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Western Drugs

Action, Uses, Caution, Side effect

SSRI Action Decrease the reuptake of serotonion at select nerve terminals in CNS. Also have weak uptake on Norepienpherine and Dopamine Increase availability of serotonin at receptors = mood elevation, reduced anxiety
SSRI Uses Mild to Moderate Depression, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Panic Disorder
SSRI Contra Hypersensitivity to SSRIs, Concurrent use of MAO inhibitors
SSRI Caution Zoloft may cause delusional and aggressive behavior
SSRI Side effects Insomnia, anxiety, Palpitations, h/a Dyspepsia, Diarrhea, tremor, excessive sweating
Nursing Implications 1. Monitor Liver function while taking drug 2. Check the client's history for possible seizure disorders due to lower seizure threshold 3. Don't give with MAO inhibitors 4. Do not abruptly stop med, must be gradual.
MAO Inhibitor Action Inhibits monoamine oxidase, enzyme involved in metabolism of amines, ie, epineperine, noreprineprine, tryamine, seratonin. MAO increase these transmitter = reduce depression For depression thought to be due to low noreprineprine and dopamine
MAO Inhibitor Uses Relieves s/s of manic depression, clinical depression and psychosis. For severe depression in patients who don't respond to other treatment.
MAO Inhibitor Contras Impaired renal of hepatic function
MAO Inhibitor Side effect Orthostatic hypo-tension, seizures, hypertensive crisis Weight gain, sexual dysfunction, edema, blurry vision, diarhea
Tricyclic Antidepressants Action Decrease the reabsorption of norepinepherine, & seratonin, which allows more of neurotransmitters to be available at postsynaptic receptors.
Tricyclic Antidepressants Uses Endogenous, reactive depression Depression related to alcohol or cocaine withdrawal Reserved for patients who don't respond well to other antibiotics
Tricyclic Antidepressants Contras Acute recovery of Myocardial ischemia or Severe CAD Hyperthyroidism
Tricyclic Antidepressants Side effects Sedation, orthostatic hypotension, arrhythmias Cholinergic effects: dry moth, h/a, urinary retention
Tricyclic Antidepressants Nursing Implications 1. Older patients are more susceptible to morning orthostatic hypotension. 2. Adminster at bedtime 3. Advise client to stop smoking 4. Teach client to avoid alcohol
Antihistamines Action Competitively block H1-receptor sites on effector cells and impede histamine regulate response.
Antihistamines Uses Prevent and treat allergic reaction Allergic transfusion reaction Motion sickness and insomnia Used with epinephrine in the management of aniphalxis
Antihistamines Contra Sensitivity to antihistamines
Antihistamines Precautions History of acute asthmatic problems, pregnancy and lactation, Urinary obstruction, Glaucoma
Antihistamines Side Effects Benadryl: Sedation, disturbed coordination, epigastric distress, thickening of bronchial secretions, dry mouth, drowsy, oral use only Vistaril: Drowsiness, dry mouth, hypotension, potentiates narcotics & barbituates Antivert: Drowsy, dry mouth, oral onl
Broncodialators Action Beta2-Selective adrenergic agonists. Sympathomimetic agents relax the beta2-receptors to relax smooth muscle in bronchials, producing dilation
Broncodialators Uses Short acting, preparations to treat exacerbation of asthma. Short term relief of bronchoconstriction due to bronchitis or emphysema
Broncodialators Contras Cardiovascular disease, thyroid disease, DM Lactation, sensitivity, seizure disorders
Broncodialators Precautions Sensitivity to sympathomemtics Terbualine: Not given to kids under 12 y.o.
Diuretics Action Loop Diuretics: Inhibit Na and Cl reabsorption through direct action primarily in the ascending loop of Henle but also in proximal and distal tubules. Thiazide Diuretics: Act primarily on the distal tubules, inhibit Na and Cl
Diuretics Uses Treat edema that involves fluid volume excess resulting from a number of disorders of the heart, liver and kidney
Diuretics Contras Hypersensitivity to sulfonmides Severe adrenocortical impairment, anuria, progressive oliguria Fluid and electrolyte depletion
Diuretics Precautions Hepatic cirrhosis and coma Renal dysfunction Bronchial Asthma
Diuretics Side effects Unusual Tiredness, weakness and dizziness Irregular Heart Beat, weak pulse, orthostatic hypotension Tinnitus, hearing loss (lasix)
Hypertension Classifications Blood Pressure is regulated by cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance. Medications that influence CO or PVR lead to contol of BP
What systems regulate cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure? Vascular, Cardiac, and Renal and the Sympathetic Nervous System Antihypertensive drugs that influence these systems to lower the BP are ACE inhibitors, beta-adrenergic blockers and calcium channel blockers
Diuretics Uses Treat edema that involves fluid volume excess resulting from a number of disorders of the heart, liver and kidney
Diuretics Contras Hypersensitivity to sulfonmides Severe adrenocortical impairment, anuiria, progressive oliguria Fluid and electrolyte depletion
Diuretics Precautions Hepatic cirrhosis and coma Renal dysfunction Bronchial Asthma
Diuretics Side effects Unusual Tiredness, weakness and dizziness Irregular Heart Beat, weak pulse, orthostatic hypotension Tinnitus, hearing loss (lasix)
Hypertension Classifications Blood Pressure is regulated by cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance. Medications that influence CO or PVR lead to contol of BP
What systems regulate cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure? Vascular, Cardiac, and Renal and the Sympathetic Nervous System
ACE inhibitors (Antihypertensive) Actions Block the conversion of angiotensis 1 to angiotensin 11, a vasoconstrictor. This block causes vasodialation and therefore decreases PVR, resulting in a decrease in BP. Aldosterone is also blocked, causing decrease in sodium and water retention.
Beta blockers (Antihypertensive) Actions Prevent sympathetic stimulation of the heart, thereby reducing heart rate contractility.
Calcium Channel Blockers (Antihypertensive) Actions Block calcium influx into the beta-receptors, decrease the force of the myocardial contraction, reduce the heart rate, and decrease PVR
Antihypertensive Uses Mild to Moderate essential hypertension Frequently in combination either as separate drugs or in combination with other drugs Beta-adrenergic Blockers are among the most widely used
Examples of Beta Blockers Inderal Tenormin Lopressor Corgard
Actions of Beta Blockers Blocks the sympathetic nervous system catecholamines, resulting from reduced renin and aldosterone release and fluid balance. Vasodialation of arterioles leads to decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance and BP
Uses of Beta Blockers Hypertension, antianginal agents in long-term treatment of angina Dysrhythmias-suppress sinus and atrial tachydysrythmias
Beta Blockers Contras Preganacy and Lactation
Beta Blockers Precautions Can Cause Brachioconstriction, use caution with DM, thyrotoxicosis, cerrebrovascular insufficency, renal and hepatic dysfunction
Beta Blockers Side effects Hypothension, bradycardia, drowsiness, depression, symptoms of CHF Insomnia, wheezing, dyspnea, malaise, lethargy
Nitroglycerin classification Nitrate vasodialtor
Nitroglycerin Action Relaxes vascular (arterial and venous) with more prominent effects on veins, which decrease preload. Arteriolar relaxation reduces systematic vascular resistance, which decreases afterload
Nitroglycerin Uses Relief of anginal pain In conjunction with beta blockers or calcium channel blockers suppress tachycardia
Nitroglycerin Contraindications Hypersensitive clients Severe anemia Acute myocardial infaraction, cardiomyopathy Head trauma, cerebral hemorrhage
Nitroglycerin Precations Severe hepatic or Renal disease
Nitroglycerin Side Effects Orthostatic hypotension Dry Mouth, blurred vision Tachycardia, headaches
Digitalis Classification Cardiac Glycoside
Digitalis Action Affects mechanical & electrial action of the heart which increase myocardial contractility. Alters the electrical activity of the noncontractile tissues & ventricular muscle (eg automatically, refractoriness, and impulse conduction) Inhibits Na-K ATPase
Digitalis Uses Heart Failure--Improve Cardiac Output Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter
Digitalis Contras Hypersensitivity Ventricular tachycardia
Digitalis Precautions Renal insuffinecy, hypokalemia, advanced heart disease, acute MI, incomplete AV block, pregancy
Digitalis Side effects Dizziness, H/A, malaise, fatigue, muscle weakness, visual disturbance, anorexia, Hypokalemia, arrhythmas, bradycardia
NSAIDs Action Suppress inflammation by inhibition of cyclooxygenase, an enzyme responsible for synthesis of prostaglandins. ie inhibits formation and release of prostaglandins.
NSAIDs Uses Mild to Moderate pain relief, Reduces inflammation
NSAIDs Contras Hypersensitivity to asprin, Clients with Viral illness
NSAIDs Precautions Upper GI disorders Renal & Hepatic impairment
NSAIDs Side Effects Dyspepsia, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, rash, dizziness, heart burn, GI bleeding
Created by: hannahyaya
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