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HRM Chapter 4


Autonomy The extent to which individual workers have freedom to determine how to complete work.
Competencies Characteristics and capabilities that people need to succeed in work assignments.
Competency modeling An alternative to traditional job analysis that focuses on a broader set of characteristics that workers need to effectively perform job duties.
Compressed workweek Working more than eight hours in a shift so that 40 hours of work are completed in fewer than five days.
Critical-incidents technique A method of job analysis in which job agents identify instances of effective and ineffective behavior exhibited by people in a specific position.
Differentiation The process of dividing work tasks so that employees perform specific pieces of the work process, which allows them to specialize.
Ergonomics An approach to designing work tasks that focuses on correct posture and movement.
Family-to-work conflict Problems that occur when meeting family obligations negatively influences work behavior and outcomes.
Flextime A scheduling policy that allows employees to determine the exact hours they will work within a specific band of time.
Integration The process of coordinating efforts so that employees work together.
Interdependence The extent to which a worker's actions affect and are affected by the actions of others.
Job A collection of tasks that define the work duties of an employee.
Job analysis The process of systematically collecting information about the tasks that workers perform.
Job analysis interview Face-to-face meeting with the purpose of learning about a worker's duties and responsibilities.
Job analysis observation The process of watching workers perform tasks to learn about duties and responsibilities.
Job analysis questionnaire A series of written questions that seek information about a worker's duties and responsibilities.
Job characteristics model A form of motivational job design that focuses on creating work that employees enjoy doing.
Job description Task statements that define the work tasks to be done by someone in a particular position.
Job design The process of deciding what tasks will be grouped together to define the duties of someone in a particular work position.
Job redesign The process of reassessing task groupings to create new sets of duties that workers in particular positions are required to do.
Job specifications Listing of the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform the tasks described in a job description.
Occupational Information Network An online source of information about jobs and careers.
Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) A method of job analysis that uses a structured questionnaire to learn about work activities.
Reciprocal processing Work organized around teams such that workers constantly adjust to the task inputs of others.
Scientific management A set of management principles that focus on efficiency and standardization of processes.
Sequential processing Work organized around an assembly line such that the completed tasks of one employee feed directly into the tasks of another employee.
Task analysis inventory A method of job analysis in which job agents rate the frequency and importance of tasks associated with a specific set of work duties.
Telework Completion of work through voice and data lines such as telephone and high-speed Internet connections.
Work design The process of assigning and coordinating work tasks among employees.
Work-to-family conflict Problems that occur when meeting work obligations negatively influences behavior and outcomes at home.
Created by: LJones8376
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