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Unit2 Social Studies
Study Guide
Term | Definition |
migration | the movement of people or animals from one place to another |
immigration | when a group of people enter a new country |
emigration | when a group of people leave their homeland to live permanently in another country |
Pangea | Scientific theory that the Earth began with one large land mass |
push factor | something that causes people to want to leave their homeland in search of some place better |
pull factor | opportunities in another land that cause people to want to move and live there |
Osage Indians | From Oklahoma, hunted in Arkansas, used guns to control trade in other tribes, scalplocks-mohawks- to tell men of certain clans apart from others, jewelry and tatoos were common |
Quapaw Indians | Largest tribe in Arkansas, lived near the Mississippi River, built rectangular houses, led by male members of their clans |
Caddo Indians | Lived in Southwestern Arkansas, used salt from saltwater in their trade, led by male members of their clans, tattoos were common |
scalplocks | a hair style that distinguished clans from one another, used in the Osage tribe, known today as a mohawk |
tribe | Native American people who belong to a specifically named group, who share the same language and religious beliefs |
Christopher Columbus | Looked for a new route to the Indes, responsible for Native Americans being called Indians, believed that he had found a new route to the Indes upon his death |
Indian Removal Act | Initiated by Andrew Jackson, forcing Native Americans east of the Mississippi River to relocate to reservations in and around present-day Oklahoma. |
Ellis Island | Located in New York, it was the first stop for low-class immigrants. It involved legal and medical inspections before being allowed to enter the country. |
famine | wide-spread starvation caused by natural disasters, such as the Irish Potato Famine |
settlement | An area that people have never lived in before that is suddenly the home of a group of people trying to start a new life. |
most immigrants came from... | Asia, Europe, South America, and Africa |