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French Idioms
Term | Definition |
Avoir la main verte | To have a green thumb |
Rien à cirer | I don't care |
Devenir chèvre | To go/become insane |
Voir la vie en rose | To be optimistic |
Être blanc comme un linge | To be pale |
Avoir du pain sur la planche | To have a lot of work to do |
Avoir les yeux en amande | To have almond (pretty) eyes |
C'est la fin des haricots | We've had it; that's the last straw |
Je n'ai plus un radis | I haven't got any money |
Chercher la petite bête | To split hair; to look for something to complain about |
Laisser le meilleur pour la fin | Save the best for last |
Ça coûte les yeux de la tête | That costs an arm and a leg |
Les chiens ne font pas des chats | The apple doesn't fall far from the tree |
Avoir sur le bout de la langue | To have on the tip of your tongue |
C'est facile comme tout | It's as easy as pie |
Ne mets pas tous tes oeufs dans le même panier | Don't put all of your eggs in one basket |
Il vaut mieux aller au moulin qu'au médecin | An apple a day keeps the doctor away |
Il ne faut jamais mettre la charrue avant les boeufs | Don't put the cart before the horse |
Qui naît poule aime à caqueter | A leopard can't change their spots |
Faute de grives, on mange des merles | Beggers can't be choosers |
Paris ne s'est pas fait en un jour | Rome wasn't built in a day |
Avoir la bouche fendue jusqu'aux oreilles | Grinning from ear to ear |
Le chat parti, les souris dansent | When the cat's away, the mice will play |
Aux grands maux les grands remèdes | Desperate times call for desperate measures |
Un chien vivant vaut mieux qu'un lion mort | A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; be happy with what you have rather than being greedy |
Il fait un temps de chien | It's raining cats and dogs |
Avoir la moutarde qui monte au nez | To lose your temper; to be angry |
Avoir les chevilles qui enflent | To be full of yourself; big-headed |
Quand les poules auront des dents | When pigs fly; when chickens have teeth |
À toute à l'heure | See you later |
Pas du tout | Not at all |
Rien du tout | Nothing at all |
Tout le temps | All the time |
Demander ou donner un coup de main | Ask or give a hand |
En coup de vent | Briefly |
Boire un coup | Have a drink |
Sur un coup de tête | On a whim |
On dirait | (It) looks like |
Prendre mal quelque chose | Take something the wrong way |
Se débrouiller | To get by |
Ça ne te regarde pas | It does not concern you |
Tu n'as qu'à | You have only... |
Tu en es où | Where are you |
Ça me tarde | I can't wait |
S'entendre bien/mal avec quelqu'un | Get along well/poorly with someone |
Une bonne fois pour toutes | Once and for all |
Toute de suite | Right now |
Tomber de sommeil | Fall asleep |
Faire mouche | To hit the mark |
Se casser la tête | To puzzle/challenge your brain |
Se mettre le doigt dans l'oeil | To make a mistake |
Être sans voix | To be speechless |
Donner sa langue au chat | To give up |
Avoir les dents longues | To be (ruthlessly) ambitious |
Manger sur le pouce | To grab a bite to eat |
Prendre ses jambes a son cou | To run away/make a run for it |
Casser les pieds a quelqu'un | To get on someone's nerves |
Couper la poire en deux | To meet someone halfway/split the difference |
Pédaler dans la semoule | Get nowhere fast/to go around in circles |
Avoir la tête dans le guidon | To work hard |
Être soupe au lait | To be quick/short tempered |
En avoir l'eau à la bouche | To have your mouth water |
Motus et bouche cousue | My lips are sealed |
Le bouche-à-oreille | Word of mouth, the rumor |
Faire la fine bouche | To be a picky eater |
Faire les doux yeux | To have sweet eyes |
En avoir la chair de poule | To get goosebumps/to be scared |
Tenir sa langue | To hold your tongue/keep your mouth shut |
Mettre du baume au coeur | Put the balm in the heart/comfort/soothe |
Il s'en est fallu d'un cheveu | He had taken a hair, he was very closely to |
Être à deux doigts de | Being very close to doing something; almost |
Savoir tout faire de ses dix doigts | Know how to do everything with his ten fingers; be very skilled manually |
Ne pas se laisser marcher sur les pieds | Do not let yourself get walked on; do not tolerate certain things; be respected |
Avoir le sang chaud | Warm blooded; short tempered |
Perdre son sang-froid | To loose your temper |
J'ai l'estomac noué | My stomach is in knots; stomach ache |
C'est casse-gueule | It's dicey |
C'est casse-gueule | It's obvious/hard to miss |
Ça ne saute pas aux yeux | It's not obvious; it doesn't jump out to the eyes |
Ne pas faire le poids | Do not do the weight; do not have the skills |
Avoir la grosse tête | To have a big head; to be full of yourself |
Être mauvaise langue | To say something bad about someone; gossip |
Lever le pied | Kick back |
Avoir la peau dure | To be thick skinned; not easily bothered/riled |
Quel pied | That was great |
Avoir quelque chose dans la peau | Love something passionately |
Se prendre en main | To take charge |
Ça prend la tête | To take time and effort |
Diriger d'une main de fer | To rule with an iron fist |
Boire comme un trou | Drink like a fish; to never stop drinking |
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe | To enter a situation at the most awkward moment possible |
Faire la grasse matinée | To sleep in/sleep late |
C'est dommage | That's a shame; that's too bad |
Ça marche | It works |
Péter un plomb | Freak out; to get very angry |
Avoir un chat dans la gorge | To have a frog in your throat; to have something stuck in your throat |
Une bouchée de pain | It costs next to nothing |
L'habit ne fait pas le moine | Don't judge a book by its cover |
Jeter l'éponge | To give up |
Avoir le beurre et l'argent du beurre | To have the best of both worlds |
Prendre quelqu'un la main dans la sac | To catch someone red-handed/in the act |
Mettre son grain de sel | To give an unsolicited opinion |
Ne pas casser trois pattes à un canard | It isn't special |
Il me court sur le haricot | He's annoying me |
Je dis ça, je dis rien | I'm just saying |
Être à l'ouest | To be dazed and confused; to have one's head in the clouds |
Avoir les doigts dans le nez | Something that is so easy you could do it in your sleep |
Manger comme quatre | To eat enough for an army |
Avoir le cafard | To feel down; to have the blues |
Avoir la gueule de bois | To have a hangover |
Poser un lapin à quelqu'un | To stand up to someone |
Être dans le cirage | To be half-asleep; to be groggy |
Sauter du coq à l'âne | To jump from one subject to another |
Avoir la flemme | To be lazy |
Etre creve | To be tired |
Un froid de canard | To be extremely cold |
Pleuvoir des cordes | It's raining ropes |
Faire gaffe | To be careful |
Chercher la petite bête | To look for something to complain about |
Sentir le sapin | To have one's foot in the grave |
Prendre ses cliques et ses claques | To pack up and leave |
Avoir une peur bleue de | To have a fear close to terror |
En avoir ras le bol | To be fed up with |
Un coup d’oeil | To throw a glance |
Faire la sourde oreille | To pretend not to hear when someone is talking to you |
Prendre ses jambes à son cou | To run for one's life |
S’occuper de ses oignons | Asking someone to stop bothering you and leave you alone |
Changer de crèmerie | To take one's custom elsewhere |
Boire comme un trou | They never stop drinking even if they should |
C’est dommage | That's a shame |
Ça marche | That works |
Oh la la | Oh dear |
Gagner sa vie | Earn a living |
Mort de rire | Die of laughter |
Pleuvoir des cordes | To rain ropes |
Avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre | To have eye bigger than ones stomach |
Un froid de canard | To be icy, bitterly, cold |
Jeter l’argent par les fenêtres | To carelessly spend money |
Blanchir de l’argent | To launder money |
S’en mettre plein les poches | To line one's pockets |
Rouler sur l’or | To be rich |
Se serrer la ceinture | To tighten one's belt |
Casser les pieds à quelqu’un | To annoy/bother someone |
Casser du sucre sur le dos de quelqu’un | To talk about someone behind their back |
Tourner au vinaigre | To get nasty |
Tomber dans le panneau | To fall into the trap |
Aller droit au but | To get straight to the point |
Avoir faim | To be hungry |
Avoir soif | To be thirsty |
Joyeux Noel | Merry Christmas! |
C'est dégeulasse! | It's disgusting! |
Et patati et patata | Yada yada yada. |
C'est chiant | It's annoying. |
Bonne journée! | Have a great day! |
Mon amour | My love |
Bon appétit | Enjoy your meal |
Santé | Fit/healthy |
Tchin tchin | Cheers! |
Ça depend! | It depends! |
Comme ci comme ca | So so |
Petit à petit | Step by step |
Dormir à la belle étoile | Sleep under the stars |
Découvrir le pot aux roses | Let the cat out of the bag |
Prendre racine | Take root |
C'est du gàteau | Easy as cake |
En prendre plein les yeux | Keep eyes peeled/Pay attention |
Etre sage comme une image | To be as wise as a painting |
Un point c'est tout | And that's all |
A tout allure | At full speed |
Se faire larguer | To get dumped |
Se prendre un rateau | To get knocked back |
Faire la sourde oreille | To turn a deaf ear |
Tourner la page | To make a fresh start |
Faire l'andouille | To act silly |
S'occuper de ses oignons | To mind one's own business |
En faire tout un fromage | To make a fuss about something |
Mettre du piment dans sa vie To spice up one's life | |
Ramener sa fraise To put one's two cents in | |
Avoir d'autres chats a fouetter To have better things to do | |
Prendre ses cliques et ses claques To pack up and go, to leave suddenly | |
Partir en fumee To go up in smoke, to disappear | |
Prendre ses jambes a son cou To run for one's life | |
Prendre quelqu'un la main dans le sac To be caught red-handed | |
N'y voir que du feu To be clueless | |
Tomber dans les pommes To faint | |
En avoir l'eau à la bouche mouth water, to want something | |
Motus et bouche cousue lips are sealed, keep a secret | |
Faire la fine bouche have a thin mouth, not easily satisfied | |
en avoir la chair de poule to be horrified by something, to feel a sense of fear | |
tenir sa langue hold his tongue, do not reveal a secret | |
être sans voix to be speechless | |
Mettre du baume au coeur Put balm in the heart: comfort, soothe | |
Il s’en est fallu d’un cheveu He had taken a hair, he was very close to | |
Etre à deux doigts de being very close to doing something. | |
Savoir tout faire de ses dix doigts Know how to do everything with his ten fingers, be very skilled manually | |
Ne pas se laisser marcher sur les pieds Do not let yourself walk on your feet, do not tolerate certain things, be respected. | |
Avoir le sang chaud Have warm blood, get angry easily | |
Perdre son sang-froid Loose temper, losing one's calm | |
J’ai l’estomac noué My stomach is knotted, I am anxious | |
C’est casse-gueule It's dicey, there are risks | |
ça saute aux yeux it's really obvious, we can not miss it | |
ça ne saute pas aux yeux it does not jump to the eyes: it does not show | |
Ne pas faire le poids Do not do the weight, do not have the skills | |
Avoir la grosse tête To hava big head, be pretentious | |
donner un coup de main à quelqu’un give someone a hand, giving hand | |
être mauvaise langue to be bad language, to spend one's time saying bad things about others. | |
lever le pied lift the foot, live at a slower pace | |
avoir la peau dure tough skin | |
Quel pied! What a foot, it's great | |
avoir quelque chose dans la peau something in your skin, love something passionately | |
se prendre en main take charge | |
ça prend la tête takes the head, causes worries | |
diriger d’une main de fer direct with an iron hand, control strictly | |
Boire comme un trou To drink like a hole, they never stop even if they should | |
Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts Not knowing how to do anything with one’s ten fingers, useless | |
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe To arrive like the hair in a soup, awkward | |
Mettre son grain de sel To put in one’s grain of salt – to give someone an unnecessary opinion | |
C’est dommage That's a shame | |
Je dis ça, je dis rien I say that, I say nothing, just saying | |
Ça marche That works | |
Sauter du coq à l’âne To jump from topic to topic in conversation. | |
Oh la la Oh dear | |
Gagner sa vie Earn a living | |
Mort de rire Die of laughter | |
Pleuvoir des cordes To rain ropes Raining cats and dogs | |
Manger sur le pouce To eat on the thumb Eat on the go | |
Boire un coup To drink a shock To have a drink | |
Avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre To have eye bigger than ones stomach | |
Un froid de canard A cold of duck To be icy/bitterly cold | |
Jeter l’argent par les fenêtres To throw money out the window To carelessly spend money | |
Une bouchée de pain A mouthful of bread For next to nothing | |
Blanchir de l’argent To whiten money To launder money | |
Coûter les yeux de la tête/un bras To cost an arm and a leg To cost a fortune | |
S’en mettre plein les poches To put a lot in one’s pockets To line one's pockets | |
Rouler sur l’or To roll on gold To be rich | |
Se serrer la ceinture To tighten one's belt | |
Casser les pieds à quelqu’un To break someone's feet To annoy/bother someone | |
Casser du sucre sur le dos de quelqu’un To break sugar on someone’s back To talk about someone behind their back | |
Tourner au vinaigre To turn to vinegar To get nasty | |
Faire la grasse matinée To do fat in the morning To sleep in | |
Tomber dans le panneau To fall into the sign To fall into the trap | |
(Jeter) un coup d’oeil To throw a stroke of an eye To cast a glance, a look | |
Aller droit au but To go straight to the goal To get straight to the point | |
Avoir faim To be hungry | |
Avoir soif To be thirsty | |
Quel culot What nerve | |
J'ai la poisse I have bad luck | |
J'ai un peu faim I'm a little hungry | |
Ça porte ses fruits It pays off | |
Arrondir les angles Smooth it out | |
Quelle audace What audacity | |
Coûter les yeux de la tête To cost an arm and a leg | |
Boire comme un trou Drink like a hole | |
Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts Completely useless | |
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe To enter a situation at the most awkward moment | |
Mettre son grain de sel To give an unsolicited opinion | |
Faire la grasse matinée To sleep in | |
C’est dommage That's too bad | |
Je dis ça, je dis rien I'm just saying | |
Poser un lapin à quelqu’un To stand somebody up, to not show up to plans | |
Ça marche That works | |
Sauter du coq à l’âne To jump from one topic to another | |
Être à l’ouest Completely crazy, out of it | |
La moutarde me/lui monte au nez I'm getting angry | |
Il fait un temps de chien! It's raining cats and dogs | |
Ta gueule! Be quiet, shut your mouth | |
Avoir le cafard To be down in the dumps | |
Avoir les chevilles qui enflent To be excessively proud/arrogant | |
Couper les cheveux en quatre Being meticulous | |
Avoir un chat dans la gorge To have a sore throat, heavy cough | |
Quand les poules auront des dents When pigs fly, when Hell freezes over | |
Les doigts dans la nez To be able to do it with your eyes closed | |
Sentir le sapin To feel close to death | |
Manger comme quatre To eat a lot, too much, enough for multiple people | |
Prendre quelqu’un la main dans le sac Caught red handed | |
avoir envie de to want (to do something), to feel like (doing something) | |
avoir besoin de to need | |
avoir l'intention de to intend (to do something) | |
avoir chaud to be hot | |
avoir froid to be cold | |
avoir honte (de) to be ashamed (of) | |
avoir mal (à la tête, à la gorge, aux yeux) to hurt (to have a headache, to have a sore throat, to have sore eyes) | |
avoir raison | To be right |
avoir tort | To be wrong |
avoir sommeil to be sleepy | |
avoir de la chance to be lucky | |
être en train de + INF to be busy; to be in the process of | |
être à + QQN to belong to someone | |
être à l'heure to be on time | |
être à l'avance to be early | |
être en retard to be late | |
être fatigué to be tired | |
être d'accord avec to agree with | |
faire attention to pay attention; to be careful | |
faire ses devoirs to do one's homework | |
faire une promenade to take a walk, ride | |
faire la cuisine to cook | |
sortir par les yeux go out by the eyes | |
faire les courses to do the (food) shopping; to run errands | |
sauter au yeux jump to the eyes | |
C'est Versailles It's Versailles | |
pas une miette not a crumb | |
jeter de la poudre aux yeux throw powder in the eyes | |
Bon appétit ! Lets eat! | |
ça a l'air It seems like | |
Se faire larguer To get dumped | |
Se prendre un rateau To hit a rake | |
Poser un lapin a quelqu'un To put a rabbit to someone | |
S'envoyer en l'air To throw oneself in the air | |
Avoir le cafard To have the cockroach | |
Avoir la peche patate To have a potato shape | |
Avoir la dalle To have the slab | |
Prendre la tete To take the head | |
En avoir marre To have enough of it | |
Avoir du pain sur la planche To have bread on the board | |
Etre a l'ouest To be in the west | |
Etre rouge comme un tomate To be red like a tomato | |
Etre creve To be flat | |
Etre mal en point To be bad in point | |
En avoir ras le bol To have a bowl full of it | |
Avoir la flemme To be lazy | |
Avoir un peur bleu de To have a blue fear | |
Ne pas etre dans son assiette Not to be in one's plate | |
Avoir la moutarde qui monte au nez To have the mustard going up your nose | |
Etre au taquet To be at a piece of wood | |
Avoir la gueule de bois To have the wooden face | |
Avoir un chat dans la gorge To have a cat in the throat | |
Etre bien dans sa peau To be good in one's skin | |
Avoir un IQ d'huitre To have the IQ of an oyster | |
Avoir un poil dans la main To have a hair in the hand | |
Manger sur le pouce To eat on the thumb | |
Boire comme un trou To drink like a hole | |
Boire un coup To drink a shock | |
Un froid de canard A cold of duck | |
Pleuvoir des cordes To be raining ropes | |
Coûter les yeux de la tête costs the eyes in your head, to cost and arm and a leg | |
Avaler des couleuvre to swallow grass snakes, to put up with humiliation | |
Avoir bon dos to have a good back, to be a scapegoat | |
Avoir le coeur sur la main to have a heart in hand, to be generous | |
Bete noire black beast, an enemy or an obvious mistake | |
Bon an, mal an good year, bad year -- year in, year out | |
Comme un poisson dans l'eau like a fish in water, at ease | |
Conduire comme un pied to drive like a foot, to drive terribly | |
Ca me dit quelque chose that tells me something, that rings a bell | |
Ca me prend la tete that takes my head, that drives me crazy/annoys me | |
(Les) doigts dans le nez fingers in the nose, very easy | |
Avoir le melon to have the melon, to be sure of oneself | |
Jeter l'eponge to throw in the sponge, throw in the towel, to give up | |
Manger ses mots to eat one's words, to muble | |
Mort de rire die of laughter | |
Ce ne sont pas vos oignons these aren't your onions, it's none of your business | |
Pleuvoir des cordes to rain ropes, it's raining cats and dogs, to rain a lot | |
Se creuser la tete | |
Quel culot what nerve | |
J'ai la poisse I have bad luck | |
Boire comme un trou to drink like a hole | |
C'est dommage that's too bad | |
Ca marche that works | |
Avoir le cafard to be down in the dumps, sad | |
Avoir un chat dans la gorge to have a sore throat, heavy cough | |
Avoir la main verte to have a green thumb | |
Du jour au lendemain out of the blue, suddenly | |
Voir la vie en rose to be optimistic | |
Motus et bouche cousue to keep a secret | |
Faire les doux yeux seduce, make sweet eyes | |
A point nommé Timely | |
Un point d'orgue A highlight | |
Être mal en point To be in bad shape | |
(Se) prendre un râteau To get blown off | |
C'est nickel It's perfect | |
Autant que faire se peut As much as possible | |
Peu me chaut ! I do not care | |
Un amour platonique A platonic love | |
Etre sur la corde raide Being on a tight rope | |
L'erreur est humaine Human Error | |
Remuer / tourner le couteau dans la plaie Stir / turn the knife in the wound | |
Les tenants et les aboutissants The ins and outs | |
Le talon d'Achille The Achilles heel | |
De pied en cap From head to toe | |
La huitième merveille du monde The eighth wonder of the world | |
Une fine lame A thin blade | |
Faire main basse sur... Take control of... | |
Etre terre-à-terre Being down-to-earth | |
Le revers de la médaille The flip side | |
Tourner autour du pot Beat around the bush | |
Motus et bouche cousue lips are sealed | |
Se tirer la bourre To get away with it | |
Sans queue ni tête Nonsensical | |
Le libre arbitre Free will | |
Jeter l'éponge To give up | |
Avoir du sang de navet Have bad blood | |
Scier la branche sur laquelle on est assis Saw the branch on which you are sitting | |
En faire à sa guise Do it your way | |
Brûler ses vaisseaux Burn your ships | |
Comme un poisson dans l'eau Like a fish in water | |
Paris est la plus belle ville du monde, il n’y a aucun doute ! Paris is the most beautiful city in the world, there is no doubt! | |
Écoutez monsieur, s’il vous plaît ! Listen sir, please! | |
Et patati et patata… Yada yada yada… | |
À tout à l’heure ! Right away! | |
Quel temps de merde ! What a horrible time! | |
Ça a l’air bien ! It looks nice! | |
Enfin, voilà, quoi. Finally, that's what. | |
Vous êtes français ? You're French? | |
Et du coup… And suddenly… | |
On dirait… Looks like ... | |
Prendre mal quelque chose Take something wrong | |
Se débrouiller To get by | |
Ça ne te regarde pas It does not concern you | |
Tu (n’)as qu’à… You don't have to ... | |
C’est à qui ? Who is it to? | |
Tu en es où ? Where are you? | |
Ça me tarde That I long | |
S’entendre bien/mal avec quelqu’un Get along well with someone | |
Demander ou donner un coup de main Ask or give a hand | |
Jeter ou donner un coup d’oeil Throw or take a look | |
Un coup de téléphonestep A phone call | |
En coup de vent In a gust of wind | |
Un coup de soleil A sunburn | |
Boire un coup Have a drink | |
Tenter le coup To give it a try | |
Ca depend it depends | |
petit a petit step by step | |
comme ci comma ca so so | |
À propos, elle est française cette caméra ? Ah non ! Ah bon ! Tant pis… À propos, elle est française cette caméra ? Ah non ! Ah bon ! Tant pis… By the way, is she French this camera? Oh no ! Oh! Never mind… | |
La France est le plus beau pays du monde, c’est évident ! France is the most beautiful country in the world, it's obvious! | |
Il fait un temps de chien! It's raining cats and dogs! | |
Avoir la moutarde qui monte au nez To have mustard going up your nose, to lose temper | |
Ta guele Shut your mouth | |
Avoir les chevilles qui enflent To have ankles that swell, to be full of yourself | |
Avoir le cafard To have the cockroach, to be sad | |
Couper les cheveux en quatre splitting hairs | |
Peter un plomb to go crazy | |
Avoir un poil dans la main to be lazy | |
Avoir un chat dans le gorge to have a sore throat | |
Quand les poules auront des dents When chickens have teeth | |
Les doigts dans la nez I can do it with my fingers in my nose, easy to do | |
Sentir le sapin to be close to death | |
Manger comme quatre To eat enough food for four people | |
Prendre quelqu’un la main dans le sac To catch someone red handed | |
Avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre To have butter and butter money | |
Une bouchée de pain I bought it for cheap, or for a mouthful of bread | |
L’habit ne fait pas le moine The clothing doesn't make the monk | |
Il me court sur le haricot To get on your nerves | |
Avoir la gueule de bois To have a hangover | |
Mettre son grain de sel To give ones unwanted opinion | |
Être dans le cirage to be half asleep | |
Mettre la charrue avant les bœufs to put the plow before the cows | |
Ne pas casser trois pattes à un canard Its nothing special | |
Jeter l'éponge to give up | |
Poule mouillée coward | |
Prendre entre quatre yeux To have an argument with someone | |
Il y une couille dans le potage There is a problem | |
Peigner la girafe to do something useless | |
Se faire chier comme un rat mort To be extremely bored | |
Un peu mon neveu show | |
Tout à l’heure See you later | |
Pas du tout Nothing at all | |
Rien du tout Nothing at all | |
Tout le temps All the time | |
Demander ou donner un coup de main Ask or give hand | |
En coup de vent In a gust of wind | |
Boire un coup Have a drink | |
Sur un coup de tête On a whim | |
On dirait Looks like | |
Prendre mal quelque chose Take something wrong | |
Se débrouiller To get by | |
Ça ne te regarde pas It does not concern you | |
Tu (n’)as qu’à You (only) have | |
Tu en es où Where are you | |
Ça me tarde That I long | |
S’entendre bien/mal avec quelqu’u Get along well with someone | |
Une bonne fois pour toutes Once and for all | |
Tout de suite Right now | |
tomber de sommeil To be very sleepy | |
faire mouche To score a bulls eye | |
Coûter les yeux de la tête To cost an arm an a leg | |
Se casser la tête To go through a lot of trouble | |
Se mettre le doigt dans l'œil To make a mistake | |
être sans voix To be speechless | |
Donner sa langue au chat To give up | |
Avoir les dent longues To be ambitious | |
Manger sur le pouce To grab a bite | |
Prendre ses jambes à son cou To run away | |
Casser les pieds à quelqu'un To get on someones nerves | |
Couper la poire en deux To meet someone half way | |
Pédaler dans la semoule To go around in circles | |
avoir la tête dans le guidon To work hard | |
être soupe au lait To be quick tempered | |
Se faire larguer To get dumped | |
Se prendre un rateau To get knocked back | |
Un froid de canard To be icy cold | |
Jeter l'argent par les fenetres To waste money | |
Une bouchee de pain For next to nothing | |
Couter les yeux de la tete To cost a fortune | |
S'en mettre plein les poches To line one's pockets | |
Rouler sur l'or To be rich | |
Casser les pieds a quelqu'un To annoy someone | |
Casser du sucre sur le dos de quelqu'un To talk about someone behind his back | |
Tourner au vinaigre To get out of control | |
Faire la grasse matinee To sleep in | |
Tomber dans le panneau To fall into the trap | |
Aller droit au but To go straight to the point | |
Faire le pont To take a long weekend | |
Faire gaffe To be careful | |
Faire la sourde oreille To turn a deaf ear | |
Tourner la page To make a fresh start | |
Faire l'andouille To act silly | |
S'occuper de ses oignons To mind one's own business | |
En faire tout un fromage To make a fuss about something | |
Mettre du piment dans sa vie To spice up one's life | |
Ramener sa fraise To put one's two cents in | |
Avoir d'autres chats a fouetter To have better things to do | |
Prendre ses cliques et ses claques To pack up and go, to leave suddenly | |
Partir en fumee To go up in smoke, to disappear | |
Prendre ses jambes a son cou To run for one's life | |
Prendre quelqu'un la main dans le sac To be caught red-handed | |
N'y voir que du feu To be clueless | |
Tomber dans les pommes To faint | |
avoir besoin de to need | |
avoir envie de to want (to do something), to feel like (doing something) | |
avoir l'intention de to intend (to do something) | |
avoir faim to be hungry | |
avoir soif to be thirsty | |
avoir chaud to be hot | |
avoir froid to be cold | |
avoir honte (de) to be ashamed (of) | |
avoir mal (à la tête, à la gorge, aux yeux) to hurt (to have a headache, to have a sore throat, to have sore eyes) | |
avoir raison to be right | |
avoir tort to be wrong | |
avoir sommeil to be sleepy | |
avoir de la chance to be lucky | |
être en train de + INF to be busy doing; to be in the process of | |
être à + QQN to belong to someone | |
être à l'heure to be on time | |
être à l'avance to be early | |
être en retard to be late | |
être fatigué(e) to be tired | |
être d'accord avec to agree with | |
faire attention to pay attention; to be careful | |
faire ses devoirs to do one's homework | |
faire une promenade to take a walk, ride | |
faire la cuisine to cook | |
faire la vaisselle to do the dishes | |
faire les courses to do the (food) shopping; to run errands | |
faire des achats (du shopping) to go shopping | |
faire le lit to make the bed | |
faire une promenade to take a walk | |
faire la cuisine to do the cooking | |
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe To enter a situation at the most awkward time | |
Ça a l’air It seems like | |
Gagner sa vie Earn a living | |
Mort de rire Die of laughter | |
Pleuvoir des cordes To rain ropes, raining cats and dogs | |
Avoir d’autres chats à fouetter To have other /better things to do | |
Avoir le cœur sur la main To be generous | |
Comme un poisson dans l'eau Like a fish in water, to be at ease | |
Coûter les yeux de la tête To cost the eyes of head, to be expensive | |
Ça me dit quelque chose That rings a bell | |
En un clin d’œil Quickly, fast | |
C'est du gâteau! It's a piece of cake | |
Occupe-toi de tes oignons Mind your own business | |
Ce n'est pas de gâteau It is not easy | |
Casser les pieds á quelqu'un To get on someone's nerves | |
Avoir le bras long To have influence | |
Avoir le cœur sur la main To be kindhearted | |
Se croire sorti de la cuisse de Jupiter To think a lot of ones self | |
Couper l'herbe sous le pied de quelqu'un To pull the rug out from under someone | |
Avaler des couleuvres To put up with humiliation | |
Bête noire Enemy, nemesis | |
Conduire comme un pied To drive horribly | |
Ça me prend la tête That drives me crazy | |
Ça ne tient pas debout It doesn't make sense | |
Manger sur le pouce Eat very quickly | |
Prendre son pied Have a good time | |
Se creuser la tête Think hard about something, remember | |
J'ai la poisse I have bad luck | |
Quand les poules auront des dents When pigs fly | |
C’est dommage That is too bad | |
Coûter les yeux de la tête To cost a fortune | |
Boire comme un trou To drink all the time | |
Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts. Not knowing what to do with your ten fingers | |
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe To arrive like the hair in a soup | |
Mettre son grain de sel. To put in one's grain of salt | |
Faire la grasse matinée To have a fat morning | |
C’est dommage That's too bad or that's a shame | |
Je dis ça, je dis rien. Just saying. | |
Poser un lapin à quelqu’un To stand someone up or not show up | |
Ça marche! That works! | |
Sauter du coq à l’âne To jump from topic to topic in a conversation | |
Être à l’ouest completely crazy or out of it | |
La moutarde me/lui monte au nez I'm getting angry | |
Avoir le cafard to feel low | |
Avoir la flemme To be lazy | |
Etre creve To be tired | |
Un froid de canard to be extremely cold | |
Pleuvoir des cordes It's raining ropes | |
Faire gaffe To be careful | |
Chercher la petite bête To look for something to complain about | |
Sentir le sapin to have one's foot in the grave | |
Prendre ses cliques et ses claques to pack up and leave | |
Avoir une peur bleue de To have a fear close to terror | |
Avoir un chat dans la gorge To have a cat (frog) in one's throat | |
En avoir ras le bol to be fed up with | |
un coup d’oeil to throw a glance | |
Faire la sourde oreille to pretend not to hear when someone is talking to you | |
Prendre ses jambes à son cou To run for one's life | |
S’occuper de ses oignons Asking someone to stop bothering you and leave you alone | |
Changer de crèmerie To take one's custom elsewhere | |
Avoir la main verte To have a green thumb | |
Rien à cirer I don't care | |
Devenir chèvre To go/become insane | |
Voir la vie en rose To be optimistic | |
Être blanc comme un linge To be pale | |
Avoir du pain sur la planche To have a lot of work to do | |
Avoir les yeux en amande To have almond (pretty) eyes | |
C'est la fin des haricots We've had it; that's the last straw | |
Je n'ai plus un radis I haven't got any money | |
Chercher la petite bête To split hair; to look for something to complain about | |
Laisser le meilleur pour la fin Save the best for last | |
Ça coûte les yeux de la tête That costs an arm and a leg | |
Les chiens ne font pas des chats The apple doesn't fall far from the tree | |
Avoir sur le bout de la langue To have on the tip of your tongue | |
C'est facile comme tout It's as easy as pie | |
Ne mets pas tous tes oeufs dans le même panier Don't put all of your eggs in one basket | |
Il vaut mieux aller au moulin qu'au médecin An apple a day keeps the doctor away | |
Il ne faut jamais mettre la charrue avant les boeufs Don't put the cart before the horse | |
Qui naît poule aime à caqueter A leopard can't change their spots | |
Faute de grives, on mange des merles Beggers can't be choosers | |
Paris ne s'est pas fait en un jour Rome wasn't built in a day | |
Avoir la bouche fendue jusqu'aux oreilles Grinning from ear to ear | |
Le chat parti, les souris dansent When the cat's away, the mice will play | |
Aux grands maux les grands remèdes Desperate times call for desperate measures | |
Avoir un poil dans la main To be lazy | |
Il fait un temps de chien It's raining cats and dogs | |
Avoir la moutarde qui monte au nez To lose your temper; to be angry | |
Avoir les chevilles qui enflent To be full of yourself; big-headed | |
Quand les poules auront des dents When pigs fly; when chickens have teeth | |
Un chien vivant vaut mieux qu'un lion mort A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; be happy with what you have rather than being greedy | |
Se creuser la tête to dig into your head (to think really hard / to try to remember something) | |
Boire comme un trou to drink like a hole (they never stop drinking) | |
Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts not knowing how to do anything with one’s ten fingers (somebody is completely useless) | |
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe to arrive like the hair in a soup (entering a situation at the most awkward moment possible) | |
Mettre son grain de sel. to put in one’s grain of salt (to give someone an unsolicited and unnecessary opinion) | |
Faire la grasse matinée to have a fat morning (to sleep in) | |
C’est dommage that’s a shame | |
Quand on parle du loup one speaks about the wolf (speaking of the devil when someone you were just talking about enters the room) | |
Rien à cirer I don’t care, I’m leaving! | |
Revenons à nos moutons For now, let’s get back to the topic at hand. | |
Poser un lapin à quelqu’un to put a rabbit on somebody (to stand someone up) | |
Ça marche! that works | |
Sauter du coq à l’âne jump from the rooster to the donkey (jump from topic to topic in conversation) | |
Être à l’ouest being in the West (being completely crazy or out of it) | |
La moutarde me/lui monte au nez the mustard is getting to my nose (I’m getting angry) | |
Perdre la boule To lose your ball (To lose your head) | |
Ce n'est pas la mer à boire It's not like you have to drink the ocean (It's not difficult) | |
Passer une nuit blanche To have a white night (To stay up / awake all night (usually on purpose, not because of insomnia)) | |
Passer un mauvais quart d'heure To have a bad quarter of an hour (A short, difficult period in one's life) | |
Dormir à la belle étoile To sleep in the pretty star (To sleep outside) | |
Être blanc comme neige To be as white as snow (To be completely innocent) | |
Faire boule de neige To make like a ball of snow (To get bigger / more important) | |
Faire du chemin / faire son chemin To go along the path / to go along your path (To make progress) | |
Mordre la poussière To bite the dust (To suffer a defeat) | |
Traîner quelqu'un dans la boue To drag someone through the mud (To dirty someone's reputation) | |
Se perdre les chèvres To lose your goats (To forget what you were just saying, or lose your place in a conversation. (This isn't widely used, but there are goats!)) | |
Les actes valent mieux que les mots actions are worth more than words | |
Mieux vaut tard que jamais better late than never | |
C’est du gâteau it was a piece of a cake | |
La goutte d’eau qui fait déborder le vase it’s the drop of water that makes the vase overflow (hit your breaking point, over the edge, at the last straw) | |
Coûter un bras cost me an arm and a leg (a cost that's unreasonable) | |
Tenez-moi au courant Keep me posted, I’m worried. | |
être sans voix to be without voice (to be speechless) | |
Donner sa langue au chat to give one's tongue to the cat (to give up) | |
Casser les pieds à quelqu'un to break someone's feet (to get on someone's nerves) | |
Couper la poire en deux to cut the pear in two (to meet someone halfway) | |
Mettre son grain de sel. To put in one's grain of salt: To give an unsolicited opinion | |
Ça marche! That works | |
Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts. Not knowing how to use your ten fingers: Somebody who is useless. | |
N’importe quoi! Whatever | |
Être à l’ouest Being in the West: Somebody who is crazy | |
Ça te dit? You up for it? | |
C’est n’importe quoi! That's nonsense | |
T’sais Ya know | |
Tiens-moi au courant! Keep me up to date! | |
Allez savoir pourquoi! | For whatever reason! |
Laisse tomber | Forget it |
Allez! | C'mon! |
C’est naze | That sucks |
Revenons à nos moutons! | Let's get back to the subject at hand. |
Je n’en crois pas mes yeux! I can't believe my eyes! | |
Tu t’en sors? Doing okay? | |
J’en mettrais ma main au feu! I'd bet my life on it! | |
Tu fais quoi? Watcha doin'? | |
Un chien vivant vaut mieux qu'un lion mort It's better to be happy with what you have than to be greedy and ask for more. | |
Laisser le meilleur pour la fin. Leave the best for last. | |
Le chat parti, les souris dansent. When the cat's away, the mice will play: When a threat is gone, people will relax. | |
Avoir de la chance. To be lucky. | |
Avoir mal à... To have an ache (specific to body parts) | |
Faire ses devoirs To do homework. | |
Coûter les yeux de la tête. To cost an unreasonable price: To cost your eyes and your head (English version: an arm and a leg) | |
Boire comme un trou To drink like a hole (to never stop drinking) | |
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe To arrive like the hair in the soup (to enter a situation at the most awkward moment possible) | |
Faire la grasse matinée To have a fat morning (to sleep in) | |
C’est dommage That's a shame (that's too bad) | |
Ça marche That works (I'm on board) | |
Sauter du coq à l’âne To jump from the rooster to the donkey (to change from topic to topic) | |
La moutarde monte au nez The mustard is getting to my nose (I'm getting angry) | |
Péter un plomb To blow a fuse (to get very angry) | |
Avoir un poil dans la main To have a hair in on'es hand (to be lazy) | |
Une bouchée de pain A mouthful of bread (a low price) | |
L’habit ne fait pas le moine The clothing doesn't make the monk (don't judge things by their appearances) | |
Jeter l'éponge To throw in the sponge (to give up) | |
Avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre To have butter and butter money (to have something while getting rid of it) | |
Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts Not knowing how to do anything with one's ten fingers (to be useless) | |
Coûter les yeux de la tête To cost the eyes in your head (to cost an unreasonable amount) | |
Prendre quelqu’un la main dans le sac To catch someone with their hand in the bag (to catch someone stealing something) | |
Quand les poules auront des dents When chickens have teeth (it is very unlikely to happen) | |
Mettre son grain de sel To put in one's grain of salt (to give someone an unsolicited opinion) | |
Il fait un temps de chien It's dog weather (the weather is very bad) | |
Ne pas casser trois pattes à un canard It doesn't break three legs on a duck (it isn't special) | |
Il me court sur le haricot He's running on my bean (he's annoying me) | |
Je dis ça, je dis rien I say that, I say nothing (just saying) | |
Être à l’ouest To be in the West (to be completely crazy) | |
Avoir les doigts dans la nez To have one's fingers in their nose (to be very easy) | |
Avoir un chat dans la gorge To have a cat in on'es throat (to have a sore throat or a cough) | |
Manger comme quatre To eat like four (to eat too much) | |
Avoir le cafard To have the cockroach (to feel sad) | |
Avoir la gueule de bois To have a wooden mouth (to have a hangover) | |
Poser un lapin à quelqu’un To put a rabbit on something (to stand someone up) | |
Être dans le cirage To be in the polish (to be groggy or drowsy) | |
Avaler des couleuvres "to swallow grass snakes" to put up with humiliation | |
Avoir d'autres chats fouetter "to have other cats to whip" - "to have other fish to fry" to have other/better things to do | |
Avoir le coeur sur la main "to have a heart in hand" to be generous | |
Bon an, mal an "good year, bad year" year in year out | |
Comme un poisson dans l'eau "like a fish in water" at ease | |
Couter les yeux de la tete "to cost the eyes of the head" to be very expensive | |
Ca me dit quelque chose "that tells me something" that rings a bell | |
Ca me prend la tete "that takes my head" that makes me crazy/that annoys me | |
Ca ne tient pas debout "it dosnt stand upright" it dosnt make any sense | |
En un clin d'oeil "in the wink of an eye" quickly | |
avoir le melon "to have the melon" to be sure of oneself | |
Jeter l'eponge "to throw in the sponge" to give up | |
Manger sur le pouce "eat on the thumb" eat very quickly | |
Mort de rire "die of laughter" | |
Ce ne sont pas vos oignons "these arnt your onion" its none of your business | |
Pleuvoir des cordes "to rain ropes" raining cats and dogs | |
Se creuser la tete "to dig into the head" to think of something, remember | |
Quel culot what nerve | |
a bientot see you later | |
a bon compte cheap | |
a bon entendeur salut a word to the wise is enough | |
a bout de bras at an arms length | |
Bete noire "black beast" enemy, nemesis, or an obvious mistake | |
Conduire comme un pied "to drive like a foot" to drive horrible | |
Esprit de l'escalier "thinking of the stairway" thinking of a witty response way too late | |
Prendre son pied "take ones foot" have a great time | |
Mieux vaut tard que jamais Better late than never | |
Avoir de la chance to be lucky | |
avoir chaud to be hot | |
avoir du courage to be brave | |
avoir envie de to feel like | |
Et du coup and suddenly | |
On dirait it looks like | |
Prendre mal quelque chose take something wrong | |
Se débrouiller fend for yourself | |
Ça ne te regarde pas It does not concern you | |
Tu (n’)as qu’à… You only have to | |
C’est à qui ? Who is it to? | |
Tu en es où ? Where are you from? | |
Ça me tarde I'm sorry | |
S’entendre bien/mal avec quelqu’un Get along well with someone | |
un froid de canard freezing cold | |
briser la glace break the ice | |
glacer le sang chilling blood | |
sur un coup de tête on a whim | |
faire la tête to make head | |
avoir la main verte have a green thumb | |
baisser les bras to give up | |
casser la croûte have a snack | |
passer son chemin go his way | |
rebrousser chemin turn back | |
se tourner les pouces twiddle one's thumbs | |
manger sur le pouce eat fast | |
Si jamais if ever | |
prendre ses jambes à son cou take to one's heels | |
donner la langue au chat to give up | |
faire la tete to sulk | |
garder la tete froide to keep one's cool | |
se mettre le doigt dans l'oeil to make a mistake | |
être sans voix to be speechless | |
manger sur le pouce to grab a bite to eat | |
Coûter les yeux de la tête That costs the eyes in your head!(That price is unreasonable!) | |
Boire comme un trou You Drink like a hole!(The person never stops drinking) | |
Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts You don't know how to do anything with your 10 fingers(You are useless) | |
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe You arrive like a hair in a soup(You arrive very akwardly) | |
Mettre son grain de sel To put ones grain of salt(To give them an unnecessary action) | |
Faire la grasse matinée To have a fat morning(To sleep in) | |
C’est dommage That' a shame | |
Je dis ça, je dis rien. I say that, I say nothing(Just saying) | |
Poser un lapin à quelqu’un To put a rabbit on somebody(To not show up to something you planned) | |
Ça marche That works! | |
Sauter du coq à l’âne To Jump from the rooster to the Donkey(To jump from topic to topic in conversation) | |
Être à l’ouest To be in the west(To be zoned out) | |
La moutarde me/lui monte au nez The Mustard is getting to my nose(I'm getting angry/upset) | |
Avoir le Cafard To have the cockroach(To be Depressed) | |
Avoir la pêche/banane/patate To have the peach/banana/potato shape(To be happy or full of energy) | |
Prendre la tête To Take the Head(To get a headache, for something to be irritating) | |
Avoir du pain sur la planche To have the bread on board(To have alot to do | |
Être crevé To be flat, To be dead(To not have energy anymore, to be exausted) | |
En avoir ras le bol To have a bowl full of it(To be sick of it) | |
Avoir une peur bleue de To have blue fear(To be Terrified) | |
Être au taquet To be a piece of wood(Something is blocking you) | |
Avoir la gueule de bois To have the wooden face(To be on a hangover | |
Avoir un chat dans la gorge To have a cat in your throat(To have the need to clear your throat) | |
Être bien dans sa peau To be good in ones skin(To be confident and ignore other's negative opinions) | |
Coûter les yeux de la tête That costs the eyes in your head!(That price is unreasonable!) | |
Boire comme un trou You Drink like a hole!(The person never stops drinking) | |
Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts | |
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe You arrive like a hair in a soup(You arrive very akwardly) | |
Mettre son grain de sel To put ones grain of salt(To give them an unnecessary action) | |
Faire la grasse matinée To have a fat morning(To sleep in) | |
C’est dommage That' a shame | |
Je dis ça, je dis rien. I say that, I say nothing(Just saying) | |
Poser un lapin à quelqu’un To put a rabbit on somebody(To not show up to something you planned) | |
Ça marche That works! | |
Sauter du coq à l’âne To Jump from the rooster to the Donkey(To jump from topic to topic in conversation) | |
Être à l’ouest To be in the west(To be zoned out) | |
La moutarde me/lui monte au nez The Mustard is getting to my nose(I'm getting angry/upset) | |
Avoir le Cafard To have the cockroach(To be Depressed) | |
Avoir la pêche/banane/patate To have the peach/banana/potato shape(To be happy or full of energy) | |
Prendre la tête To Take the Head(To get a headache, for something to be irritating) | |
Avoir du pain sur la planche To have the bread on board(To have alot to do | |
Être crevé To be flat, To be dead(To not have energy anymore, to be exausted) | |
En avoir ras le bol To have a bowl full of it(To be sick of it) | |
Avoir une peur bleue de | |
Être au taquet To be a piece of wood(Something is blocking you) | |
Avoir la gueule de bois To have the wooden face(To be on a hangover | |
Avoir un chat dans la gorge To have a cat in your throat(To have the need to clear your throat) | |
Être bien dans sa peau To be good in ones skin(To be confident and ignore other's negative opinions) |