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Health and safety

301.2 Vet nursing health and safety

What is a hazard? Something that could cause harm
What is a risk? The chance that something will cause harm
Step 1 of a risk assessment Identify the hazard
Step 2 of a risk assessment Decide who and how someone may be harmed by this hazard
Step 3 of a risk assessment Decide how likely that harm will occur
Step 4 of a risk assessment Record the findings and inform staff
Step 5 of a risk assessment Review regularly
What is an SOP? Detailed written instructions for a procedure
What legislation says that you must report a work injury or illness if it keeps a person off work for longer than 3 days? Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)
The law that governs the use of radiation and radioactive materials? Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 (IRR99)
Person in the practice that draws up local rules for radiation use? Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA)
How far should people stand from the primary beam of the xray machine? 2 meters
How often should the xray machine be checked by a qualified engineer? Annually
Where should a radiation dosimeter be worn? On the trunk under the lead apron
How often should radiation dosimeters be read? Every 1-3 months
What is hazardous waste? Anything considered harmful to the environment or human health
Yellow container with purple lid Cytotoxic/ cytostatic waste
Yellow sharp container Contaminated sharps
Yellow bag Infectious clinical waste for incineration, including body parts
Orange bag Infectious clinical waste for alternative treatment (such as autoclaving)
6 types of hazardous waste? Cytotoxic waste, Contaminated sharps, Infectious clinical waste, Photographic chemicals, Light bulbs (fluorescent and low energy), Batteries
4 types of non-hazardous waste? Offensive waste (blood, etc. Not infectious) Pharmaceuticals, Pet cadavers Domestic waste (anything else)
Black and yellow striped bag Offensive waste
Blue container Pharmaceuticals (DOOP or Pharmy bin)
Black bag Domestic waste
Regulation that controls hazardous substances? The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
Regulation that covers general fire safety? The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
Red fire extinguisher? Water
Cream fire extinguisher? Foam
Blue fire extinguisher? Powder
Black fire extinguisher? CO2
Yellow fire extinguisher? Wet chemical
Created by: 18000305
Popular Veterinary sets




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