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social studies ch7
Term | Definition |
George Washington | they saw him as an honest intelligent and steady leader he was a hero of the revolution and was known for his ability to motivate and administer the army |
Electoral College | a body of electors who represent peoples vote in choosing the president |
Martha Washington | entertained guest and attended social events with her husband |
Precedent | is an action or decision that later serves as an example |
Judiciary act of 1789 | this act created three levels of federal courts and defined their powers and federal relationship to the state courts |
national debt | money owned by the united states |
bonds | are certificates of debt that carry a promise to buy bach the bonds at a higher price |
speculators | people who buy items at low prices in hope that the value will rise and they can sell the items for a profit |
Thomas Jefferson | disagreed he thought the idea cheated bondholders who had sold their bonds at low prices |
loose construction | means that the federal government can take reasonable actions that the constitution does not specifically forbid |
strict constitution | think that the federal government should only do what the constitution says it can do |
bank of the united states | the country's first national bank |
french revolution | a rebellion of french people against their king in 1789 |
neutrality proclamation | stated that the united states would not take sides with any European countries that were at war |
privateers | were private ships hired by country to attack its enemies |
Jays treaty | settled the disputes that had arisen between the united states and great Britain in early 1790 |
Pinckney treaty | which settled the border and trade with spain |
little turtle | defeated u.s. forces under general Josiah harmar |
battle of fallen timbers | on august 20 1794 native Americans fought wanes troops in the battle of the fallen timbers and were defeated |
treaty of greenville | which gave united states claim to most of Indian territory |
whiskey rebellion | farmers lashed out against tax on whiskey |
political party | groups that help elect people and shape policies |
federalist party | which wanted a strong federalist government and sported industry and trades |
democratic republican party | its member called republicans wanted to limit the federal government power |
XYZ affair | as the french demand for a bribe came to be called |
Alien and sedition acts | these laws were said to protect the united states but the federalist intended them to crush opposition to war |
Kentucky and Virginia resolutions | these documents argued that the alien and sedition acts were unconstitutional |