, insomnia, pale lips and nails, lassitude, T: Pale, dry cracks P: Thready, weak
S/S: Dizziness: Retention of Phlegm and Dampness Dizziness witha heavy feeling of head and suffocating sensation in the chest, nausea, profuse sputum, anorexia, somnolence, T: Thick, White, Sticky/Greasy P: Soft, Rolling
Points for Dizziness: Hyperactivity of Liver Yang G 20 (pacify Liv wind), B 18, B 23+K 3 (Anchor Yang by Nourishing Yin), Liv 2 (-Fire)
Points for Dizziness: Def of Qi and Blood Du 20 (raise Qi), B 20 (SP), Ren 4 (yuan Qi), S 36 (source of Qi and Blood), Sp 6 (nourish Yin)
Points for Dizziness: Retention of Phlegm and Dampness S 8, B 20 (TF MJ), Ren 12, P 6 (opens chest, regulates Qi, ST's vomiting), S 40 (Ph) F:Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
Dermal needle therapy for Dizziness D 20, Tai Yang, Yin Tang, Hua Tou Jia Ji, Tap 1x or 2x/day with moderate stimulation
S/S: Melancholia: LQS Mental depression, distress of chest, hypochondriac pain, abd distention, belching, anorexia, abd pain, vomiting, abnormal BM, thin, T: Sticky P: S-T
S/S: Melancholia: Transformation of depressed Qi into fire H/A, dryenss and bitter taste, irritability, distress of chest, hypo distention, acid regurgitation, constipation, red eyes, tinnitus, T: Red w/ yellow coat P: S-T, rapid
Melancholia: Phlegm stagnation S/S (Globus Hystericus) Feeling of lump choking in throat, T: thin, sticky P: Rolling
Points for Melancholia: LQS B 18 (Liv), Ren 17 (opens chest), Ren 12 (regulates S Qi), S 36, Liv 3 (source, regulate Liv Qi), Sp 4 (strengthen SP)
Points for Melancholia: Transformation of depressed Qi into fire Ren 13 (descends Qi, acid regurg), Sj 6+G 34 (hypochondriac pain, chest distention), Liv 2 (clears fire), G 43 (fire pt on G ch)
Points for Melancholia: Phlegm stagnation Ren 22 (plum pit Qi), Ren 17 (opens chest), P 6, S 40, Liv 3 (move Qi, plum pit Qi) F: Ban Xia Hou Po Tang
S/S: Headache: Invasion of pathogenic wind into the meridian and collaterals H/A on exposure to wind, the pain may extend to nape of neck and back regions, violent boring and fixed pain P: S-T T: TWC
S/S: Headache: Upsurge of Liver Yang H/A, blurred vision, sev pain, on the bilateral sides of the head, irritability, hot temper, irritability, flushed face, bitter taste P: Rapid, S-T T: Red w/Yellow coat
S/S: Headache: Def of Qi and Blood Lingering h/a, dizziness, blurred vision, lassitude, lusterless face, pain relieved by warmth, worse w/ cold, Overstrain or mental stress, P: weak and thready T: Thin, white coat
Points for Headache: Invasion of pathogenic wind into the meridian and collaterals Occipital h/a: G 20, B 60 (Asprin Pt), SI 3 [Qiang Huo/TYang] Frontal h/a: S 8 [Bai Zhi/YM], Yin Tang, D 23, LI 4, S 44 [Rou Gui, Ge Gen] Temporal h/a: Tai Yang, G 8, SJ 5, G 41[Chai Hu/SYang] Vertex h/a: D 20, SI 3, B 67, Liv 3 [Gao Ben, Wu Zhu Yu]
Points for Headache: Upsurge of Liver Yang G 20, Du 20, G 5, G 43, Liv 2
Points for Headache: Def of Qi and Blood D 20, Ren 6, B 18, B 20, B 23, S 36
S/S: Facial Pain due to invasion by pathogenic wind and cold Abrupt onset of pain-occurs like an electric shock, Pain is cutting, boring and intolerable but transit and paroxysmal. May occur a few times/day. Tender points around infraorbital foramen, ala nasi, cheek foraman, etc...pressure induces an attack
S/S: Facial Pain due to excessive fire of Liver and Stomach Attack of pain w/ irritability, hot temper, thirst, constipation, T: yellow, dry coat P: S-T, rapid
S/S: Facial Pain due to Yin def and excessive fire Insidious pain, emaciation, malar flush, pain worse w/ fatigue P: Thready and rapid T: Reddened tongue w/little coat
Points for Facial Pain due to invasion by pathogenic wind and cold GB 20 + Pain in Supraorbital region: G 14, B 2, SJ 5 Maxillary Pain: S 2, SI 18, LI 20, LI 4 Mandibular pain: S 7, S 6, S 5, LI 4, jiachengjiang
Points for Facial Pain due to excessive fire of Liver and Stomach Liv 3, S 44 + Pain in Supraorbital region: G 14, B 2, SJ 5 Maxillary Pain: S 2, SI 18, LI 20, LI 4 Mandibular pain: S 7, S 6, S 5, LI 4, jiachengjiang
Points for Facial Pain due to Yin def and excessive fire K 6, Sp 6 + Pain in Supraorbital region: G 14, B 2, SJ 5 Maxillary Pain: S 2, SI 18, LI 20, LI 4 Mandibular pain: S 7, S 6, S 5, LI 4, jiachengjiang
S/S: Deviation of Eye and Mouth Sudden onset, may be right after waking up, incomplete closing of eye, drooping of angle of mouth, close eye, may be pain in mastoid area or h/a T: TWC P: Superficial, slow
Points for Deviation of Eye and Mouth SJ 17, G 14, Tai Yang, SI 18, S 7, S 4, S 6, Li 4
S/S:Hypochondriac pain: Qi stagnation Distending pain in coastal or hypo region, stifling sensation in chest, sighing poor appetite, bitter taste, T: TWC P: S-T
S/S: Hypochondriac pain: Blood Stag Fixed stabbing in hypo region, intensified by pressure and at night T: dark purple P: deep & hesitant
Hypochondriac pain: Deficiency Dull pain, lingering costal and hypo region, dry mouth, irritable, dizzy, blurry vision, T: Red w little coat P: Weak, Rapid and Thready
Points for Hypochondriac pain: Qi stagnation Liv 14, SJ 6, GB 34 + Liv 3, GB 40
Points for Hypochondriac pain: Blood Stag Liv 14, SJ 6, GB 34 + B 17, B 18
Points for Hypochondriac pain: Deficiency Liv 14, B 18, B 23, S 36, Sp 6, Liv 3
S/S Low Back Pain: Cold Damp Occurs after exposure to cold and damp, worse of rainy days, heavy sensation, stiff muscles, limitation of extension & flexion, pain radiating down buttocks T: white sticky P: Deep Weak Slow
S/S Low Back Pain: Kidney Deficiency Gradual onset of pain, soreness, with by lassitude, weakness of loins and knees, aggravated by fatigue, better with bed rest. In case of KI yang def: cramp like, sensation in Low back, P: thready, or deep slow
S/S Low Back Pain: Trauma Hx: sprain of lumbar, rigid back, aggravated by pressure, T: pink or dark purple P: S-T
Points Low Back Pain: Kidney Yang Deficiency UB 23+DU 3 (L4, local), UB 40 (empirical pt for Back Pain) + DU 4, yao yan (3.5 cun lat to L4)
Points Low Back Pain: Trauma UB 23, DU 4, DU 3, UB 40 + D 26 (Facial edema, resuscitation, LBpain), Yao Tong Xue (dorsum of hand between 2/3rd and 4/5th), Ashi points
S/S of Irregular Menses due to Qi Def Profuse Thin, light red/pale blood. T: Pale, TWC, P: Weak, thready, soft
Points Irregular Menses: Early due to Qi Def SP 6 (build SP Qi), S 36 (TF MJ/SP Qi/Qi/B), Ren 6, Ren 12 (FM of S)
Points Irregular Menses: Early due to Blood heat Caused by LQS > fire Sp 10 (takes heat out of Blood), LI 11 (fire engine), Ren 3 (LJ issues, clear heat, cross of 3 leg yin), K 5 (strengthen yin, reduce heat-Xi-Cleft)+ LV 2 LQS-cause heat
Points Irregular Menses: Early due to Blood heat Sp 10 (takes heat out of Blood), LI 11 (fire engine), Ren 3 (LJ issues, clear heat, cross of 3 leg yin), K 5 (strengthen yin, reduce heat, Xi-Cleft) + KI 6 Ki def heat (Bright Red Blood, T: red, dry, yellow, P: rapid, shi)
S/S Irregular Menses: Late due to Bld def w/cold Scanty dark menses, delayed cycle, Colic Pain, T: like Yang xu: pale, swollen, TM, wet
Points Irregular Menses: Late due to Bld def w/cold Ren 4+6 (promote Qi + Blood, 6: reg Chong and Ren), Sp 6 (reg Qi + Blood) dizziness/blurry vision + Du 20 palps, insomnia + H 7
S/S: Irregular Menses: Late (postdated) due to Qi stag Scanty dark menses, delayed cycle, Distending pain
Irregular Menses: Late (postdated) due to Qi stag Points St 25, KI 13 (Qi/B flow, promote circulation of Ren), SP 8, Lv 3 Chest Bi: P 6 Mental depression: H 7, Liv 3, +distention in hypochondriac region and breast: Liv 14
Irregular Menses: Irregular due to LQS S/S alteration of menses cycle, quality of blood flow: thick, sticky, and purple, difficult to flow menses. distention in the hypochondriac region/breast, distending pain in lower abdomen, mental depression, frequent sighing, T:thin white coat, P: S-T
Irregular Menses: Irregular Points R 6, PC 5+Lv 5 (itchy vulva/vag discharge.menstrual disorders, remove stag in Liv), KD 14 (empirical for menstrual issuse: Female issues/dysmennorrhea)
Irregular Menses: Irregular due to KI def S/S scanty, light red blood flow in altering cycles, dizziness and tinnitus, weak and aching of the lower back and knees, frequent night urination, loose stools. T: pale, thin coat, P: deep and weak
Irregular Menses: Irregular due to KI def Points R4 (tonify Yin, Regulate Chong/Ren), B 23, K 8 Sore weak back and knees: Yao Yan (3.5 out from B 25: LBpain, mens disorders, K 10 Dizziness/Tinnitus: Du 20, K 3
Dysmenorrhea: Excess (Blood stasis) S/S Pain in the L.Ab b/f mens, slo + scanty dark p menses with clots, dist. pain in L.Ab, relieved passing clots, dist. in hypo/breast, pain +cold in L.Ab refer-to waist + back, allev by warmth, scanty, dark, red, clots, T:p w/ p spots, sticky wh. P:deep, S-T
Dysmenorrhea: Excess (Blood stasis) Points Ren 3 (excess and regulate chong and ren), B 32 (empirical for B.S./dysmenorrhea), LI 4, Liv 3, Sp 10 (cool B), Sp 8 (X-C: dysmenn pain), Distending pain in lower abdomen: K 14, S 28 Cold Feeling in abdomen: S 27, S 29
S/S Dysmenorrhea: Deficiency Dull pain at end or after menses, alleviated by warmth + pressure, pink, scanty and thin menses, aversion to cold, cold extremities, pale complexion, palpitation, dizziness, P: thready and weak
Points Dysmenorrhea: Deficiency Ren 4 (moxa), B 23, B 20 (moxa), S 36+Sp 6 (TF SP/S/Benefit Qi/Blood)
S/S Amenorrhea: Blood Stagnation Absence of menses for months, lower Ab distending pain aggravated by pressure, hard mass in lower Ab, distention and fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region, T: dark purple tongue, coating with purplish spots on its borders, P: deep, S-T
Points Amenorrhea: Blood stagnation Sp6, Sp 10 (move B, c-heat), S 29 (B stasis), R 3 (reg ch/ren), Liv 3, LI 4 (+SP 6 =strongly pull/reg menses/Qi/Blood) Pain in low abdomen with hard mass aggrvated by pressure: K 14
S/S Amenorrhea: Blood Def Delayed menses, grad decrease, sallow complex, lassitude, vertigo/dizziness, poor appetite, loose stool, dry skin, tinnitus, sore/weak Lback/knees, dry mouth/throat, 5 palm heat, tidal fever, night sweat, T:pale, dry/little coat, P:slow, weak,S-T,thready
Points Amenorrhea: Blood Def Sp 6, B 20, B 23, B 18, S 36, R 4 (reg K Qi), (all others TF B/Qi of SP/S/Liv/K)
S/S Uterine Bleeding
Points Uterine Bleeding: Excessive heat moxa SP 1 + SP 10, Liv 8, Ren 3, LI 11 (External heat) Liv 2 (Liver heat) H 8 (Heart heat)
S/S Uterine Bleeding: Qi Deficiency Worries
Points Uterine Bleeding: Qi Deficiency SP 1 + S 36, Sp 6, Ren 4, D 20 (raise clear Qi), SJ 4 (Weird CAM pt)
S/S Morbid Leukorrhea: Sp Def White light yellow, copious,
Points Morbid Leukorrhea: Sp Def G 26, R 6, B 30, Sp 9, S 36
S/S Morbid Leukorrhea: KI Def Profuse, continuous, transparent, thin
Points Morbid Leukorrhea: KI Def G 26, K 7 (yang def), B 23, R 4, K 12
S/S Morbid Leukorrhea: Damp Heat Sticky, viscous,
Points Morbid Leukorrhea: Damp Heat G 26, Ren 3, B 32, Sp 6, Liv 3 Itching in Vulva; Liv 5 Reddish discharge: Sp 10 Xs heat: LI 11
S/S Morning Sickness: SP/ST Def
Points Morning Sickness: SP/ST Def R 12, P 6, S 36 + R 13, Sp 4
S/S Prolonged labor:
Points Prolonged labor: Qi and Blood Def B 67* (empirical for oxytocin), Sp 6 + St36
Points Prolonged labor: Qi and Blood Stag B 67* (empirical for oxytocin), Sp 6 + LI 4
S/S Malposition of fetus
Points Malposition of fetus Moxa B 67
Points Insufficient Lactation: Liv Qi stag SI 1* (empirical for lactation), S 18, R 17 +Lv 14, P 6, Liv 3
Points Insufficient Lactation: Qi and Blood Def SI 1* (empirical for lactation), S 18, R 17 + B 20, St36, Sp6
Points Uterus Prolapse: Qi def D 20, R 6, S 36, S 29 (local)
Points Uterus Prolapse: Ki def R 4, zi gong xue, Lv 8, K 6
S/S Inhibit Lactation
Points Inhibit Lactation GB 41, GB 37
S/S Mumps: wind heat
Points Mumps: wind heat S 6, SJ 17, SJ 5, LI 11, LI 4 Rx: Yin Qiao Moxa with Deng Xin Cao at SJ 20 High fever: Du 14, 12, jing well points. Swellling & pain of testies: Lv 3, Lv 8 Chills & fever Lu7
S/S Urticaria:
Points Urticaria: LI 4, LI 11, Sp10, B 40, SP 6 Wind heat + D14 Wind Damp + Sp 9 Heat accum in intestines: St 25, St 36
S/S Erysipelas:
Points Erysipelas: LI 4, LI 11, Sp10, B 40 + Ashi pts W-heat: GB 20 Damp Heat: St 36, Sp 9 Fever: Du 14 PF toxin attack interior: 12 jing well pts on hands, P8 Constipation SJ 6
S/S Herpes Zoster:
Points Herpes Zoster: Prick skin around sore with 3edge needle to cause bleeding. Prick .5 cun from head and tail of herpes. LI 11, B 40, Sp 10, G 34, Liv 3
S/S Red thread Boil: Due to consumption of fatty or spicy food Boil on head, face extremity,
Points Red thread Boil: Due to consumption of fatty or spicy food D 10* (empirical point for Boils), D 12, P 4, LI 4, B 40 Face: Li 1, LI 11 tip of fingers: LI 11, Li 20 Temporal region: G 34, G 44 4th or 5th toe: G 34, G 2
S/S Breast Abscesses
Points Breast Abscesses SI 1, R 17, S 18, G 21 + S 36, Liv 3 Chills and fever: LI 4, SJ 5
S/S Intestinal Abscesses: SI Qi Tied (Appendicitis) Sudden Acute/Violent pain, Vomiting, Nausea, Abd distention, dislike pressure, T: White coat, P: Deep, S-T (d/t pain) [911 case]
Points Intestinal Abscesses: SI Qi Tied (Appendicitis) S 39*, R 6, G 34, Liv 3, Sp 6, Lan Wei Xue
S/S Intestinal Abscesses: SI Qi Pain (Hernia) [Macciocia] Colicky, Nausea, referring pain to testes, lower back, Abd distention, dislike pressure, T: White coat, P: Deep, S-T (d/t pain)
S/S SI Qi Pain (Hernia) [Macciocia]
Points SI Qi Pain (Hernia) S 39*, Liv 13, S 27, S 29
S/S Intestinal Abscesses:
Points Intestinal Abscesses: S 37, LI 11, Lan Wei Xue, S 25 Rx: Da Cheng Qi Tang
S/S Toothache: St Fire Severe
Points Toothache: St Fire S 7, S 6, LI 4, S44,
S/S Toothache: Wind Fire Acute toothache, ginival swelling w/ chills and fever P: Superficial, Rapid
Points Toothache: Wind Fire S 7, S 6, LI 4, SJ 2, SJ 5, GB 20, LI 4,
S/S Toothache: Def of Kidney Yin S 7, S 6, K 3
Points Toothache: Def of Kidney Yin S 6, S 7, K 3
S/S Torticollis Cupping applied after needling
Points Torticollis D 14, B 10, SI 14, G 39, SI 3 [moxa all] Inability to flex/extend: B 60, L 7 Can't rotate: SI 7 Cupping applied after needles Louzen is used alone for stiff neck. Stiff Neck: Luo Zhen
Points Low Back Pain: KI YIN Def B 23, D 3, B 40 + B 52, K 3
Points Low Back Pain: Cold Damp B 23, D 3, B 40 + B 25, B 26
Points Epigastric Pain, Vomiting, Hiccup: General Points Ren 12 (FM S, warm MJ), P 6 (Confluent of Yinwei, +(SP 4:Vom) fullness of chest/S), S 36 (LHS of S) all 3 points are for Stomach/Heart/Chest... pacify, subdue ^Qi, relive pain/oppression in chest, ST vomiting, (B 17:hiccup:diaphragm.blood)
Points Melancholia: Blood Insufficiency (AKA Hysteria) Ren 14 (FM H), H 7 (Build H Blood), SP 6 (build B), Liv 3 (Move Qi). +Distress of the chest: P 6, Ren 17, +Hiccup: SP 4, Ren 22, +Sudden aphonia: H5, Ren 23, +Convulsion: LI 4, G 34, +LOC: Du 26, K 1
Points Low Back Pain: Cold Damp B 23, Du3, B 40, + B25, B 26 (dispel cold, move obst.)
Points Lob Back Pain: K Yin Xu B 52 (outer shu of K), K 3 (nourish K)
Created by: hannahyaya
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