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GRE 301-400
Question | Answer |
OVERWROUGHT | agitated;overdone |
PALATIAL | relating to a place;magnificent |
PALLIATE | to make less serious;ease |
PALLID | lacking color or liveliness |
PANACHE | flamboyance or dash in style and action; verve |
PANEGYRIC | elaborate praise; formal hymn of praise |
PANOPLY | impressive array |
PARADOX | a contradiction or dilemma |
PARAGON | model of excellence or perfection |
PARE | to trim off excess; reduce |
PARIAH | an outcast |
PARLEY | discussion, usually between enemies |
PARRY | to ward off or deflect, especially by a quick-witted answer |
PASTICHE | piece of literatue or music imitating other works |
PATHOGENIC | causing disease |
PECCADILLO | minor sin or offense |
PEDANT | someone who shows off learning |
PEJORATIVE | having bad connotations; disparaging |
PENURY | an oppressive lack of resources (as money); severe poverty |
Pereginate | to wander from place to place; to travel, especially on foot |
Perfidious | willing to betray one's trust |
Ostensible | apparent |
Ossify | to change into bone; to become hardened or set in a rigidly conventional pattern |
Orotund | pompous |
Opprobrium | public disgrace |
Opine | to express an opinion |
Opaque | impossible to see through; preventing the passage of light |
Onerous | troublesome and oppressive; burdensome |
Ostentation | excessive showiness |
Incarnadine | blood-red in color |
Implacable | unable to be calmed down or made peaceful |
Imprecation | a curse |
Impugn | to call into question; to attack verbally |
Impious | not devout in religion |
Impetuous | quick to act without thinking |
Impervious | impossible to penetrate; incapable of being affected |
Imperturbable | not capable of being disturbed |
Impecunious | poor; having no money |
Impasse | blocked path; dilemma with no solution |
Imbue | to infuse, dye, wet, or moisten |
Ignoble | having low moral standards; not noble in character; mean |
Idiosyncrasy | peculiarity of temperament; eccentricity |
Iconoclast | one who opposes established beliefs, customs, and institutions |
Hyperbole | purposeful exaggeration for effect |
Husband | to manage economically; to use sparingly |
Homogeneous | of a similar kind |
Hoary | very old; whitish or gray from age |
Heterogeneous | composed of unlike parts; different; diverse |
Hermetic | tightly sealed |
Querrulous | inclined to complain; irritable |
Pusillanimous | cowardly; without courage |
Pungent | sharp and irritating to the senses |
Pulchritude | beauty |
Pugilism | boxing |
Puerile | childish, immature, or silly |
Prudence | wisdom, caution, or restraint |
Propriety | the quality of behaving in a proper manner; obeying rules and customs |
Propitiate | to conciliate; to appease |
Occlude | to stop up; prevent the passage of |
Obviate | to prevent; to make unnecessary |
Obstinate | stubborn; unyielding |
Obsequious | overly submissive and eager to please |
Oblique | indirect or evasive; misleading or devious |
Obdurate | hardened in feeling; resistant to persuasion |
Numismatics | coin collecting |
Nuance | a subtle expression of meaning or quality |
Nominal | exisiting in name only; negligible |
Noisome | stinking; putrid |
Profligate | corrupt; degenerate |
Prodigal | lavish; wasteful |
Proclivity | a natural inclination or predisposition |
Probity | complete honesty and integrity |
Pristine | fresh and clean; uncorrupted |
Prevaricate | to lie or deviate from the truth |
Prescient | having foresight |
Precis | short summary of facts |
Precipitate | to throw violently or bring about abruptly; lacking deliberation |
Prattle | meaningless, foolish talk |
Pragmatic | practical, as opposed to idealistic |
Potentate | a monarch or ruler with great power |
Posit | to assume as real or conceded; propose as an explanation |
Polyglot | a speaker of many languages |
Politic | shrewd and practical in meaning or dealing with things; diplomatic |
Polemic | controversy; argument; verbal attack |
Plucky | courageous; spunky |
Plethora | excess |
Plebeian | crude or coarse; characteristic of commoners |
Plastic | able to be molded, altered, or bent |
Placate | to soothe or pacify |
Pithy | profound or substantial yet concise, succinct, and to the point |
Phlegmatic | calm and unemotional in temperament |
Philistine | a person who is guided by materialism and is disdainful of intellectual or artisic values |
Philanthropy | charity; a desire or effor to promote goodness |
Phalanx | a compact or close-knit body of people, animals, or things |
Pervade | to present throughout; to permeate |
Perspicacious | shrewd, astute, or keen-witted |
Permeate | to penetrate |
Peripatetic | wondering from place to place,especially on foot |
Perfunctory | done in a routine way; indifferent |
Nettle | to irritate |