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VSL Unit 1 Ws 8 app

vocabulary from the app

sauté aux yeux was striking, jumped out at
les loisirs (m) leisure activities
au niveau de in term of
pareil(le) same
un manque lack
chargé(e) busy
une ambiance de travail a working environment
une matière en option optional subjects, elective
le choix choice
améliorer to improve
adresser la parole à to speak to
consacrer du temps à to devote/ give time to shg
le stress stress
un petit peu a little bit
la cuisine cooking
le dessin drawing, art classes
obligatoire compulsory
lever la main to put your hand up
l'autorité (f) authority
l'influence (f) influence
servir à faire quelque chose to be used for doing something/ to be for doing shg
Soyons prudent ! Let's be careful !
Va-t-en ! Go away !
Vas-y ! Gon on !
Veuillez corriger mes erreurs Please correct my mistake (literally please want to correct my mistakes)
Sache que je suis là pour toi Know that I am there for you
donner un conseil/ donner des conseils to give a piece of advice/ to give advice
les bonnes habitudes scolaires good school working habits
paniquer to panic
systématiquement systematically
suffisamment enough, sufficiently, adequately
se coucher to lie down, to go to bed
de bonne heure early
partir to leave
une colonie de vacances a holiday camp
la filière (here) pathway, course, subjects
fumer to smoke
il ne va écouter personne he is not going to listen to anybody
courir to run
poursuivre des études to pursue studies, to continue with studies
à la fête at the party
de l'alcool (m) alcohol
rendre visite à quelqu'un to visit so
le millénaire millenium
discuter to discuss
tel(le) such, similar, like this
exister to exist
disparaître to disappear
changer de forme to change the form
transformer to transform
faciliter to faciliter, to make something easier
la compréhension understanding
la mémoire memory
tout le monde everybody
être muni(e) de to be equipped with
se développer to develop
de plus en plus more and more
une notion notion, idea, concept
compliqué(e) complicated, difficult, intricate
avoir la soif d'apprendre to be thirsty for, to be eager for, to be keen for
permettre to allow, to permit, to enable, to authorize
incorporer incorporate, to integrate, to mix, to blend
remplacer to replace
mener à to lead to
être d'accord to agree
défavoriser to disadvantage, to treat unfairly, to discriminate
s'intégrer to integrate, to fit in, to blend
aider quelqu'un à faire quelque chose to help so do shg
nombreux/ nombreuse a lot of, plentiful
un expert, une experte expert
privilégier, favoriser, avantager to favour, to advantage,
personne nobody
tente to atte, mpt, to try
contrairement à unlike, contrary to
échouer à to fail
être déscolarisé(e) to be withdrawn from school, to be taken out of school
être scolarisé(e) to be sent to school
adapter to adapt
en particulier in particular, particularly, especially
le pourcentage percentage
le taux de chômage unemployment rate
un non-diplômé, une non-diplômée someone who left school without completing their final exams
un diplômé, une diplômée someone with a degree
élevé(e) high
Created by: CathyLebrun
Popular French sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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