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Question | Answer |
Neophyte | novice; beginner |
Neologism | new word or expression |
Nascent | starting to develop; coming into existence |
Naive | lacking sophistication or experience |
Nadir | lowest point |
Myopic | lacking foresight; having a narrow view or long-range perspective |
Inquest | an investigation; an inquiry |
Insipid | lacking interest or flavor |
Insurreciton | rebellion |
Inter | to bury |
Interregnum | period between reigns |
Intractable | not easily managed or manipulated |
Intransigent | uncompromising; refusing to be reconciled |
Intrepid | fearless; resolutely courageous |
Proliferate | to increase in number quickly |
Officious | too helpful; meddlesome |
Inchoate | not fully formed; disorganized |
Inculcate | to teach; impress in the mind |
Indolent | habitually lazy or idle |
Inexorable | inflexible; unyeilding |
Ingenuous | showing innocence or childlike simplicity |
Ingrate | ungrateful person |
Ingratiate | to gain favor with another by deliberate effort; to seek to please somebody so as to gain an advantage |
Inimical | hostile; unfriendly |
Iniquity | sin; evil act |
Innocuous | harmless |
Invective | abusive language |
Investiture | ceremony conferring authority |
Invidious | envious, obnoxious, or offensive; likely to promote ill-will |
Irascible | easily made angry |
Itinerant | wandering from place to place; unsettled |
Jargon | nonsensical talk; specialized language |
Jettison | to discard; to get rid of as unnecessary or encumbering |
Jingoism | belligerent support of one's country |
Jocular | playful; humorous |
Judicious | sensible; showing good judgement |
Legerdemain | trickery |
Leery | suspicious |
Inundate | to overwhelm; to cover with water |
Inure | to harden; accustom; become used to |
Juncture | point of time, especially where two things are joined |
Keen | having a sharp edge; intellectually sharp' perceptive |
Kindle | to set fire to or ignite; excite or inspire |
Kinetic | relating to motion; characterized by movement |
Knell | sound of a funeral bell; omen of death or failure |
Kudos | fame, glory, or honor |
Lachrymose | tearful |
Laconic | using few words |
Lament | to express sorrow; to grieve |
Lampoon | to ridicule with satire |
Languid | lacking energy; indifferent; slow |
Lapidary | relating to precious stones or the art of cutting them |
Larceny | theft of property |
Monastic | extremely plain or secluded, as in a monastery |
Monotony | no variation; tediously the same |
Multifarious | diverse |
Mores | fixed customs or manners; moral attitudes |
Mirth | frivolity; gaiety; laughter |
Militate | to operate against; work against |
Meticulous | extremely careful; fastidious; painstaking |
Metaphor | figure of speech comparing two different things |
Meretricious | gaudy; falsely attractive |
Mercurial | quick, shrewd, and unpredictable |
Mendicant | beggar |
Mendacious | dishonest |
Maudlin | overly sentimental |
Martinet | strict disciplinarian; one who rigidly follows rules |
Mar | to damage or deface; spoil |
Mannered | artificial or stlted in character |
Malleable | capable of being shaped |
Malinger | to evade responsibility by pretending to be ill |
Malediction | a curse; a wish of evil upon another |
Magnate | powerful or influential person |
Maelstrom | whirlpool; turmoil; agitated state of mind |
Machination | plot or scheme |
Luminous | bright; brilliant; glowing |
Lumber | to move slowly and awkwardly |
Lugubrious | sorrowful; mournful; dismal |
Lucid | clear and easily understood |
Loquacious | talkative |
Livid | discoloree from a bruise; pale; reddened with anger |
Listless | lacking energy and enthusiasm |
Lissome | easily flesed; limber; agile |
Lionize | to treat as a celebrity |
Limpid | clear; transparent |
Licentious | immoral; unrestrained by society |
Libertine | a free thinker, usually used disparagingly; one without moral restraint |
Liberal | tolerant or broad-minded; generous or lavish |
Levity | an inappropriate lack of seriousness; overly casual |
Lethargic | acting in an indifferent or slow, sluggish manner |
Molt | to shed hair, skin, or an outer layer periodically |
Mollify | to calm or make less severe |
Mitigate | to soften; to lessen |
Missive | a written note or letter |
Misanthrope | a person who dislikes others |
Lavish | extremely generous or extravagant; giving unsparingly |
Largess | generous giving (as of money) to others who may seem inferior |
Lassitude | a state of diminshed energy |
Laud | to give praise; to glorify |
Latent | potential that is not readily apparent |