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Cranial Nerves-WUPT

Cranial Nerves -Sinacore Lecture

3 Major Functions of Cranial Nerves 1. Provide motor and general sensory innervation to skin, muscles and joints in the head and neck 2. Mediate special senses (receptors are specifically located) 3. Carry parasympathetic innervation to ANS ganglia that control visceral functions
Cranial nerves contain ___, ___ and ____ axons motor, visceral efferent and somatic afferent
Which cranial nerve nuclei are not located in the brainstem? I and II
How ae the cranial nerves organized? columns of motor nuclei and sensory nuclei
Most motor nuclei project to their target cells by a ____ cranial nerve single
Many ____ and ____ tracts traverse the brainstem somatic sensory and motor
most sensory nuclei receive afferent input from ____ cranial nerves several
Which cranial nerves are used and abused by the autonomic nerve axons in th eperiphery to get to their target cells? V (sympathetic), III VII, IX , and X (parasympathetic)
collection of cell bodies in the CNS nuclei
collection of cell bodies outside the CNS ganglia
collection of axons in CNS tract
body wall somatic
areas that are wet viscera
Autonomic nerves that abuse cranial nerves are functionally distinct but they share the same ______ epineurium (wrapped in same package)
Where are By what and where are cranial nerves III, VII, IX and X abused? by the parasympathetic NS and along the preganglionic axons
By what and where is CN V abused? by the sympathetic NS at the post-ganglionic axon
The autonomic NS is ____ only and has a ___ neuron "hook-up" motor, 2 (pre and post ganglionic axons)
The sympathetic or thoraco-lumbar preganglionic nuclei are located in the ____ brain
The sympathetic or cranio-sacral cell bodies (nuclei) are located in the IMLCC (Intermediolateral Cell Column) of the spinal cord
Parasympathetic post-ganglionic nuclei are located in named peripheral ganglia: ciliary (III), submandibular (VII), pterygopalatine (VII and V) and Otic (IX)
Sympathetic post-ganglionic axons abuse ___ all arterial vessls in the head and all divisions of CN V
Sympathetic cell bodies that go to the body wall are in chain ganglia to viscera in pre-aortic ganglia
The two subtypes of GSA GSA exteroceptive (pain touch and temp); GSA proprioception
Which two functional compoents are always found together? GVA and GVE
Name the 4 general functional components of the CNs General Somatic Afferent, General Somatic Efferent, General Visceral Afferent, General Visceral Efferent
Name the 3 special functional components of the CNs Special Somatic Afferent, Special Visceral Afferent, Special Visceral Efferent
The ______ of CN nuclei is maintained in the brainstem Somatotaopy (sensory dorsal and motor ventral)
All sensory axons are ____ bipolar
The pharyngial arches/pouches develop into what functional subtype of CN? special visceral (endodermal origin)
Pharyngeal Arch/pouch I is associated with CN ____ V (3) - the mandibular portion
Pharyngeal arch/pouch II is associated with CN ___ VII
In general, CN motor nuclei are located ______ while the sensory nuclei are located more _____ medially; laterally
What we typically think of as the olfactory nerve is actually secondary neurons of the olfactory tract
small set of axons located behind the bridge of the nose in the upper turbinates CN I: Olfactory Nerve
CN I functional component Sensory: SVA * there is no efferent part to CN I
Loss of smell anosmia
the nerve of vision CN II: Optic Nerve
CN II functional component Sensory: SSA
CN I distribution olfactory mucosa
CN II distriubtion retina
CN I nuclei location olfactory bulb
A lesion to CN I would result in: Anosmia
CN ___, ___ and ____ all control extraoccular muscles of the eye III, IV, VI
Name the CN's I-XII Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal, Abducens, Facial, Vestibulocochlear, Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Spinal Accessory, Hypoglossal
drooping of the eyelids ptosis
A lesion to CN III would cause lateral strabismus (lazy eye),diplopia (double vision), ptosis(drooping eyelids), dilation of the pupil
CNs with nuclei in midbrain 3, 4, 5*, 6*, 7*, 9*, 10*, 12* * = nuclei located elsewhere as well
CNs with nuclei in the Pons 5*, 6*, 7*, 8*, * = nuclei located elsewhere as well
CNs with nuclei in the Medulla 5*, 7*, 8*, 9*, 10*, 11*, 12* * = nuclei located elsewhere as well
Location of CN XI (11) nuclei ventral horn
The great sensory nerve of the head CN V = Trigeminal nerve
4 parts of CN 5 Opthalmic (V1), Maxillary(V2), Mandibular(V3); portia minor
The great motor nerve of the head- controls facial expression and taste on the anterior 1/3 of tongue CN VI: Facial Nerve
the nerve of hearing and balance CN VIII: Vestibularcochlear Nerve
The nerve of teh thoracid and abdominal cavities CN X: Vagus Nerve
Innervates the muscles of the tongue CN XII: Hypoglossal Nerve
Unilateral lesion of CN XII will produce tongue deviation o the same side as lesion
Receives info from CN VII, IX and X for taste Solitary nucleus
A lesion to CN V can cause: asymetrical chewing; anethesia of the face
Lesion to CN VI causes: Internal (medial) strabismus *VI innervates the lateral rectus muscle of the eye
Lesion to CN VII can cause Ipislateral facial paralysis, partial dry mouth, dry eye, lose of taste on anterior 2/3 of tongue, loss of propioception of facial muscles, anethesia near ear
A lesion to CN VIII can cause nystagmus, disequilibrium, deafness,
A lesion to CN IX can cause tachycardia, incrased blood pressure, anethesia of the upper pharynx, the loss of the gag reflex, loss of taste on posterior 1/3 of tongue, anethesia in middle ear cavity, paralysis of the stylopharyngeus mucle, decrease in salivatoin and dry mouth
Lesion to CN X can caue: tachycardia, decreased peristalis, visceral disturbances, hoarseness, dysphonia, and dsyphagia (cant speak or swallow), minor taste loss, loss of cough and vomit reflexes, anethesia of the external acoustic meatis and tympanic membrane
A lesion to CN XI can cause: Torticollis, atrophyof neck mucsles, drooping of shoulder
A lesion to CN XII can cause: Tongue deviation to the side of lesion protrusion and atrophy of tongue
In development the alar plate will produce the _____ sensory functional components
In development the basal plate will produce the _____ motor functional components
Created by: aglade
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