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Neophyte novice; beginner
Neologism new word or expression
Nascent starting to develop; coming into existence
Naive lacking sophistication or experience
Nadir lowest point
Myopic lacking foresight; having a narrow view or long-range perspective
Inquest an investigation; an inquiry
Insipid lacking interest or flavor
Insurreciton rebellion
Inter to bury
Interregnum period between reigns
Intractable not easily managed or manipulated
Intransigent uncompromising; refusing to be reconciled
Intrepid fearless; resolutely courageous
Proliferate to increase in number quickly
Officious too helpful; meddlesome
Inchoate not fully formed; disorganized
Inculcate to teach; impress in the mind
Indolent habitually lazy or idle
Inexorable inflexible; unyeilding
Ingenuous showing innocence or childlike simplicity
Ingrate ungrateful person
Ingratiate to gain favor with another by deliberate effort; to seek to please somebody so as to gain an advantage
Inimical hostile; unfriendly
Iniquity sin; evil act
Innocuous harmless
Invective abusive language
Investiture ceremony conferring authority
Invidious envious, obnoxious, or offensive; likely to promote ill-will
Irascible easily made angry
Itinerant wandering from place to place; unsettled
Jargon nonsensical talk; specialized language
Jettison to discard; to get rid of as unnecessary or encumbering
Jingoism belligerent support of one's country
Jocular playful; humorous
Judicious sensible; showing good judgement
Legerdemain trickery
Leery suspicious
Inundate to overwhelm; to cover with water
Inure to harden; accustom; become used to
Juncture point of time, especially where two things are joined
Keen having a sharp edge; intellectually sharp' perceptive
Kindle to set fire to or ignite; excite or inspire
Kinetic relating to motion; characterized by movement
Knell sound of a funeral bell; omen of death or failure
Kudos fame, glory, or honor
Lachrymose tearful
Laconic using few words
Lament to express sorrow; to grieve
Lampoon to ridicule with satire
Languid lacking energy; indifferent; slow
Lapidary relating to precious stones or the art of cutting them
Larceny theft of property
Monastic extremely plain or secluded, as in a monastery
Monotony no variation; tediously the same
Multifarious diverse
Mores fixed customs or manners; moral attitudes
Mirth frivolity; gaiety; laughter
Militate to operate against; work against
Meticulous extremely careful; fastidious; painstaking
Metaphor figure of speech comparing two different things
Meretricious gaudy; falsely attractive
Mercurial quick, shrewd, and unpredictable
Mendicant beggar
Mendacious dishonest
Maudlin overly sentimental
Martinet strict disciplinarian; one who rigidly follows rules
Mar to damage or deface; spoil
Mannered artificial or stlted in character
Malleable capable of being shaped
Malinger to evade responsibility by pretending to be ill
Malediction a curse; a wish of evil upon another
Magnate powerful or influential person
Maelstrom whirlpool; turmoil; agitated state of mind
Machination plot or scheme
Luminous bright; brilliant; glowing
Lumber to move slowly and awkwardly
Lugubrious sorrowful; mournful; dismal
Lucid clear and easily understood
Loquacious talkative
Livid discoloree from a bruise; pale; reddened with anger
Listless lacking energy and enthusiasm
Lissome easily flesed; limber; agile
Lionize to treat as a celebrity
Limpid clear; transparent
Licentious immoral; unrestrained by society
Libertine a free thinker, usually used disparagingly; one without moral restraint
Liberal tolerant or broad-minded; generous or lavish
Levity an inappropriate lack of seriousness; overly casual
Lethargic acting in an indifferent or slow, sluggish manner
Molt to shed hair, skin, or an outer layer periodically
Mollify to calm or make less severe
Mitigate to soften; to lessen
Missive a written note or letter
Misanthrope a person who dislikes others
Lavish extremely generous or extravagant; giving unsparingly
Largess generous giving (as of money) to others who may seem inferior
Lassitude a state of diminshed energy
Laud to give praise; to glorify
Latent potential that is not readily apparent
Created by: bkendrak
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