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Cisco Cheat Sheet

type enable to enter privilege mode type config terminal type interface vlan 1 type ip address type no shutdown – required to activate the management address type exit type ip default-gateway Adding an IP address to a switch
type enable to enter privilege mode
type config terminal to enter global mode
type interface vlan 1 to configure ip on vlan 1
type ip address configure ip on vlan 1
type no shutdown required to activate the management address
type exit to exit mode
type ip default-gateway asign gateway to vlan
type enable to enter privilege mode type config terminal type interface vlan 1 type no ip address Removing an IP address from a switch
type interface fastethernet0/{port #} the port # is essential or else an “Incomplete Command” will result
MyRouter# conf t To access Global Configuration Mode
MyRouter(config)# interface GigabitEthernetX/YMyRouter(config-int)# Interface Mode
MyRouter(config)# router routing-protocol-name (e.g. ospf, rip, ..)MyRouter(config-route)# Routing Configuration Mode
MyRouter$ enableMyRouter# conf tMyRouter(config)# hostname "XoolRouter"XoolRouter(config)# Configure name of router
XoolRouter(config)# ip name-server a.b.c.d Configure internal name-servers for usage on the unit
XoolRouter(config)# ntp server a.b.c.d Configure NTP
XoolRouter(config-int)# shut Disable / shutdown a port
XoolRouter(config-int)# switchport mode trunkXoolRouter(config-int)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q Set a port to trunk mode (isl or 802.1q vlans)
XoolRouter(config-int)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 100 Set allowed vlan on interface in trunk mode
XoolRouter(config-int)# switchport trunk set native vlan 1 Set a native vlan on a trunk port, all packets not tagged with vlan headers
XoolRouter(config-int)# switchport mode accessXoolRouter(config-int)# switchport access vlan 100 Set an interface/port to access on the vlan 100
XoolRouter(config-int)# no shut To negate a command
XoolRouter(config-int)# no switchportXoolRouter(config-int)# ip address a.b.c.d (netmask) Add IP address to interface
XoolRouter(config-int)# ip helper-address a.b.c.d Relay broadcast (e.g. to dhcp server)
XoolRouter# copy tftp://a.b.c.d/filename.bin flash: Upgrade IOS
XoolRouter# reload To restart the router
XoolRouter# reload in 15 To restart the unit when a time delay of e.g. 15 minutes has passed
XoolRouter# reload cancel Cancel a pending reload
Show access-lists - all access lists on the router
Show cdp timer and holdtime frequency
Show cdp entry * same as next
Show cdp neighbors detail details of neighbor with ip add and ios version
Show cdp neighbors id, local interface, holdtime, capability, platform portid
Show cdp interface - int’s running cdp and their encapsulation
Show cdp traffic cdp packets sent and received
Show controllers serial 0 DTE or DCE status
Show dialer number of times dialer string has been reached, other stats
Show flash files in flash
Show frame-relay map static and dynamic maps for PVC’s
Show frame-relay pvc pvc’s and dlci’s
Show history commands entered
Show hosts contents of host table
Show int f0/26 stats of f0/26
Show interface Ethernet 0 show stats of Ethernet 0
Show ip ip config of switch
Show ip access-lists ip access-lists on switch
Show ip interface ip config of interface
Show ip protocols routing protocols and timers
Show ip route Displays IP routing table
Show ipx access-lists same, only ipx
Show ipx interfaces RIP and SAP info being sent and received, IPX addresses
Show ipx route ipx routes in the table
Show ipx servers SAP table
Show ipx traffic RIP and SAP info
Show isdn active number with active status
Show isdn status shows if SPIDs are valid, if connected
Show mac-address-table contents of the dynamic table
Show protocols routed protocols and net_addresses of interfaces
Show running-config dram config file
Show sessions connections via telnet to remote device
Show startup-config nvram config file
Show terminal shows history size
Show trunk a/b trunk stat of port 26/27
Show version ios info, uptime, address of switch
Show vlan all configured vlan’s
Show vlan-membership - vlan assignments
Show vtp vtp configs
Config# banner motd # TYPE MESSAGE HERE # # can be substituted for any character, must start and finish the message
Config# description THIS IS THE SOUTH ROUTER can be entered at the Config-if level
Config# boot system tftp FILENAME SERVER_IP Example: boot system tftp 2600_ios.bin
Config# cdp run Turns CDP on
Config# cdp holdtime 180 Sets the time that a device remains. Default is 180
Config# cdp timer 30 Sets the update timer.The default is 60
Config# int Ethernet 0 Config Ethernet 0
Config-if# cdp enable Enables cdp on the interface
Config-if# no cdp enable Disables CDP on the interface
Config# no cdp run Turns CDP off
Config# ip host ROUTER_NAME INT_Address Example: ip host lab-a
Config# ip domain-lookup Tell router to lookup domain names
Config# ip name-server Location of DNS server
Config# ip domain-name Domain to append to end of names
# clear interface Ethernet 0 Clears counters on the specified interface
# clear counters Clears all interface counters
# clear cdp counters Clears CDP counters
Config# ip route Net_Add SN_Mask Next_Hop_Add Example: ip route
Config# ip route Next_Hop_Add Default route
Config# ip default-network Net_Add Gateway LAN network
Config# ip routing Enabled by default
Config# router rip config router to rip
Created by: alex185
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