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The Duchess

The study of film music

What is the context of "The Duchess"? (Who-What-Where-How-Why-When) WHO: Rachel Portman WHAT: 21st century adaptation of 18th century film score WHERE: Derbyshire HOW: Classical 18th century orchestra WHY: For a biography on Georgina Cavendish's controversial relationships WHEN: 2008
Describe the melody of "The Duchess" [3] Triadic auxilary shaped idea (bar 1, bar 2) D major triad idea descending from tonic to semitone (bar 22) Descending stepwise idea using flattened seventh (bar 35, bar 36)
Describe the harmony and tonality of "The Duchess" [4] D to A minor progression Modal D major Consistent use of C natural suggests mixolydian mode Auxilary figures (bar 35, bar 36)
Describe the rhythm of "The Duchess" [4] Off beat string chords (bar 1 to bar 16) Note values suggest a slow tempo Quaver ostinato rhythm used extensively Quadruple time
Describe the texture of "The Duchess" [3] Quaver fifth accompaniment as an ostinato texture Tonic bass pedal (bar 17 to bar 34) Tutti idea (bar 35, bar 36)
Describe the instrumentation of "The Duchess" [3] Bowed arpeggiated accompaniment figures Solo violin (bar 17) Quaver harp figures
Describe the melody of "Mistake Of Your Life" [4] Rising stepwise figure of G minor scale Piano idea featuring auxiliaries and a rising and falling minor sixth (bar 35 to bar 42) Melody an octave higher (bar 43) Tutti version of piano idea (bar 60 to bar 69)
Describe the harmony and tonality of "Mistake Of Your Life" [6] Imperfect cadence (bar 57 to bar 59) G to D minor progression (bar 19 to bar 34) Flattened chord on F Dissonant minor ninths and elevenths (bar 1) Diatonic minor and modal passages Slips into A minor
Describe the rhythm of "Mistake Of Your Life" [4] Simple triple time Clear pulse (bar 19) Repeating rhythms in both ideas give unity and structure Crotchet countermelody (bar 43 to bar 59)
Describe the texture of "Mistake Of Your Life" [3] Timpani texture (bar 1) Bass pedal note (bar 1) Homorhythmic mainly
Describe the instrumentation of "Mistake Of Your Life" [4] Harp arpeggio figures Upward arpeggio piano figures (middle section) Timpani with ostinato pedal (bar 1) Bowed arpeggiated accompaniment figures
Describe the melody of "Six Years Later" [3] Triadic ideas (bar 3 to bar 23) Decorated at time with chromatic lower auxiliary notes (bar 6) Material from "The Duchess" (bar 30 to bar 34)
Describe the harmony and tonality of "Six Years Later" [4] Quaver fifths (bar 64 to bar 66) Augmented chord (bar 24 to bar 29) D to A minor progression Modally inflected D major
Describe the rhythm of "Six Years Later" [4] Traditional oom cha cha accompaniment figures Lively rhythmic feel Compound time Auxilary figures starting on second quaver of the bar
Describe the texture of "Six Years Later" [2] Monophonic (bar 1, bar 2) Quaver fifth accompaniment as an ostinato texture (bar 30 to bar 24)
Describe the instrumentation of "Six Years Later" [3] Pizzicato offbeat chords Solo violin in corresponding sections Bowed arpeggiated accompaniment figures (bar 30 to bar 34)
Describe the melody of "Never See Your Children Again" [3] Slow rising stepwise idea Rocking quaver figures throughout Rising stepwise figure of G minor scale (bar 22 to bar 37)
Describe the harmony and tonality of "Never See You Children Again" [5] D minor Consistent C naturals imply dorian mode Dissonant and unresolved final chord leaves tonality in doubt Simultaneous seconds and thirds (bar 1) Descending harmonies over a tonic pedal (ending)
Describe the rhythm of "Never See Your Children Again" [3] Gentle rocking simple triple time metre Other parts move in dotted minims Rocking quavers more or less throughout
Describe the texture of "Never See Your Children Again" [3] Bass pedal note (bar 22 to bar 37) Homorhythmic (bar 22 to bar 37) Sustained descending bass line (bar 1 to bar 21)
Describe the instrumentation of "Never See Your Children Again" [3] Dissonant string quaver figures (bar 1 to bar 21) Harp arpeggio figures (bar 22 to bar 37) Bowed arpeggiated accompaniment figures (bar 22 to bar 37)
Describe "End Titles" using any of the elements of music [2] Shortened from "The Duchess" (bar 1 to bar 8) Slight variations made with some bars omitted on material from "The Duchess" (bar 9 to bar 24)
Wider Listening: "Busy Nothings" from "Mansfield Park" by Lesley Barber [6] Melody: Fifth intervals with false relations Harmony: Simple tonic and dominant chords Tonality: In a playful G minor Rhythm: Detached crotchets Texture: Sparse with bass pizzicato Sonority: Pizzicato strings and piano represent clock
Wider Listening: "Humility And Love" from "Creation" by Christopher Young [6] Melody: Scalic with a perfect fourth Harmony: Second inversion of chord six Tonality: Emotional F minor Rhythm: Sustained first beat of semiquaver runs Texture: Ethereal monophonic piano Sonority: Bell sounds with piano sound magical
Wider Listening: "Long Leash" from "Grey Gardens" by Rachel Portman [6] Melody: Rising sequence between leading notes Harmony: F major seventh chord Tonality: Stays in F major Rhythm: Shimmering octave piano quavers Texture: Clarinet crescendo thickens the texture Sonority: Warm clarinet with lush strings
Wider Listening: "Lionel And Bertie" from "The King's Speech" by Alexandre Desplat Melody: Conjunct with a descent of a fifth Harmony: Chord four and five progressions Tonality: In a wistful Bb major Rhythm: Lilting quadruple time Texture: String chords as the accompaniment Sonority: Flute is folk song like in the solo
Created by: 13hored
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