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Review for Texas 6th grade science

asteroid small rocky body floating in space, mostly located in the asteroid belt and Kuiper belt, has no atmosphere
meteor a meteoroid that has entered the Earth's atmosphere and started to burn, creating a white streak in the sky
meteoroid small, rocky body moving randomly through space
meteorite a meteor that does not burn up in the atmosphere and hits the Earth's surface
comet a ball of rock, dust and ice moving in an elliptical orbit around the sun, gets a tail when it approaches the sun due to melting ice
satellite any object, natural or man-made orbiting around another object
sun medium sized star at the center of our solar system
orbit path one object takes around another; planets orbit the sun due to a balance between the gravitational attraction between the sun and planet and the speed of the planet
revolution moving around another object; Earth revolves around the Sun once a year
rotation spinning on an axis; Earth rotates on its axis once a day
mass the amount of matter in an object
weight the force of gravity acting on an object
gravity force all objects have due to their mass; amount of gravity depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them
Newton's Law of Gravitation all objects in the universe are attracted to all other objects
inertia an object's resistance to any change in its motion
solar system one star, eight planets, 150+ moons, dwarf planets, comets meteoroids and asteroids
Mercury 1st planet from the sun, very hot and very cold
Venus 2nd planet from the sun, toxic atmosphere, spins backward
Earth 3rd planet from the sun, can support life, has a breathable atmosphere
Mars 4th planet from the sun, called the red planet due to abundance of iron oxide on its surface
Jupiter 5th planet from the sun, gas giant, red spot is a giant storm
Saturn 6th planet from the sun, known for its many rings
Uranus 7th planet from the sun, spins on its side, appears blue due to methane gas in its atmosphere
Neptune 8th planet from the sun, gas giant, has rings, sister planet to Uranus
inner planet rocky and terrestrial; Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
outer planet gas giant; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
asteroid belt located between Jupiter and Mars; large area of asteroids orbiting the sun
dwarf planet smaller than the other planets, located in the asteroid belt, Kuiper belt or past Neptune; 5 known so far
International Space Station Orbits Earth, built by 16 countries, humans always aboard doing experiments; powered by solar panels
probe unmanned space vessel that is sent far distances to observe space objects and phenomena
Space Shuttle retired space vessel used to carry humans and cargo into space
Sputnik first satellite to orbit Earth; launched by the Russians in 1957
Created by: bwilliamsscience
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