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5-6 Comp Vocab
5th 6th Grade Comp Vocab
Question | Answer |
Application | Any computer software program you use. |
Computer Technology | The study and design of a computer. |
BAUD | The speed that a modem can send information. (The baud rate of a modem is how many bits it can send or receive per second.) |
Memory | The temporary storage space in the computer as opposed to the permanent storage space on the hard drive. |
BIT | (Binary DigIT) The smallest unit of computerized data. |
Byte | A set of Bits that represent a single character. Usually there are 8 Bits in a Byte. |
KB, Kilobyte | 1000 or 1024 bytes. |
MB, Megabyte | A million bytes. |
GB, Gigabyte | 1000 or 1024 Megabytes. |
Graphic | An electronic picture. |
Menu | A displayed list of commands or options from which to choose. |
Cursor | The blinking mark indicating your position on the screen. |
Default | The automatic settings or decisions already made for you by the computer or software program. |
Desktop | The background on your screen when using a windows type of program. |
Drag | Moving an object from one place on the screen to another by use of a mouse. |
Operating System: | A group of programs that help a computer function smoothly. |
Password | A code used to gain access to a locked system. Good passwords contain letters and non-letters. |
CPU | (Central Processing Unit) The “brains” of a computer. |
CD ROM | (Compact Disk-Read Only Memory) A disc which holds between 650-900 megabytes of information. |
Keyboard | The piece of input hardware that has keys like a typewriter. |
Keyboarding | The skill of keying information into a computer. |
Printer | A device that takes the text and images sent from the computer and presents them on paper. |
Laser Printer | A printer which produces documents that uses a laser to give it a more professional look. |
Hardware | Parts of a computer which are external such as keyboard, hard drive, monitor, etc. |
Modem | (Modulator, DEModulator) A device that allows communication with other computers. |
Monitor | Another word for computer screen. |
Mouse | The small device that manipulates the pointer or cursor on the screen. |
PC | (Personal Computer) Designed to be used by an individual person. |
Scanner | A device that takes a picture of an image and digitizes it in order to transfer it to the computer. |
Download | The process of saving something off the Internet to your computer. |
Upload | To save something from your computer to the Internet such as a Web page. |
(Electronic mail) The electronic version of sending a letter. | |
Net | Short for “internet”. |
Netiquette | Proper conduct on the Internet. |
Network | Any time two or more computers are connected so that they can share resources. |
Online | Communicating with other computers through a modem or network. |
Server | A computer which “serves” out information. Almost any type of computer you connect to on the Internet is considered a server. |
Internet | A system of linked computers. |
WWW | (World Wide Web) |
Desktop Publishing | The process of creating printed documents that look professionally produced. |
Software | Applications (usually on disks) which when loaded on the computer allows the user to perform innumerable functions and tasks. |
Font | A type set of one size and style. |
Import | To bring information from one document or computer screen into another document. |
Interactive | A program, game, or presentation where the user has some control over what is going on. |
Word Processor | Software applications that allow the user to type documents with a variety of tools to make work time easier and more efficient. |
Word Processing | The use of a computer to create, edit, format, and/or print text. |
Upgrade | To choose newer, more powerful packages of either hardware or software for the computer. |
Hacker | A computer enthusiast who is willing to “hack” away at understanding the computer for long periods of time. (This has gained a negative meaning when knowledge is used to gain illegal entry into files and systems.) |
Crash | A term indicating what happens when a computer stops working suddenly or the system breaks down. |
Virus | A software program designed to destroy data or access to a computer system. |
Surfing | Another term for “cruising” or simply exploring the Internet. |