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SS Africa
Term | Definition |
Trade Route | The way people would go to trade things. |
Extended Families | an immediate family plus other close relative such as grandparent, aunts, uncles, and cousins. |
Natural Resource | resourse like water, wood, and animals. |
Kingdom of Ghana | one of the frist kingdom in Africa. |
Sahara Desert | The area that covers most of West Arfica. |
Government | It is how and who is in charge. |
Sahel | not as dry as the Sahara just enough water for small bush and trees. |
Trans-Saharan trade | The trade a crossed the sahara dessert. |
Savanna | very dry except for scattered oases. |
Monarchy | One only one person is in charge. |
Tribute | A payment made by one ruler or country to anther for protection or as a sign of submisson. |
Wangara | A town where they mine gold. |
Taxes | The thing a king or goverment collcets in exchange for protection. |
Taghaza | A place were salt is stored. |
Population Growth | when the populaton of a town, city or kingdom. |