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Veterinary Assisting

Animal Terms Cornwell

1. Amphibian frog/toad
2. Avian bird
3. Bovine cow
4. Canine dog
5. Caprine goat
6. Cavy guinea pig
7. Equine horse
8. Feline cat
9. Lagomorph rabbit
10. Murine rat or mouse
11. Ovine sheep
12. Porcine pig or swine
13. Poultry chicken and turkey
14. Primate monkey and ape
15. Reptile snake and lizard
16. Terrapin turtle
Bitch Intact female dog
Farrowing Labor process of swine
Litter Group of newborn dogs
Gilt Young female pig that has not farrowed
Puppy Young dog
Piglet Young pig
Stud dog Intact male dog
Stag Male pig castrated after maturity
Whelping The labor process of dogs
Colt Young male horse
Kitten Young cat
Filly Young female horse
Tom Intact male cat; male turkey
Foal Young male or female horse
Queen Intact female cat
Gelding Castrated male horse; castrated male llama
Queening The labor process of cats
Hand The measurement of a horse equal to 4 inches
Buck Male rabbit; male goat; male deer
Herd Group of horses
Doe Female rabbit; female goat; female deer
Horse Horse over 14.2 hands in height
Kindling Labor process of rabbits and ferrets
Mare Intact female horse
Kit Young rabbit; young ferret
Pony Horse under 14.2 hands
Lapin Neutered male rabbit
Stallion Intact adult male horse
Gib Neutered male ferret
Weanling Young horse under a year of age
Hob Intact male ferret
Yearling Young horse between the ages of 1 and 2 years
Jill Intact female ferret
Sprite Spayed female ferret
Hinny Cross of a male horse and a female donkey
Boar Male guinea pig; male pig
Jack Intact male donkey
Pup Young guinea pig; young mouse; young rat; young dog
Jenny Intact female donkey
Sow Female guinea pig; female pig
Mule Cross of a male donkey and a female horse
Dam Female rat; female mouse; term for a female parent
Ewe Intact female sheep that is breeding
Sire Male rat; male mouse; term for a male parent that is breeding
Lamb Young sheep
Chick Young parrot; young chicken
Lambing Labor process of sheep
Cock Male parrot; male chicken
Ram Intact male sheep
Flock Group of birds; group of chickens, turkeys or ducks
Wether Castrated male sheep; castrated male goat
Hen Female parrot; female chicken; female turkey
Freshening Labor process of dairy producing animals
Clutch Group of eggs
Kid Young goat
Poult Young turkey; young chicken
Kidding Labor process of goats
Capon Young castrated male chicken
Bull Intact male cow; intact male llama
Cockerel Immature male chicken
Cow Intact female cow; intact female llama
Pullet Immature female chicken
Cria Young llama
Rooster Male chicken
Calf Young cow
Drake Male duck
Calving Labor process of cows
Duck Female duck
Heifer Young female cow that has not been bred
Duckling Young duck
Stag Mature castrated male cow
Barrow Young castrated male pig
Steer Young castrated male cow
Created by: jmcornwell
Popular Veterinary sets




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