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When performing steady-state cardiorespiratory exercise, which of the following is LEAST likely to limit exercise duration?
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What causes cardiovascular drift?
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Ace ReviewQuestions9

Ace Chapter 11 Review Questions

When performing steady-state cardiorespiratory exercise, which of the following is LEAST likely to limit exercise duration? Availability of energy from stored fat and/or free fatty acids.
What causes cardiovascular drift? Increased heart rate to compensate for reduced blood volume due to sweat production for thermoregulation.
What is the PRIMARY reason for having all clients perform an adequate cool-down? To enhance venous return to prevent blood pooling in the extremities.
What is the GREATEST limitation associated with using heart-rate reserve (HRR) to calculate exercise target heart rate? Accurate programming using HRR requires actual measured maximum heart rate (MHR) and resting heart rate.
Which of the following weekly training plans would have a session rating or perceived exertion (session RPE) of 450 points? 3 sessions x 30 minutes at an RPE of 5.
Which of the following corresponds with the second ventilatory threshold (VT2)? Onset of blood lactate accumulation. (OBLA)
What is the PRIMARY focus of aerobic-base training in the ACE IFT Model? Creating positive experiences and early success through achievable zone 1 exercise of increasing duration.
Most health benefits occur with at least __________ a week of moderate-intensity physical activity. 150 minutes
A client performs regular moderate- to vigorous-intensity activity at 85% of his maximum heart rate. What is his fitness classification? Average/good
During the talk test, a client is able to speak, but not very comfortably. At approximately what intensity is this client working? Just above VT1
In which zone of the three-zone training model is an individual exercising if he or she is working at a heart rate equal to his or her second ventilatory threshold? Zone 3
The introduction of training with heart rates at and above VT1 takes place in which phase? Aerobic-efficiency
Which exercise variable is it MOST appropriate for a personal trainer to manipulate in the early stages of an exercise program? Duration
During which cardiorespiratory training phase of the ACE IFT Model should a client be working at an RPE of 3 to 4? Phase 1
During which cardiorespiratory training phase of the ACE IFT Model should a trainer administer the VT2 threshold test to determine HR at VT2? Phase 3
Stop-and-go game-type activities are an appropriate choice for both youth and older adult exercisers. False
During which cardiorespiratory training phase of the ACE IFT Model should low zone 2 intervals be introduced into a client's program? Phase 2
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