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French Food 7/8
French food unit grade 7/8
Question | Answer |
avoir faim | to be hungry |
avoir soif | to be thirsty |
prendre | to have/ to take |
vouloir | to want |
prendre le petit-dejeuner | to have breakfast |
diner | to have dinner |
manger | to eat |
boire | to drink |
commander | to order |
payer | to pay |
dejeuner | to have lunch |
prendre le dessert | to have dessert |
le pain | bread |
la croissant | crescent roll |
les frites | french fries |
les pates | pasta |
le beurre | butter |
la carotte | carrot |
le gateau | cake |
le yaourt | yogurt |
le riz | rice |
le poulet | chicken |
le steak (le bifteck) | steak |
la banane | banana |
le jambon | ham |
la crepe | crepes (thin pancake) |
le haricot vert | string bean |
le fromage | cheese |
le raisin | grape |
le chocolat | chocolate |
la salade | salad |
la fraise | strawberry |
la pomme | apple |
la glace | ice cream |
le poisson | fish |
le sandwich | sandwich |
l'omelette | omelette |
les cereales | cereal |
la pomme de terre | potato |
la tarte | pie |
l'orange | orange |
le hamburger | hamburger |
le croque-monsieur | grilled cheese |
la tomate | tomato |
les bonbons | candy |
le citron | lemon |
la soupe | soup |
le biscuit | cookie |
la pizza | pizza |
le petits pois | peas |
l'oeuf | egg |
le sucre | sugar |
l'eau | water |
le cafe | coffee |
le the | tea |
le soda/coca | soda |
e chocolat chaud | hot chocolate |
le lait | milk |
le citron presse | lemonade |
le jus d'orange | orange juice |
le jus de pomme | apple juice |
le jus de raisin | grape juice |