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social studies ch7

George Washington they saw him as an honest intelligent and steady leader he was a hero of the revolution and was known for his ability to motivate and administer the army
Electoral College a body of electors who represent peoples vote in choosing the president
Martha Washington entertained guest and attended social events with her husband
Precedent is an action or decision that later serves as an example
Judiciary act of 1789 this act created three levels of federal courts and defined their powers and federal relationship to the state courts
national debt money owned by the united states
bonds are certificates of debt that carry a promise to buy bach the bonds at a higher price
speculators people who buy items at low prices in hope that the value will rise and they can sell the items for a profit
Thomas Jefferson disagreed he thought the idea cheated bondholders who had sold their bonds at low prices
loose construction means that the federal government can take reasonable actions that the constitution does not specifically forbid
strict constitution think that the federal government should only do what the constitution says it can do
bank of the united states the country's first national bank
french revolution a rebellion of french people against their king in 1789
neutrality proclamation stated that the united states would not take sides with any European countries that were at war
privateers were private ships hired by country to attack its enemies
Jays treaty settled the disputes that had arisen between the united states and great Britain in early 1790
Pinckney treaty which settled the border and trade with spain
little turtle defeated u.s. forces under general Josiah harmar
battle of fallen timbers on august 20 1794 native Americans fought wanes troops in the battle of the fallen timbers and were defeated
treaty of greenville which gave united states claim to most of Indian territory
whiskey rebellion farmers lashed out against tax on whiskey
political party groups that help elect people and shape policies
federalist party which wanted a strong federalist government and sported industry and trades
democratic republican party its member called republicans wanted to limit the federal government power
XYZ affair as the french demand for a bribe came to be called
Alien and sedition acts these laws were said to protect the united states but the federalist intended them to crush opposition to war
Kentucky and Virginia resolutions these documents argued that the alien and sedition acts were unconstitutional
Created by: splashkurceba
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