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BUSN 135

Business Math

Why Use Excel for Business Math? #1: Your Job will require it!!!!! #2: Make many calculations quickly #3: Make complicated calculations MUCH easier #4: What IF Analysis: Change Formula Input and Answer Instantly Updates.
What Excel Does: 1) Store Raw Data 2) Make Calculations (Formulas) 3) Perform Data Analysis (Convert Raw Data into Useful Information)
What does a Blue Worksheet Tab mean? You work on this sheet. You do things like make calculations / create formulas on these sheets
What does a Red Worksheet Tab mean? Shows completed work
What does a Yellow Worksheet mean? Sheets with Notes
What does a Black Worksheet mean? Homework Problems come after the Black Sheet (BLANK)
What is the Dark Blue Fill with White Font Mean? #1) Column Headers in Data Set #2) Variable (Formula Inputs) Names
What do Cells with no Fill Color mean? Item typed in cell
What do Cells with Light Green Fill Color mean? Calculation = Formula
What do Cells with Light Yellow Fill Color mean? Instructions, like for practice homework or tests.
How to start a formula? The = sign
Excel's Gold Rules: -If a formula input can change, put it into a cell and refer to it in the formula with a cell reference. -If a formula input will not change, you can type it into a formula. -Always label your formula inputs!
What is an Excel Model? It is an Excel solution that we build to solve a problem that we will use more than one time.
Data Types and Default Alignment in Excel: -Text = Left -Numbers (Numbers, Dates, Time) = Right -Logical = TRUE or FALSE = Centered & ALL Capitals
Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder in Save As dialog Box or Windows Explorer
ÿ + E Keyboard to open Windows Explorer
Ctrl + S Save Changes in File
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Re-do
Arrow Keys Put Cell References into Formulas after you type an equal sign as first character in cell.
Ctrl + Enter When you have a single cell in Edit Mode and you want to enter content and keep cell selected
Enter When you have a single cell in Edit Mode and you want to enter content and keep cell selected
F2 Puts a cell in Edit Mode
F4 Key Locks Cell Reference (makes it an Absolute Cell Reference)
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + Shift + 8 or Ctrl + * (Number Pad) Highlight Whole Table
Ctrl + Arrow Jumps to end of "Current Region" (Last Cell with Data before an Empty Cell)
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Highlights to end of "Current Region" (Last Cell with Data before an Empty Cell) Note: Can be used in succession like Ctrl + Shift + Arrow, then second Arrow
Alt + is for SUM Function
F12 Save As
Ctrl + Home Jump to cell A1
Ctrl + Backspace Jump back to Active Cell
What does Number Formatting do? 1) Number Formatting allows you to change how the Number is displayed
When you MUST use ROUND: 1) You are required to round, like with Money. 2) You have extraneous decimals, like past the penny position. 3) You will use formula result in a subsequent formula.
Rules for ROUND: Round to penny (hundredths position) use 2 Round to dollar (ones position) use 0 Round to thousands (thousands position) use -3
When not to use ROUND: When you are just looking at number, then you can use Number Formatting
Examples where you often have to round your numbers: Payroll Invoices Income Taxes
Formula Types: 1) Number formulas that deliver a single number answers such as a tax deduction or a insurance expense. 2) Logical formulas (Boolean Formulas) deliver a TRUE or FALSE.
Excel's Golden Rule: If a formula input can change, put it in cell, label it and refer to it with a cell reference.
Formula Elements: 1) Equal sign, = 2) Cell references, like A1, $A$1 3) Math operators, -, +, /, *, ^, and ( ) 4) Numbers (if they won’t change), like 12 months 5) Built-in Functions, like SUM and ROUND 6) Comparative operators, >, <, >=, <=, =, <>
Math order of operations 1 ( ) ... First, do everything in the parentheses 2 ^ ... Second, do all exponents 3 * / Left to Right... Third, do all multiplication and division, left to right 4 + - Left to Right... Fourth, do all adding and subtracting, left to right
When to use ROUND Function 1) You are required to round, like with Money. 2) You have extraneous decimals, like past the penny position. 3) You will use formula result in a subsequent formula.
SUM Function Hints: 1) Use SUM Function rather than many plus symbols. 2) Do not wrap SUM Function around a calculation when the SUM Function is not necessary:
1ST SET OF EXCEL'S COMPLETE FORMULA ORDER OF OPERATIONS, FOR MATH, COMPARATIVE AND JOIN OPERATIONS 1 Parenthesis ( ) 2 Reference Operators: colon, comma Example of colon in range of cells: =SUM(A1:A4) Example of comma (union): =SUM(E10:G10,E14:G14) 3 Negation (-) Example: = -2^4 = 16 Example: = -(2^4) = -16 4 Converts % (1% to .01)
2ND SET OF EXCEL'S COMPLETE FORMULA ORDER OF OPERATIONS, FOR MATH, COMPARATIVE AND JOIN OPERATIONS 5 Exponents (^) Example: 3^2 = 9 6 Multiplication (*) and Division (/), left to right 7 Adding (+) and Subtracting (-), left to right 8 Ampersand (&) 9 Comparative symbols: =, <>, >=, <=, <, >
Note: If you try to use the arrow keys to put a Reference in the formula and it does not work, Hit F2 key to toggle it back to "Enter" mode as seen on the left side of the Status Bar
Created by: maryvrey
Popular Business sets




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