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Prego! 7th Edition
Chapter 7 Vocabulary
Question | Answer |
addormentarsi | to fall asleep |
alzarsi | to stand up, get up |
annoiarsi | to get bored |
arrabbiarsi | to get angry |
chiamarsi | to call oneself, be named |
diplomarsi | to graduate (high school) |
divertirsi | to enjoy oneself, have a good time |
fare bella figura | to look good, to make a good impression |
fare il bagno | to take a bath |
fare la doccia | to take a shower |
farsi la barba | to shave (men) |
fermarsi | to stop (moving) |
lamentarsi (di) | to complain (about) |
laurearsi | to graduate (college) |
lavarsi | to wash (oneself) |
lavarsi i capelli | to wash one's hair |
lavarsi i denti | to brush one's teeth |
lavarsi la faccia | to wash one's face |
mettersi | to put on (clothes) |
mettersi le lenti a contatto | to put in contact lenses |
mettersi il rossetto | to put on lipstick |
portare | to wear |
rilassarsi | to relax |
sbagliarsi | to make a mistake |
sentirsi bene | to feel good |
sentirsi male | to feel bad |
sentirsi stanco | to feel tired |
sentirsi contento | to feel happy |
sposarsi | to get married |
svegliarsi | to wake up |
tornare (a) | to return (to a place) |
truccarsi | to put on make-up |
vestirsi | to get dressed |
l'abito | dress, suit |
il bottone | button |
la giacca | jacket |
l'impermeabile | raincoat |
la maglia | sweater |
i vestiti | clothes |
la sciarpa | scarf |
il vestito | dress, suit |
i guanti | gloves |
la cravatta | tie |
il cappotto | coat |
il vestito completo | suit |
il berretto | baseball cap |
la maglietta | t-shirt |
i calzini | socks |
la camicia | shirt |
la cintura | belt |
i pantaloni | pants |
blu | dark blue |
giallo | yellow |
grigio | gray |
nero | black |
rosso | red |
verde | green |
abbracciarsi | to embrace (each other) |
aiutarsi | to help each other |
baciarsi | to kiss (each other) |
capirsi | to understand each other |
conoscersi | to meet (each other) |
farsi regali | to exchange gifts |
guardarsi | to look at each other |
incontrarsi | to meet up with each other, run into each other |
lasciarsi | to leave each other, to break up |
parlarsi | to talk to each other |
salutarsi | to greet each other |
scriversi | to write to each other |
telefonarsi | to phone each other |
vedersi | to see each other |
l'abbigliamento | clothing |
la felpa | sweatshirt, sweatsuit |
l'infanzia | childhood |
le scarpe | shoes |
la t-shirt | t-shirt |
il rapporto | relationship |
il milione | million |
il miliardo | billion |
anche se | even though |
di tutti i giorni | everyday |
sporco | dirty |
le mutande | underwear |
la lavanderia | laundromat |