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Figurative Language
Term | Definition |
alliteration | Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pecks of peppers did Peter Piper pick? |
alliteration | Lexa likes to live in la-la land. |
alliteration | Sarah sighs slowly. |
alliteration | That rascally rabbit rigorously runs rapidly. |
alliteration | Taylor takes tape off of the table. |
alliteration | My mom made me mash my M&Ms. |
alliteration | Billy buys banana bread at the bakery. |
alliteration | Gracie grows green grapes in her garden. |
alliteration | the repetition of CONSONANT sounds close together (ex: Sally sells seashells by the seashore.) |
alliteration | Gordan gave her gold giraffe green grapes. |
alliteration | Hayes' hair hates humidity. |
allusion | A reference to another work of literature, person, or event |
allusion | He is a real Romeo. |
allusion | Don't be a Scrooge. |
allusion | Houston, we have a problem. |
consonants | b, c, d, f, g... |
figurative language | words or phrases that have a meaning different from the literal meaning, such as idioms, metaphors, and similes. |
haiku | a three-line poem, usually about nature. The first line is five syllables, the second is seven syllables, and the third line is five syllables. |
haiku | I went to the store I got some potato chips Salt and vinegar |
hyperbole | She is a million years old. |
hyperbole | This is taking forever. |
hyperbole | You're older than dust. |
hyperbole | My eyelids weigh a thousand pounds. |
hyperbole | Your smile lights up the whole world. |
hyperbole | My head is killing me. |
hyperbole | I am burning up. |
hyperbole | I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. |
hyperbole | exaggerated statement (ex: "This is taking forever!") |
hyperbole | There are a million people at this game. |
hyperbole | My feet weighed a ton in the swampy water. |
hyperbole | I am scared to death. |
idiom | a phrase that cannot be understood from the literal meaning (ex: "It's raining cats and dogs.") |
idiom | It slipped my mind. |
idiom | You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. |
idiom | break a leg |
idiom | Stop the horse play! |
idiom | You are on my last nerve. |
idiom | Cut it out. |
idiom | He broke her heart. |
idiom | He bit the bullet. |
idiom | I just dodged a bullet. |
idiom | Put your thinking caps on. |
idiom | The ball is in your court now. |
idiom | I've got a bone to pick with you. |
idiom | All that and a bag of chips |
idiom | Don't let the cat out of the bag! |
idiom | Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. |
idiom | Let's hit the hay. |
idiom | I am stuck in a rut. |
idiom | Go out on a limb and make a guess. |
idiom | I will let you off the hook. |
idiom | Your nose is growing. |
idiom | Cat got your tongue? |
idiom | Corbett threw Hunter under the bus. |
idiom | The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. |
idiom | We are shooting the breeze. |
idiom | It will knock your socks off! |
idiom | Pull yourself together! |
idiom | She stabbed me in the back. |
idiom | Get your act together! |
idiom | You are pushing my buttons! |
idiom | You were on the ball at your interview. |
idiom | You passed by the skin of your teeth. |
idiom | Get your mind out of the gutter. |
idiom | My life is in your hands. |
idiom | Don't spill the beans! |
idiom | You're pulling my leg. |
imagery | The loud children screamed as the bell echoed through the crowded yellow brick hallway. |
imagery | using the five senses to create visual images |
imagery | The smell of the warm, gooey brownies was delightful. |
imagery | The hot apple pie smelled so heavenly, but burnt my mouth. |
imagery | The fresh cut grass' smell drifted through the wind on the hot summer day. |
imagery | The rusty gate creaked eerily at the edge of the foggy cemetery. |
imagery | The bright lightning bolt flashed across the dark grey sky and I felt the rain drip on my raincoat. |
imagery | The smell of the rose garden drifted through the open window on the gentle breeze. |
irony | Well, that team was tough to beat (after winning by 35 points). |
irony | What great weather we are having (as it is raining). |
irony | Oh, great. A flat tire... |
irony | to mean the opposite of what is said (ex: "We are so happy to be back at school.") |
irony | I can really tell you studied (after passing back a failing grade). |
irony | Boy, I just love it when we lose. |
irony | That bathroom smells great. |
irony | I just love Mondays. |
literal | the exact meaning of a word or phrase |
metaphor | comparing two UNLIKE objects without using "like" or "as" (ex: "Jeffery is a computer.") |
metaphor | My room is a pig sty. |
metaphor | Pigeons are sky rats. |
metaphor | Ben's temper was a volcano, ready to explode. |
metaphor | Love is a battlefield. |
metaphor | Spencer is a prison warden. |
metaphor | My sister is the devil. |
metaphor | Life is a highway. |
metaphor | You are the light of my life. |
metaphor | You are a ray of sunshine. |
metaphor | The clouds are cotton candy in the sky. |
metaphor | That man is a loose cannon. |
metaphor | Students are inmates. |
metaphor | School is a prison. |
metaphor | This test is a piece of cake. |
metaphor | She is a wooly mammath. |
metaphor | This classroom is a circus. |
metaphor | Emma is a fish. |
metaphor | He is a pig. |
metaphor | Jay is a skyscraper. |
metaphor | Austin is a ninja. |
metaphor | My desk is a black hole. |
metaphor | My car is a lemon. |
onomatopoeia | kapow! |
onomatopoeia | Vroom |
onomatopoeia | sizzle |
onomatopoeia | the use of a word to represent a real sound (ex: boom, clap, bang, ring) |
onomatopoeia | zapp! |
onomatopoeia | swish |
oxymoron | serious comedy |
oxymoron | old news |
oxymoron | jumbo shrimp |
oxymoron | sad clown |
oxymoron | freezer burn |
oxymoron | deafening silence |
oxymoron | diet dessert |
oxymoron | putting two words together that have opposite meanings (dumb genius, short giant) |
personification | The sun grinned down at the playground. |
personification | The bread leaped out of the toaster. |
personification | The snowflakes jumped from the sky. |
personification | The tree branch slapped me. |
personification | The party died around midnight. |
personification | The moon's shadow danced across the lake. |
personification | The rocks tripped me. |
personification | The acid ate a hole in his leg. |
personification | The hands of fate grabbed my soul. |
personification | My stomach growled angrily. |
personification | My alarm clock screams "Wake up!" every morning. |
personification | That book spoke to me. |
personification | The grass grabbed my shoe. |
personification | The pencil jumped out of my hand. |
personification | His pencil danced across the paper. |
personification | The cow jumped over the moon. |
personification | The cold punched me in the face when I went outside. |
personification | My shadow walked away from me. |
personification | My cupcake was calling my name. |
personification | The stars danced in the night sky. |
personification | The lightning danced across the sky to the beat of the thunder. |
personification | The song brought me back to the school dance. |
personification | My bed is calling my name. |
personification | The wind whispered in my ear. |
personification | The rock trotted down the hill. |
personification | The Mexican food was having a war with my stomach. |
personification | The sun poked me as I lay on the beach. |
personification | Sweat ran down my forehead. |
personification | The grass tickled my bare feet. |
personification | The red pen bled out in the teacher's bag. |
personification | Her mouth wouldn't stop running. |
personification | The hummingbird kissed the red flowers. |
personification | The words hesitated to leave his mouth. |
personification | Time was creeping up on me. |
personification | The angry thunder bellowed in the distance. |
personification | The roof cried slow tears on the sidewalk. |
personification | The music touched me. |
personification | The wildfire ran wildly through the forest. |
personification | The flag proudly stood at the edge of the school. |
personification | The leaf jumped on her face. |
personification | The book grabbed my attention. |
personification | The bright screen grabbed my attention. |
personification | The flowers were begging for water. |
personification | giving human qualities to nonhuman things (ex: The clock "tells" time.) |
personification | The vacuum hums a happy tune while it cleaned. |
personification | The book jumped off the shelf and attacked Jessica. |
personification | The basket caught my ball. |
personification | The guilt was eating him up. |
personification | The world hates me today. |
pun | It's pointless to write with a broken pencil. |
pun | I've been to the dentist a lot, so I know the drill. |
pun | If you need an arc, I Noah guy. |
pun | The movie about Jupiter was out of this world. |
pun | I was addicted to hokey pokey once, but then I turned myself around. |
pun | a humorous play on words |
pun | It's hard to beat scrambled eggs for breakfast. |
pun | You will be mist, boiled water. |
pun | Sydney was fired from her job at the hamburger joint for putting her hair in a bun. |
pun | The artist at the police station was drawing someone sketchy. |
refrain | lines repeated in a poem; the chorus of a song |
rhyme | mime/lime |
rhyme | skate/hate |
rhyme | two or more words that end with same sounds (ex: cake, rake, bake) |
rhyme | cake/bake |
rhyme | son/fun/run/one |
rhyme | bat/cat |
rhyme scheme | the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of each verse or line in poetry |
simile | His stare is as deadly as Medusa |
simile | The candy is as hard as a rock. |
simile | She is as light as a feather. |
simile | comparing two UNLIKE objects using "like" or "as" (ex: Your room looks like a pig pen!"; "Your room is as messy as a garbage dump!") |
simile | The new boy was as cold as ice. |
simile | The sad girl cried like a waterfall. |
simile | Teachers are like prison guards. |
simile | The deer dropped like a rock. |
simile | Her heart is as cold as ice. |
simile | His hair looks like a rat's nest. |
simile | Laura is like a frog. |
simile | He is as dumb as a box of rocks. |
simile | He smells like a wet dog. |
simile | Her hair is as shiny as glass. |
simile | My present was as big as an elephant. |
simile | The Christmas tree shined like a disco ball. |
simile | I am as grouchy as a bear. |
simile | the wind was as loud as a train. |
simile | He is as free as a bird. |
simile | The Ohio River is like Hershey syrup. |
simile | This test is like a game of twister. |
simile | He is as hot as fire. |
simile | My handwriting is as messy as an earthquake. |
simile | My kitty is as cute as a button. |
simile | Jimmy is as sweet as a PopTart. |
simile | Her pregnant belly looks like a balloon. |
simile | The rocks are as sharp as knives. |
simile | The lamb is as white as fresh-fallen snow. |
simile | Your momma is as wrinkled as an elephant. |
simile | She is as strong as a bull. |
simile | Emma is like an angel. |
simile | The wind was as fierce as a pack of rabid dogs, tearing at my jacket. |
simile | Rylee is as fast as lightning. |
simile | Life is like a roller coaster. |
simile | She is as courageous as a lion. |
simile | The dessert tastes like heaven. |
simile | Time is like gold. |
simile | The present was as small as a mouse. |
simile | His heart is as cold as ice. |
simile | That bird is as dead as a door nail. |
simile | He is as big as a whale. |
simile | She is as tall as a giraffe. |
simile | He is as thick as a brick. |
simile | Spencer is like a rat. |
simile | He spun like a fiery tornado. |
simile | The ocean is as blue as the sky. |
simile | You shine bright like a diamond. |
stanza | a group of lines in a poem or song that is SEPARATED from the rest of the poem or song |
vowels | a, e, i o, u |