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Revolution P. 1

Advantages for the patriots were... Had a cause, home field advantage, knew the land, and less travel time
Disadvantages for the patriots were... underdogs, volunteer army (militia), poorly equipped, few ships, little money, and none were trained
Advantages for the British were... best army and navy in the world, standing army, well supplied, well trained, very wealthy, and well funded
Disadvantages for the British were New to the land, long travel time, were just defending (no cause), visiting team, and mercenaries (Hessians)
GW offers to volunteers a chance to fight, low pay, lousy conditions, food ain't great, and a good chance you'll die
What kind of man joins the army poorer, young, don't have much on the line, uneducated, 18-24
What happens when there aren't volunteers they pass a draft (every state must send soldiers)
First volunteers signed for one year but extended to three years
Do african americans serve in GW's army Slaves don't, but are offered freedom if they join GB's army. Free men can serve
How did women take part in the war effort they were nurses, cooked, sewed, fought, sang, gathered, abducted, tended to soldiers, raised money, managed shops and plantation, and spies
Who was Mary Ludwig Hayes she took water to the troops and helped her husband when he was wounded. Called her Molly Pitcher
Who was Deborah Sampson Dressed like a man and fought for the patriots. Survived and deserved a pension (retiring money).
Offensive Strategy attack, have the element of surprise, not waiting around, uses lots of amo, could lose more men
Defensive Strategy defend, stay, use geography to advantage, hiding, hold what you have, no territory gained
Most Patriot leaders thought a defensive strategy was the smartest because they wanted to defend what they had and because they had little supply and wasting it seemed dumb
Battle in Montreal and Quebec the Patriot generals Montgomery and Arnold
What happened during the battle in Canada Montgomery takes Montreal while Arnold waits for him in Quebec. A blizzard comes when they meet and attack. They lose both.
What was the significance of the Canadian battle Lost Canada and learned not to go on offense
Battle in Manhattans the Patriot generals and British generals GB: Howe and Cornwallis Patriots: GW
What happened during the battle in NY 32,000 troops in NY harbor led by Howe and 18,000 troops for GW. Patriots are retreating and end up giving GB control of NY
What was the significance of the NY battle Patriots lose a harbor, lose some equipment, and lose NY
Created by: skriz
Popular American Government sets




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