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Hip muscle mnemonics
hip muscle
Question | Answer |
Group 1 - BUN | FLEX your buns on long TRIPS |
Group 1 Flexor muscles: | tensor fascia latae, rectus femoris, iliacus, psoas major, sartorius |
Group 1- region, innervation, exceptions: | Anterior thigh - femoral n. - (TFL-superior glut.n.) |
Group 2 - SHOE | EXTEND your shoe By Getting Shoe Stretchers |
Group 2 - Extensor muscles: | biceps femoris, gluteus max., semimembranosus, semitendinosus |
Group 2 - region, innervation, exceptions: | Posterior thigh - sciatic n. (tib.)- (glut.max-'s the most inferior of the 3 gluts.) |
Group 3 - TREE | ABDUCT the Tiny Gray Goose from the tree. |
Group 3 - Abductors: | tensor fascia latae, glut.medius, glut.minimus |
Group 3 - region, innervation, exceptions: | Lateral glut.region - superior glut.n. - none |
Group 4 - DOOR | A DUCT made A GAP in the door. |
Group 4 - Adductors: | Add.brevis, add.longus, add.magnus, gracilis, pectineus |
Group 4 - region, innervation, exceptions: | Medial thigh - obturator n. - (ext.head of add.magnus also extends, so it's nerve is the sciatic) |
Group 5 - HIVE | ROTATE the hives, cuz they're gettin' giggity! (POOQGG) |
Group 5 - Deep Rotators: | piriformis, obturator internus, obturator externus, quadratus femoris, gemellus inferior, gemellus superior |
Group 5 - region, innervation, exceptions: | Deep posterior gluteal - varies - pirifomis/piri n. - - obt.ext/obt - quad.fem/ - gem.inf/quad.fem - gem.sup/ |