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Bio Changes in DNA
Changes in DNA
Term | Definition |
Point Mutation | A mutation that changes only one small area or one nucleotide in a gene |
Frameshift Mutation | A mutation that occurs when the number of nucleotides inserted or deleted causes a misreading of amino acids from that point |
Insertion | A mutation in which extra base pair(s) is added to sequence |
Substitution Mutation | A mutation that exchanges one base for another |
Silent Mutation | This mutation does not change anything |
Deletion | A mutation where section of DNA is lost |
Nonsense Mutation | This mutation changes a codon that specifies an amino acid to one of the STOP codons |
Missense Mutation | This mutation alters the codon so as to produce an altered amino acid in the protein product |
Translocation | This mutation base pairs or sections of chromosome are flipped. |
Inversion | This mutation results in a transfer of a piece of one chromosome to a nonhomologous chromosome. |
Duplication | Section of the gene is doubled |
Nondisjunction | The failure of homologous chromosomes to separate normally during nuclear division. |