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Medieval West Africa
Term | Definition |
Trade Route | A route people go on in order to get places to trade. |
Natural Resource | A resource that is not man made. |
Sahara Desert | A desert that is in North and West Africa and is very difficult to travel through. |
Sahel | Sahel is south of the Sahara dessert and is semi desert. Can grow a few plants there. |
Savanna | A very rainy area of Africa which has tall grass and scattered trees. Rivers are in the Savanna. |
Tribute | A gift given to someone to show appreciation |
Taxes | Things people pay to the king/state. |
Population Growth | When the population gets bigger. |
Extended Families | An immediate family plus other close relatives such as aunts, grandmas, and cousins. |
Kingdom of Ghana | A Kingdom in Medieval West Africa that was located south of the Sahara desert. |
Government | |
Trans-Saharan Trade | Trade that requires going across the Sahara Desert |
Monarchy | When you have a king or queen who was elected by blood. |
Wangara | |
Taghaza |