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french verbs

french ir verbs

assainir to sanitize
approfondir to deepen
applaudir to applaud
agrandir to enlarge
agir to act
accomplir to accomplish
aboutir to lead
vomir to vomit
définir to define
réfléchir to reflect
obéir to obey
guérir to cure
démolir to demolish
enrichir to enrich
noircir to blacken
brunir to brown, tan
rafraichir to refresh
subir to undergo
remplir to fill
réagir to react
adoucir to soften
ralentir to slow down
blanchir to whitewash
désobéir to disobey
rajeunir to rejuvenate
abolir to abolish
réunir to reunite
punir to punish
faiblir to weaken
finir to finish
grandir to grow
grossir to swell
durcir to harden
réussir to succeed, pass
verdir greening, to green
atterrir to land
vieillir to age, mature
garantir to guarantee
nourrir to nourish, feed
démolir to demolish
pâlir to pale
rétablir to restore
choisir to choose
rougir to blush
maigrir to slim
accomplir to accomplish
salir to smear
jaunir to yellow
amerrir ditching, make a sea-landing
unir to unite
chérir to cherish
avertir to warn
investir to invest
faiblir to weaken
saisir to grab
refroider to cool
bâtir to build, erect
mincir to slim
dormir to sleep
courir to run
établir to establish
consentir to consent
devoir to be obligated
mentir to lie
soutenir to support
souffrir to suffer
tenir to hold
venir to come
finir to finish
monter to ascend
rencontrer to meet
pleurer to cry
vider to empty
magasiner to shop
prêter to lend
soigner to treat
laver to wash
Created by: smeesmee
Popular French sets




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