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french 2 view

Bon Voyage have a good trip
bonnes vacances have a good vacation
une ville cities or city
un pays country
un bagage bags ( not a suitcase, carry on bag)
un billet ticket
une passport passport
une piece d'identite id
un plan or une carte map
faire un voyage to go on a trip
faire les valises to pack a suit case
un tableau/ un ecran counter
le controle de securite
une place/ un siege chair
une annonce announcement
un agent agent
un voyageur/ une voyageuse traveler male/female
un passage/ une passagere passengers male/female
un avion flat
l'aeroport airport
un vol domestique domestique flight. ( flight inside the US)
un vol international international flight. ( flight outside of the US)
le depart
le decollage take off
l'arrivee arrival
l' atterrissage landing
la porte door and/or gate
le personnel de bord crew member
un pilote
un steward
une hotesse de l'air flight attendant (female)
une place cote couloir/ fenetre end seat/ window seat
une carte d'embarquement
la compagnie aerienne airline company
le comptoir the counter
la ceinture de securitie seat belt
la gare train station
un train train
un quai platform
une voie track
un controleur conductor
un arret to stop
composter de billet validated your ticket
la correspondance connection
un horaire board with all the trains leaving times
un gauichet ticket window
un kiosque sells the news paper
un journal new paper
un magazine magazine
une carte postale post card
un wagon cart
le TGV fast train
en taxi taxi
avant before
pendant during
apres after
voyager to travel
monter to get on, in ,and up
montrer to show
rater to fail/ miss
enregister to register
passer par to pass by
verifier to verified
decoller to take off
rammsser to gather
finir to finish
remplir une formulaire to fill out form
choisir to choose
grossir to gain weight
maigrir to lose weight
atterrir to land
attendre to wait
descendre to get out, go down
entendre to hear
perdre patience to lose patience
respondre to respond
vendre to sell
partir to leave
sortir go out/ take out
dormir to sleep
servir to serve
lire to read
dire to say/ to tell
ecrire to write
voir to see
Created by: bailee.nolan
Popular French sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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