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Give an example of Romance Language
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Give an example of Germanic Language
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D - SS - Final

Final Study Guide

Give an example of Romance Language french, Italian, Spanish,and Portuguese
Give an example of Germanic Language German, Dutch, and English
Give an example of Slavic Language Russian and Ukrainian
What is the Alphabet of Slavic languages? Cyrillic alphabet
How does the literacy rate affect the standard of living? It affects by if you have a higher literary rate then could get a higher paying job so then you more money to get stuff
Who were the Aborigines? people who migrated from Asia when Australia connected to Asia.
What was the aboriginal Age of Creation called? Dreamtime
In Europe, what is the fastest growing religion? Islam
Which European religion has the most followers or the largest? Christianity
Which European religion is the oldest? Judaism
Who is considered the father of the 3 European religions? Abraham
What is the holy book of Christianity called? Bible
What is the holy book of Islam called? Quo-ran
What is the holy book of Judaism called? Tora
What were the main causes of WWI? Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, and the Spark
What were the causes of the Russian Revolution?
What was the Treaty of Versailles? peace treaty that brought an official end to WWI
How did the Treaty of Versailles punish Germany? required to pay reparations to other countries, limited the military (reduce solders to 100,000, no tanks, only 6 ships, no submarines & no air force), lost land and could not unite with Austria
What was the Columbian Exchange? was an exchange of food, animals, and diseases from the new world to the old world and the old world to the new world
What country supported Cuba to be communist? USSR
Who became the dictator of Cuba after the Cuban revolution? Fidel Castro
What did the British use the Colony of Australia for? a penal/prison conoly
What killed the most Aborigines after Europeans arrived? diseases
What war of independence led Great Britain to look for another land to use as prison colony? American Revolution
What are the four factors of production? Natural Resources, Human Capital, Capital Goods & Entrepreneurship
Economic systems answer what questions? What’s produced, how’s it produced, & who consumes it
What was the purpose of the European Union? strengthen economic, political, and defense ties
Created by: lprinke
Popular History sets




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