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PT 670 Motor Control
Question | Answer |
What is motor control? | The ability to regulate or direct the mechanisms essential to movement. |
Movements we control? | Stabilizing in space and Movement in space |
Motor control answers these questions: | 1. HOw CNS orgs. indiv. muscles and joints and coords movement 2. how sensory info from envir. and body is used to select adn contol movement 3. how perceptions, tasks, and envir where we move influence movements 4. best way to study movement |
Many theories of motor control | 1. reflex chain theory 2. hierarchy 3. motor programming 4. systems 5. dynamical action 6. parallel distributed processing theory 7. task-oriented 8. ecological theory |
what are Theories of motor control ? | group of abstract ideas based on scientific data to explain control of movement |
Three things that influence a peron's movement | 1. Motor task 2. environment 3. Individual |
Individual constraints on motor control | 1. cognition 2. attention 3. perception 4. arousal 5. sensation 6. flexibility 7. strength 8. tone 9. movement patterns |
Individual consideration for motor learning | 1. stages of learning 2. feedback 3. practice 5. indiv. learning style |
Individual consideration for developmental strategies | 1. mobility 2.stability 3. controlled mobility 4. skill |
Classifications of tasks | 1. Body action (stability or moility) 2. Organization (discrete or continuous) 3. UE Manipulation (none or complex) 4. Motor or cognitive focus 5. inter-trial avariability 6. Envir. Predictability |
What to consider about stability versus a mobility task | is the BOS still or in motion |
What to consider about task organization? | Is there a recognizable beginning and end? Discrete, Continuous, Serial (order is crucial) |
What to consider about Upper extremity manipulation? | is interaction with an object present or absent? |
What to consider about motor versus cognitive elements? | Primary determinant of movement success: quality or decision about which movement to make |
What to consider about inter-trial variability | is the movement executed in the same manner each time it is performed |
Key points about open tasks | 1. variable and flexible 2. changing environment 3. greater difficulty to plan movement 4. increase demands on info processing system |
Key points about closed tasks | 1. fixed, habitual patterns 2. minimal variation 3. lower demand on info proc. system |
Environmental constraints | 1. Regulatory (shape movement itself) 2. Non-regulatory (affect performance) |
Examples of regulatory features | weight, size, shape of object; type of walking surface |
Example of non-regulatory features | background noise, distractions |
Define closed predictable | stable and predictable |
define open predicatble | variable and unpredicatble |
Consideration for environmental predictability | is the movement self paced or externally paced? |
Stages of Movement | 1. initial conditions 2. preparation 3. Initiation 4. Execution 5. Termination 6. Movement outcome |
What are the initial conditions? | state of condition and environmental condition |
Parameters of initial conditions | posture, ability to interact with envir., and envir. context |
Preperation is the involvement of the _______ | CNS |
What are the three stages of perparation? | 1. stimulus ID 2. response to selection 3. response programming |
When does initiation begin? | instant displacement of segments begin |
Parameters of initiation? | timing, direction and smoothnes |
What is execution? | actual segmental movement |
parameters of execution | 1. amplitude of movement 2. direction of movement 3. speed of movement 4. smoothness of movement |
When is termination? | instant motion ceases |
parameters of termination | timing, stability, accuracy |
What is the movement outcome? | Goal of movement was reached successfully |
Key points of motor control | 1. degress of freedom 2. open and closed loops 3. motor programs |
degrees of freedom | CNS organizes many individual muscles/joints to produce coordinated mov’t. |
open and closed loops | We use open (FF) and closed loop (FB) systems every day. |
What are motor programs? | Specific neural circuits (patterned motor responses) exist for many movements. |
What is the examination? | 1. How do we analyze tasks we want to teach patients? 2. What STAGE of movement is the patient having difficulty with? |
Steps of task analysis | 1. describe task 2. identify key attributes (task chara and envir factors) 3. scale attributes simple to complex |
What does intervention seek to do? | How do we retrain movement and function? |
Steps of intervention | 1. ID missing/abnormal components 2. ID impairments causing prob. 3. Practice missing parts 4. Practice entire movement 5. Change elements of task/env. and practice |