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BTT Unit 1

Unit 1 Review- BTT 101

Define information technology. The study or use of systems especially computers and telecommunication for sharing receiving information. In particular the use of computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, transmit and retrieve information from anywhere, anytime.
Define digital literacy. The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information.
Define computer. -an electronic device that can accept (input) and store data (storage). - Performs operations on data without human intervention (processing) -Produces output from the processing (output) -Instructions stored in its own memory.
Define hardware. All the electrical and mechanical parts of the computer the parts you can touch.
Define software. The instructions that make a computer do something.
Define protocol. Information that travels over the internet uses a variety of languages.
What are the four main hardware components of a computer? Monitor, system unit, keyboard, mouse.
What is the difference 'operating software' and 'application software'?` Provide at least one example of each. OS: Allows the computer to communicate with all other devices. Ex: Windows, iOS. Linux and Unix. AS:commonly called computer programs or end users. Ex: Microsoft word, powerpoint excel and photoshop.
What are the four main functions that a computer can perform? Explain each. Input: Put data on computer w/ input devices. processing: The CPU tells other things what to do. Storage: Storage is critical for processing. 2 types (ROM RAM) Output:Display through monitors, printers, speakers and USB
Name the 7 types of computers personal computer, mobile computers and mobile devices, game consoles, servers, mainframe, supercomputers and embedded computers.
personal computer can perform all of its input, processing, output, and storage activity by itself.
Mobile computers and mobile devices mobile computer is a PC you can carry from place to place. A mobile device is a computing device is small enough to hold in your hand.
Game consoles. Use handheld controllers as input devices and television screen as an output device.
servers Servers control the access to the hardware, software and other resources on a network. Provide centralized storage for programs, data and information.
Mainframe The main frame is the workhorse of the business world- it is the heart of a network of computers or terminals. allows hundreds of people to work at the same time on the same data.
supercomputers fastes, most powerful and expensive computer made. built for huge amounts of data such as weather forecasting.
Embedded computers. A special purpose computer that functions as a component in a larger product.
Where is the mother board located? What does it do? Sometimes called the system board, is the main circuit board of the system and many components attach to it.
What is a storage device? Holds data, instructions and information for future use on storage media. Records and/ or retries items to and from storage devices.
In terms of storage devices, define capacity. The number of bytes (characters) a storage medium can hold.
Communication devices are hardware components that...? allows a computer to send (transmit) and receive data, instructions and information to and from one or more computers.
What is an input device? any hardware that conveys information to one or more people.
What is an output device? A device that is used to display information.
In terms of monitors what is resolution, what are pixels. resolution of a screen is the number of horizontal and fertile pixels on a display dev ice. A pixel (picture element) is a single point on an electronic image.
how is printer resolution measured? and how is the speed of a printer measured. resolution is measured by dots per inch (dpi). the speed is measured in pages per minutes (ppm)
Explain how the internet and the web are different. The internet is a massive network that links together billions of computer networks world-wide with more than one billion users. The web is one way of accessing information over the internet.
What are the 5 criteria for evaluating a website? explain each Accuracy: writers information. Authority: type of institution that publishes the document. Objectivity: if the main purpose was to advertise a product or service. Currency: is it up to date. Coverage:if information is easy to access.
What directory are student folders located, using the Cardinal Newman network? Home directory.
Created by: caitlynkummer
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