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Section 6:Scheduling and resource management

Lead In a network diagram, the minimum necessary lapse of time between the start of one activity and the start of an overlapping activity
Lag In a network diagram, the minimum necessary lapse of time between the finish of one activity and the finish of an overlapping activity. The delay incurred between two specified activities
Gantt chart A particular type of bar chart showing planned activity against time. Activity durations are shown in the form of horizontal bars.
PERT Programme Evaluation and Review Technique. A project management technique for determining how much time a project will take to complete
Network diagram A pictorial presentation of project data in which the project logic is the main determinant of the placements of the activities in the drawing
Bar chart A chart on which activities and their durations are represented by lines drawn to a common timescale
Critical path A sequence of activities through a project network from start to finish, the sum of whose durations determines the overall project duration
Milestone A key event selected for its importance to a project
Schedule The timetable for a project
Dependency A restriction that means that one activity has to precede another activity, either in part or on total
Duration The length of time needed to complete and activity or project
Earliest finish date The earliest possible date by which an activity can finish within the logical and imposed constraints of the network
Earliest start date The earliest possible date by which an activity can start within the logical and imposed constraints of the network
Latest finish date The latest possible date by which an activity has to finish within the logical and imposed constraints of the network, without affecting the total project duration
Latest start date The latest possible date by which an activity has to start within the logical and imposed constraints of the network, without affecting the total project duration
Free float Time by which an activity may be delayed or extended without affecting the start of any succeeding activity
Total float Time by which an activity may be delayed or extended without affecting the total project duration or violating a target finish date
Forward pass A procedure whereby the earliest event times or the earliest start and finish times for the activities of a network are calculated
Backward pass A procedure whereby the latest event times or the latest start and finish times for the activities of a network are calculated
Consumable resource A type of resource that only remains available until consumed
Renewable resource A type of resource that has limited availablility, but which is not diminished by use
Resource levelling Delay or extension of time to complete activities resulting from resource constraints
Resource smoothing The use of float within a project to reduce variations in demand for specific resources without causing delay to the project
Finish-to-finish A dependency in an activity-on-node network. It indicates that one activity cannot finish until another activity has finished.
Finish-to-start A dependency in an activity-on-node network. It indicates that one activity cannot start until another activity has finished.
Schedule management The process of developing, maintaining and communicating schedules for time and resource.
Created by: Sarah Ironmonger
Popular Management sets




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