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TOGY4W31 Terms

Booster rocket a disposable strap-on rocket; the first level of a multi-stage rocket
Cargo bay the large central area of the space shuttle's main body, in which cargo is carried
Internet global communication network that allows computers worldwide to connect and exchange information. Includes commercial,educational,governmental,&other networks. Consists primarily of billions of interconnected webpages and known as the World Wide Web
Operating system (OS) software made to control the hardware of a specific data-processing system in order to allow users and application programs to make use of it. Microsoft Windows or Apple Computers are examples of operating systems
PC a computer designed for individual use, such as by a person in an office, at home, or at school
Programmer someone who writes computer programs; someone who programs a device, particularly computers
Robotics the science or study associated with the design, production, and application of robots
Simulator a machine that simulates certain conditions for the purpose of training or experimentation
Software the programs, data, and instructions that run a computer, as opposed to the physical devices (“hardware")
Space Shuttle a winged spacecraft built by NASA to carry a crew and cargo into space and return to Earth under controlled descent for re-use. It serves primarily to transport a crew to an orbiting space station and to send out and retrieve satellites
Balanced budget a budget in which the spending during a given amount of time is matched by the income
Conservative someone who desires and/or works to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc (“maintain status quo"), or to restore traditional ones. In political terms, it usually includes a distrust of gov't activism or expansion, and a respect for capitalism
Deficit the amount by which an amount of money falls short of the required amount; a shortage
Liberal (1) 1) free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.; broadminded; 2) tending to give freely; generous;
Liberalism 3)Founded on a belief in the natural goodness of humans& the autonomy of the individual,favors civil& political liberties,religious toleration,democratic government,& a strong role of government in regulating capitalism & constructing the welfare state.
Moderate opposed to radical or extreme views and actions, especially in politics or religion; between liberal and conser vative
Revenue the income of a government from taxation, customs, or other sources
Supply-side economics (1) theory which says, by lowering taxes on corporations or the wealthy (who invest their money in economic production), gov't can stimulate investment in industry and thereby raise production, then,lower prices, control inflation, and increase tax revenues.
Supply-side economics (2) It focuses on increasing the supply of goods rather than stimulating demand (via public subsidies, etc ), asserting that greater supply will produce greater demand. The validity of this theory is still disputed
Surplus having more than is needed; a situation in which income exceeds spending, exports exceed imports, or profits exceed losses
Created by: jamallwh
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