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glass castle vocab

foolhardy recklessly bold or rash
foolhardy synonym reckless, rash, irresponsible, impetuous
verge an edge or border
verge synonym margin, side, brink
immortalize confer enduring fame upon
immortalize synonym commemorate, memorialize
primitive relating to an early stage/ period; not derived
primitive synonym primordial, primal, original, primary
blasphemy offense of speaking sacriligiously about god
blasphemy synonym profanity, sacrilege, desecration, heresy
foolhardy antonym careful, cautious
primitive antonym developed, advanced
centrifugal moving or tending to move away from a center
wheedle employ endearments or flattery to persuade someone to do something
wheedle synonym cajole, coax , entice, blandish
nuance subtle difference in shade or meaning
killjoy person who deliberately spoils the enjoyment
killjoy synonym spoilsport, damper
cajole persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery
pithy of language concise and forcefully expressive
pithy synonym succinct, terse, brief
pithy antonym circuitous, verbose
scuttle to walk/ move with quick short steps
vagrant person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place and lives by begging
vagrant synonym ambulant, fugitive, roaming, vagabond
felonious relating to or invovled in crime
felonious synonym criminal, unlawful
sodden saturated with liquid
vying compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something
vying synonym compete, contend, contest
simony buying or selling of a church office or ecclesiastical (christian church) privilege (i.e. pardons or benefices)
benighted overtaken by darkness or night/ existing in a state of intellectual, moral, or social darkness
benighted synonym ignorant, unschooled
benighted antonym educated, literate
ingrate an ungrateful person
flouted treated with contemptuous disregard/ scorned
flout synonym despise, disregard
ostentatiously attracting or seeking to attract attention, admiration, or envy
ostentatiously synonym showily, gaudily, pretentiously
caprice sudden, impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion or action
caprice synonym whim, fancy, vagary, bee
retrospective based on memory/ analyzing the past ; a showcase of the development of an artist's work
graft a piece of living tissue that is transplanted surgically
deference respect and esteem a superior or elder
deference synonym acquiescence, compliancy
deference antonym defiance, disobedience
bluster to talk or act with noisy swaggering threats/ to blow in stormy gusts
bluster synonym bombast, babel, blare
pariah one that is despised or rejected
relegate to send into exile/ assign to a place of insignificance
addled suffering from mental confusion
addled synonym befuddled, confused
pilfer to steal stealthily in small amounts and often again and again
pilfer synonym steal, pinch, pocket
urchin mischievous young and often poor youngster
urchin synonym imp, rascal
ergo therefore, hence
qualms feeling of uneasiness about a point
qualm synonym compunction, misgiving , doubt
lurch an abrupt jerking
cantankerous difficult or irritating to deal with
cantankerous synonym bilious, disagreeable
cantankerous antonym amiable
wherewithal resources/ ability/ will
pigeonholed to assign to a restrictive category
nonchalant to have an air of easy unconcern or indifference
nonchalant synonym apathetic, casual, complacent
nonchalant antonym concerned
usurious unfair monetary loans that enrich the lender
verge antonym center, inside
immortalize antonym extinguish, annihilate
blasphemy antonym respect, piety
centrifugal synonym deviating, divergent, eccentric
centrifugal antonym centripetal
wheedle antonym dissuade, repulse, repel
nuance synonym distinction, hint, implication
nuance antonym obviousness, blatancy
killjoy antonym cutup, jester
cajole synonym deceive, delude
scuttle synonym scurry, course, hustle
vagrant antonym immobile, nonmoving
felonious antonym lawful, legal
sodden synonym drenched, awash, saturated
sodden antonym arid, dry
vying antonym truce, collaborating, supporting
simony synonym traffic (buying/ selling), barratry
ingrate synonym thankless
ingrate antonym grateful, thankful
flout antonym honor, respect
ostentatiously antonym humbly, modestly
caprice antonym levelheadedness, practicality, constant, dependability
retrospective synonym reflection, review
retrospective antonym prospective,
graft synonym transplant, implant
bluster antonym quiet, silence, calm
pariah synonym castaway, leper, reject
pariah antonym insider,
relegate synonym demote, dismiss
relegate antonym promote, upgrade
addled antonym clearheaded
pilfer antonym buy, purchase, bestow
ergo synonym accordingly, consequently, hence
qualm antonym aplomb, assurance
lurch synonym careen, pitch
lurch antonym steady, stabilize
wherewithal synonym resources, means, ability
wherewithal antonym inability, incapability
pigeonhole synonym categorize, classify, typecast
pigeonhole antonym scatter, disorder
usurious synonym extorting, avaricious, penurious
usurious antonym generous, unselfish
Created by: grhetr



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